
441 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import random
from sklearn import preprocessing
import numpy as np
import time
import concurrent.futures
from typing import Dict, List
from utils.utils import gen_collection_name, patch_faker_text, en_vocabularies_distribution, \
from utils.util_log import test_log as logger
import pytest
from base.testbase import TestBase
from utils.utils import gen_vector
from pymilvus import (
from faker import Faker
fake_en = Faker("en_US")
fake_zh = Faker("zh_CN")
patch_faker_text(fake_en, en_vocabularies_distribution)
patch_faker_text(fake_zh, zh_vocabularies_distribution)
index_param_map = {
"FLAT": {},
"IVF_SQ8": {"nlist": 128},
"HNSW": {"M": 16, "efConstruction": 200},
"BM25_SPARSE_INVERTED_INDEX": {"bm25_k1": 0.5, "bm25_b": 0.5},
class TestCreateIndex(TestBase):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("metric_type", ["L2", "COSINE", "IP"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", ["AUTOINDEX", "IVF_SQ8", "HNSW"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [128])
def test_index_default(self, dim, metric_type, index_type):
target: test create collection
method: create a collection with a simple schema
expected: create collection success
name = gen_collection_name()
client = self.collection_client
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"schema": {
"fields": [
{"fieldName": "book_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPrimary": True, "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "word_count", "dataType": "Int64", "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "book_describe", "dataType": "VarChar", "elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "256"}},
{"fieldName": "book_intro", "dataType": "FloatVector", "elementTypeParams": {"dim": f"{dim}"}}
}"create collection {name} with payload: {payload}")
rsp = client.collection_create(payload)
c = Collection(name)
# list index, expect empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(name)
# create index
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexParams": [
{"fieldName": "book_intro", "indexName": "book_intro_vector",
"metricType": f"{metric_type}",
"indexType": f"{index_type}",
"params": index_param_map[index_type]
# Create multiple index creation tasks
num_threads = 10 # Number of concurrent tasks
payloads = [payload.copy() for _ in range(num_threads)]
def create_index(idx_payload: Dict) -> Dict:
return self.index_client.index_create(idx_payload)
# Execute index creation concurrently
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
future_to_payload = {executor.submit(create_index, p): p for p in payloads}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_payload):
rsp = future.result()
assert rsp['code'] == 0
except Exception as e:'Index creation failed with error: {str(e)}')
time.sleep(10) # Wait for all indexes to be ready
# list index, expect not empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(collection_name=name)
# describe index
rsp = self.index_client.index_describe(collection_name=name, index_name="book_intro_vector")
assert rsp['code'] == 0
assert len(rsp['data']) == len(payload['indexParams'])
expected_index = sorted(payload['indexParams'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
actual_index = sorted(rsp['data'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
for i in range(len(expected_index)):
assert expected_index[i]['fieldName'] == actual_index[i]['fieldName']
assert expected_index[i]['indexName'] == actual_index[i]['indexName']
assert expected_index[i]['metricType'] == actual_index[i]['metricType']
assert expected_index[i]["indexType"] == actual_index[i]['indexType']
# check index by pymilvus
index_info = [index.to_dict() for index in c.indexes]"index_info: {index_info}")
for index in index_info:
index_param = index["index_param"]
if index_param["index_type"] == "SPARSE_INVERTED_INDEX":
assert index_param["metric_type"] == "BM25"
assert index_param.get("params", {}) == index_param_map["BM25_SPARSE_INVERTED_INDEX"]
assert index_param["metric_type"] == metric_type
assert index_param["index_type"] == index_type
assert index_param.get("params", {}) == index_param_map[index_type]
# drop index
for i in range(len(actual_index)):
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexName": actual_index[i]['indexName']
rsp = self.index_client.index_drop(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
# list index, expect empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(collection_name=name)
assert rsp['data'] == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", ["INVERTED"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [128])
def test_index_for_scalar_field(self, dim, index_type):
target: test create collection
method: create a collection with a simple schema
expected: create collection success
name = gen_collection_name()
client = self.collection_client
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"schema": {
"fields": [
{"fieldName": "book_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPrimary": True, "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "word_count", "dataType": "Int64", "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "book_describe", "dataType": "VarChar", "elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "256"}},
{"fieldName": "book_intro", "dataType": "FloatVector", "elementTypeParams": {"dim": f"{dim}"}}
}"create collection {name} with payload: {payload}")
rsp = client.collection_create(payload)
# insert data
for i in range(1):
data = []
for j in range(3000):
tmp = {
"book_id": j,
"word_count": j,
"book_describe": f"book_{j}",
"book_intro": preprocessing.normalize([np.array([random.random() for _ in range(dim)])])[
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"data": data
rsp = self.vector_client.vector_insert(payload)
c = Collection(name)
# list index, expect empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(name)
# create index
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexParams": [{"fieldName": "word_count", "indexName": "word_count_vector", "indexType": "INVERTED",
"params": {"index_type": "INVERTED"}}]
rsp = self.index_client.index_create(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
# list index, expect not empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(collection_name=name)
# describe index
rsp = self.index_client.index_describe(collection_name=name, index_name="word_count_vector")
assert rsp['code'] == 0
assert len(rsp['data']) == len(payload['indexParams'])
expected_index = sorted(payload['indexParams'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
actual_index = sorted(rsp['data'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
for i in range(len(expected_index)):
assert expected_index[i]['fieldName'] == actual_index[i]['fieldName']
assert expected_index[i]['indexName'] == actual_index[i]['indexName']
assert expected_index[i]['indexType'] == actual_index[i]['indexType']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", ["BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("metric_type", ["JACCARD", "HAMMING"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [128])
def test_index_for_binary_vector_field(self, dim, metric_type, index_type):
target: test create collection
method: create a collection with a simple schema
expected: create collection success
name = gen_collection_name()
client = self.collection_client
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"schema": {
"fields": [
{"fieldName": "book_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPrimary": True, "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "word_count", "dataType": "Int64", "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "book_describe", "dataType": "VarChar", "elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "256"}},
{"fieldName": "binary_vector", "dataType": "BinaryVector", "elementTypeParams": {"dim": f"{dim}"}}
}"create collection {name} with payload: {payload}")
rsp = client.collection_create(payload)
# insert data
for i in range(1):
data = []
for j in range(3000):
tmp = {
"book_id": j,
"word_count": j,
"book_describe": f"book_{j}",
"binary_vector": gen_vector(datatype="BinaryVector", dim=dim)
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"data": data
rsp = self.vector_client.vector_insert(payload)
c = Collection(name)
# list index, expect empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(name)
# create index
index_name = "binary_vector_index"
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexParams": [{"fieldName": "binary_vector", "indexName": index_name, "metricType": metric_type, "indexType": index_type,
"params": {"index_type": index_type}}]
if index_type == "BIN_IVF_FLAT":
payload["indexParams"][0]["params"]["nlist"] = "16384"
rsp = self.index_client.index_create(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
# list index, expect not empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(collection_name=name)
# describe index
rsp = self.index_client.index_describe(collection_name=name, index_name=index_name)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
assert len(rsp['data']) == len(payload['indexParams'])
expected_index = sorted(payload['indexParams'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
actual_index = sorted(rsp['data'], key=lambda x: x['fieldName'])
for i in range(len(expected_index)):
assert expected_index[i]['fieldName'] == actual_index[i]['fieldName']
assert expected_index[i]['indexName'] == actual_index[i]['indexName']
assert expected_index[i]['indexType'] == actual_index[i]['indexType']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("insert_round", [1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("auto_id", [True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_partition_key", [True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("enable_dynamic_schema", [True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb", [3000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [128])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tokenizer", ['standard', 'jieba'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", ['SPARSE_INVERTED_INDEX', 'SPARSE_WAND'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bm25_k1", [1.2, 1.5])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bm25_b", [0.7, 0.5])
def test_create_index_for_full_text_search(self, nb, dim, insert_round, auto_id, is_partition_key,
enable_dynamic_schema, tokenizer, index_type, bm25_k1, bm25_b):
Insert a vector with a simple payload
# create a collection
name = gen_collection_name()
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"schema": {
"autoId": auto_id,
"enableDynamicField": enable_dynamic_schema,
"fields": [
{"fieldName": "book_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPrimary": True, "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "user_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPartitionKey": is_partition_key,
"elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "word_count", "dataType": "Int64", "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "book_describe", "dataType": "VarChar", "elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "256"}},
{"fieldName": "document_content", "dataType": "VarChar",
"elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "1000", "enable_analyzer": True,
"analyzer_params": {
"tokenizer": tokenizer,
"enable_match": True}},
{"fieldName": "sparse_vector", "dataType": "SparseFloatVector"},
"functions": [
"name": "bm25_fn",
"type": "BM25",
"inputFieldNames": ["document_content"],
"outputFieldNames": ["sparse_vector"],
"params": {}
rsp = self.collection_client.collection_create(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
rsp = self.collection_client.collection_describe(name)"rsp: {rsp}")
assert rsp['code'] == 0
if tokenizer == 'standard':
fake = fake_en
elif tokenizer == 'jieba':
fake = fake_zh
raise Exception("Invalid tokenizer")
# insert data
for i in range(insert_round):
data = []
for j in range(nb):
idx = i * nb + j
if auto_id:
tmp = {
"user_id": idx % 100,
"word_count": j,
"book_describe": f"book_{idx}",
"document_content": fake.text().lower(),
tmp = {
"book_id": idx,
"user_id": idx % 100,
"word_count": j,
"book_describe": f"book_{idx}",
"document_content": fake.text().lower(),
if enable_dynamic_schema:
tmp.update({f"dynamic_field_{i}": i})
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"data": data,
rsp = self.vector_client.vector_insert(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 0
assert rsp['data']['insertCount'] == nb
assert rsp['code'] == 0
# create index
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexParams": [
{"fieldName": "sparse_vector", "indexName": "sparse_vector",
"metricType": "BM25",
"indexType": index_type,
"params": {"bm25_k1": bm25_k1, "bm25_b": bm25_b}
rsp = self.index_client.index_create(payload)
c = Collection(name)
index_info = [index.to_dict() for index in c.indexes]"index_info: {index_info}")
for info in index_info:
assert info['index_param']['metric_type'] == 'BM25'
assert info['index_param']["params"]['bm25_k1'] == bm25_k1
assert info['index_param']["params"]['bm25_b'] == bm25_b
assert info['index_param']['index_type'] == index_type
class TestCreateIndexNegative(TestBase):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_type", ["BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("metric_type", ["L2", "IP", "COSINE"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [128])
def test_index_for_binary_vector_field_with_mismatch_metric_type(self, dim, metric_type, index_type):
name = gen_collection_name()
client = self.collection_client
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"schema": {
"fields": [
{"fieldName": "book_id", "dataType": "Int64", "isPrimary": True, "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "word_count", "dataType": "Int64", "elementTypeParams": {}},
{"fieldName": "book_describe", "dataType": "VarChar", "elementTypeParams": {"max_length": "256"}},
{"fieldName": "binary_vector", "dataType": "BinaryVector", "elementTypeParams": {"dim": f"{dim}"}}
}"create collection {name} with payload: {payload}")
rsp = client.collection_create(payload)
# insert data
for i in range(1):
data = []
for j in range(3000):
tmp = {
"book_id": j,
"word_count": j,
"book_describe": f"book_{j}",
"binary_vector": gen_vector(datatype="BinaryVector", dim=dim)
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"data": data
rsp = self.vector_client.vector_insert(payload)
c = Collection(name)
# list index, expect empty
rsp = self.index_client.index_list(name)
# create index
index_name = "binary_vector_index"
payload = {
"collectionName": name,
"indexParams": [{"fieldName": "binary_vector", "indexName": index_name, "metricType": metric_type,
"params": {"index_type": index_type}}]
if index_type == "BIN_IVF_FLAT":
payload["indexParams"][0]["params"]["nlist"] = "16384"
rsp = self.index_client.index_create(payload)
assert rsp['code'] == 1100
assert "not supported" in rsp['message']