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import threading
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
from utils import util_pymilvus as ut
from common.constants import default_entities, default_fields
from common.common_type import CaseLabel
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
# TIMEOUT = 120
default_nb = ut.default_nb
default_tag = ut.default_tag
class TestCreateBase:
The following cases are used to test `create_partition` function
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="skip temporarily for debug")
# @pytest.mark.timeout(600)
def test_create_partition_limit(self, connect, collection, args):
target: test create partitions, check status returned
method: call function: create_partition for 4097 times
expected: exception raised
threads_num = 8
threads = []
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def create(connect, threads_num):
for i in range(ut.max_partition_num // threads_num):
tag_tmp = ut.gen_unique_str()
connect.create_partition(collection, tag_tmp)
for i in range(threads_num):
m = ut.get_milvus(host=args["ip"], port=args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
t = threading.Thread(target=create, args=(m, threads_num))
for t in threads:
tag_tmp = ut.gen_unique_str()
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_partition(collection, tag_tmp)
def test_create_partition_repeat(self, connect, collection):
target: test create partition, check status returned
method: call function: create_partition
expected: status ok
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
except Exception as e:
code = getattr(e, 'code', "The exception does not contain the field of code.")
assert code == 1
message = getattr(e, 'message', "The exception does not contain the field of message.")
assert message == "CreatePartition failed: partition name = %s already exists" % default_tag
assert ut.compare_list_elements(connect.list_partitions(collection), [default_tag, '_default'])
def test_create_partition_name_name_none(self, connect, collection):
target: test create partition, tag name set None, check status returned
method: call function: create_partition
expected: status ok
tag_name = None
connect.create_partition(collection, tag_name)
except Exception as e:
assert e.args[0] == "`partition_name` value None is illegal"
class TestShowBase:
The following cases are used to test `list_partitions` function
def test_list_partitions(self, connect, collection):
target: test show partitions, check status and partitions returned
method: create partition first, then call function: list_partitions
expected: status ok, partition correct
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(connect.list_partitions(collection), [default_tag, '_default'])
def test_list_partitions_no_partition(self, connect, collection):
target: test show partitions with collection name, check status and partitions returned
method: call function: list_partitions
expected: status ok, partitions correct
res = connect.list_partitions(collection)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(res, ['_default'])
def test_show_multi_partitions(self, connect, collection):
target: test show partitions, check status and partitions returned
method: create partitions first, then call function: list_partitions
expected: status ok, partitions correct
tag_new = ut.gen_unique_str()
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, tag_new)
res = connect.list_partitions(collection)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(res, [default_tag, tag_new, '_default'])
class TestHasBase:
The following cases are used to test `has_partition` function
def get_tag_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_has_partition_a(self, connect, collection):
target: test has_partition, check status and result
method: create partition first, then call function: has_partition
expected: status ok, result true
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
res = connect.has_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert res
def test_has_partition_multi_partitions(self, connect, collection):
target: test has_partition, check status and result
method: create partition first, then call function: has_partition
expected: status ok, result true
for tag_name in [default_tag, "tag_new", "tag_new_new"]:
connect.create_partition(collection, tag_name)
for tag_name in [default_tag, "tag_new", "tag_new_new"]:
res = connect.has_partition(collection, tag_name)
assert res
def test_has_partition_name_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
target: test has_partition, check status and result
method: then call function: has_partition, with tag not existed
expected: status ok, result empty
res = connect.has_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert not res
def test_has_partition_collection_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
target: test has_partition, check status and result
method: then call function: has_partition, with collection not existed
expected: status not ok
collection_name = "not_existed_collection"
connect.has_partition(collection_name, default_tag)
except Exception as e:
code = getattr(e, 'code', "The exception does not contain the field of code.")
assert code == 1
message = getattr(e, 'message', "The exception does not contain the field of message.")
assert message == "HasPartition failed: can't find collection: %s" % collection_name
def test_has_partition_with_invalid_tag_name(self, connect, collection, get_tag_name):
target: test has partition, with invalid tag name, check status returned
method: call function: has_partition
expected: status ok
tag_name = get_tag_name
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.has_partition(collection, tag_name)
class TestDropBase:
The following cases are used to test `drop_partition` function
def test_drop_partition_repeatedly(self, connect, collection):
target: test drop partition twice, check status and partition if existed
method: create partitions first, then call function: drop_partition
expected: status not ok, no partitions in db
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.drop_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.drop_partition(collection, default_tag)
except Exception as e:
code = getattr(e, 'code', "The exception does not contain the field of code.")
assert code == 1
message = getattr(e, 'message', "The exception does not contain the field of message.")
assert message == "DropPartition failed: partition %s does not exist" % default_tag
tag_list = connect.list_partitions(collection)
assert default_tag not in tag_list
def test_drop_partition_create(self, connect, collection):
target: test drop partition, and create again, check status
method: create partitions first, then call function: drop_partition, create_partition
expected: status not ok, partition in db
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(connect.list_partitions(collection), [default_tag, '_default'])
connect.drop_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(connect.list_partitions(collection), ['_default'])
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
assert ut.compare_list_elements(connect.list_partitions(collection), [default_tag, '_default'])
class TestNameInvalid(object):
def get_tag_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_drop_partition_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, collection, get_collection_name):
target: test drop partition, with invalid collection name, check status returned
method: call function: drop_partition
expected: status not ok
collection_name = get_collection_name
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.drop_partition(collection_name, default_tag)
def test_drop_partition_with_invalid_tag_name(self, connect, collection, get_tag_name):
target: test drop partition, with invalid tag name, check status returned
method: call function: drop_partition
expected: status not ok
tag_name = get_tag_name
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.drop_partition(collection, tag_name)
def test_list_partitions_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, collection, get_collection_name):
target: test show partitions, with invalid collection name, check status returned
method: call function: list_partitions
expected: status not ok
collection_name = get_collection_name
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e: