
23 lines
2.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir ("scripts") {
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $CCACHE_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$CCACHE_DIR -f ccache-\$OS_NAME-\$BUILD_ENV_IMAGE_ID.tar.gz || echo \"Ccache artfactory files not found!\"'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $GO_CACHE_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$(go env GOCACHE) -f go-cache-\$OS_NAME-\$BUILD_ENV_IMAGE_ID.tar.gz || echo \"Go cache artfactory files not found!\"'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $THIRDPARTY_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=$CUSTOM_THIRDPARTY_PATH -f thirdparty-download.tar.gz || echo \"Thirdparty artfactory files not found!\"'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $GO_MOD_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$GOPATH/pkg/mod -f milvus-distributed-go-mod-cache.tar.gz || echo \"Go mod artfactory files not found!\"'
// Zero the cache statistics (but not the configuration options)
sh 'ccache -z'
sh '. ./scripts/ && make install'
sh 'echo -e "===\n=== ccache statistics after build\n===" && ccache --show-stats'
dir ("scripts") {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${env.JFROG_CREDENTIALS_ID}", usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $CCACHE_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$CCACHE_DIR -f ccache-\$OS_NAME-\$BUILD_ENV_IMAGE_ID.tar.gz -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $GO_CACHE_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$(go env GOCACHE) -f go-cache-\$OS_NAME-\$BUILD_ENV_IMAGE_ID.tar.gz -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $THIRDPARTY_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=$CUSTOM_THIRDPARTY_PATH -f thirdparty-download.tar.gz -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}'
sh '. ./ && unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy && ./ -l $GO_MOD_ARTFACTORY_URL --cache_dir=\$GOPATH/pkg/mod -f milvus-distributed-go-mod-cache.tar.gz -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}'