2021-10-05 15:08:28 +00:00
# SegmentSealed
2021-11-15 11:47:59 +00:00
SegmentSealed has an extra interface rather than SegmentInterface:
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2021-10-06 18:03:02 +00:00
1. `LoadIndex(loadIndexInfo)`: load the index. indexInfo contains
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1. `FieldId`
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2. `IndexParams`: index parameters in KV structure KV
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3. `VecIndex`: vector index
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2. `LoadFieldData(loadFieldDataInfo)`: load column data, could be either scalar column or vector column
1. Note: indexes and vector data for the same column may coexist. Indexes are prioritized in search
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3. `DropIndex(fieldId)`: drop and release an existing index of a specified field
4. `DropFieldData(fieldId)`: drop and release existed data for a specified field
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2021-11-11 11:39:00 +00:00
Search is executable as long as all the columns involved in the search are loaded.
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# SegmentSealedImpl internal data definition
1. `row_count_opt_`:
1. Fill row count when load the first entity
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2. All the other columns loaded must match the same row count
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3. `xxx_ready_bitset_` & `system_ready_count_`
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1. Used to record whether the corresponding column is loaded. Bitset corresponds to FieldOffset
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2. Query is executable if and only if all the following conditions are met:
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1. system_ready_count_ == 2, which means all the system columns' RowId/Timestamp are loaded
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2. The scalar columns involved in the query is loaded
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3. For the vector columns involved in the query, either the original data or the index is loaded
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4. `scalar_indexings_`: store scalar index
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1. Use StructuredSortedIndex in knowhere
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5. `primary_key_index_`: store index for pk column
1. Use brand new ScalarIndexBase format
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2. **Note: The functions here may overlap with scalar indexes. It is recommended to replace scalar index with ScalarIndexBase**
2021-10-06 18:03:02 +00:00
6. `field_datas_`: store original data
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1. `aligned_vector<char>` format guarantees `int/float` data are aligned
2021-10-06 18:03:02 +00:00
7. `SealedIndexingRecord vecindexs_`: store vector index
8. `row_ids_/timestamps_`: RowId/Timestamp data
9. `TimestampIndex`: Index for Timestamp column
10. `schema`: schema
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# SegmentSealedImpl internal function definition
1. Most functions are the implementation of the corresponding functions of segment interface, which will not be repeated here
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2. `update_row_count`: Used to update the row_count field
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3. `mask_with_timestamps`: Use Timestamp column to update search bitmask,used to support Time Travel function