2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
import sys
import pdb
import random
import logging
import json
2021-11-09 11:44:28 +00:00
import time
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
import traceback
from multiprocessing import Process
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
from pymilvus import Milvus, DataType
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
import numpy as np
2021-10-14 09:10:35 +00:00
import utils as util
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
import config
from milvus_benchmark.runners import utils
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger("milvus_benchmark.client")
2021-09-18 09:55:50 +00:00
# yaml file and code file comparison table of Index parameters
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
"flat": "FLAT",
"ivf_flat": "IVF_FLAT",
"ivf_sq8": "IVF_SQ8",
"nsg": "NSG",
"ivf_sq8h": "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID",
"ivf_pq": "IVF_PQ",
"hnsw": "HNSW",
"annoy": "ANNOY",
"bin_flat": "BIN_FLAT",
"bin_ivf_flat": "BIN_IVF_FLAT",
"rhnsw_pq": "RHNSW_PQ",
"rhnsw_sq": "RHNSW_SQ"
epsilon = 0.1
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def time_wrapper(func):
This decorator prints the execution time for the decorated function.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
2021-10-11 11:46:30 +00:00
log: Specify output log
rps: Specify the rps of the return interface
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
start = time.time()
# logger.debug("Milvus {} start".format(func.__name__))
log = kwargs.get("log", True)
kwargs.pop("log", None)
2021-10-08 10:07:06 +00:00
rps = kwargs.get("rps", False)
kwargs.pop("rps", None)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
if log:
2021-10-08 10:07:06 +00:00
_rps = round(end - start, 2)
logger.debug("Milvus {} run in {}s".format(func.__name__, _rps))
if rps is not False:
return result, _rps
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return result
return wrapper
class MilvusClient(object):
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def __init__(self, collection_name=None, host=None, port=None, timeout=300):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
self._collection_name = collection_name
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
self._collection_info = None
2021-11-11 10:48:54 +00:00
self._dimension = None
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
start_time = time.time()
if not host:
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if not port:
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# retry connect remote server
i = 0
while time.time() < start_time + timeout:
self._milvus = Milvus(
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Milvus connect failed: %d times" % i)
i = i + 1
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if time.time() > start_time + timeout:
raise Exception("Server connect timeout")
# self._metric_type = None
def __str__(self):
return 'Milvus collection %s' % self._collection_name
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def set_collection(self, collection_name):
2021-10-08 09:50:56 +00:00
""" seting collection name """
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
self._collection_name = collection_name
# TODO: server not support
# def check_status(self, status):
# if not status.OK():
# logger.error(status.message)
# logger.error(self._milvus.server_status())
# logger.error(self.count())
# raise Exception("Status not ok")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def check_result_ids(self, result):
for index, item in enumerate(result):
if item[0].distance >= epsilon:
raise Exception("Distance wrong")
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def collection_name(self):
return self._collection_name
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# only support the given field name
def create_collection(self, dimension, data_type=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, auto_id=False,
collection_name=None, other_fields=None):
self._dimension = dimension
if not collection_name:
collection_name = self._collection_name
vec_field_name = utils.get_default_field_name(data_type)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
fields = [
{"name": vec_field_name, "type": data_type, "params": {"dim": dimension}},
{"name": "id", "type": DataType.INT64, "is_primary": True}
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if other_fields:
other_fields = other_fields.split(",")
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
for other_field_name in other_fields:
if other_field_name.startswith("int"):
field_type = DataType.INT64
elif other_field_name.startswith("float"):
field_type = DataType.FLOAT
elif other_field_name.startswith("double"):
field_type = DataType.DOUBLE
raise Exception("Field name not supported")
fields.append({"name": other_field_name, "type": field_type})
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
create_param = {
"fields": fields,
"auto_id": auto_id}
self._milvus.create_collection(collection_name, create_param)
logger.info("Create collection: <%s> successfully" % collection_name)
except Exception as e:
def create_partition(self, tag, collection_name=None):
if not collection_name:
collection_name = self._collection_name
self._milvus.create_partition(collection_name, tag)
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
def insert(self, entities, collection_name=None, timeout=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
insert_res = self._milvus.insert(tmp_collection_name, entities, timeout=timeout)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
return insert_res.primary_keys
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
def insert_flush(self, entities, _async=False, collection_name=None):
2021-10-06 13:10:03 +00:00
# the method that included insert and flush
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
insert_res = self._milvus.insert(tmp_collection_name, entities)
return insert_res.primary_keys
except Exception as e:
self._milvus.flush([tmp_collection_name], _async=_async)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def get_dimension(self):
info = self.get_info()
for field in info["fields"]:
if field["type"] in [DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, DataType.BINARY_VECTOR]:
return field["params"]["dim"]
def get_rand_ids(self, length):
segment_ids = []
while True:
stats = self.get_stats()
segments = stats["partitions"][0]["segments"]
# random choice one segment
segment = random.choice(segments)
segment_ids = self._milvus.list_id_in_segment(self._collection_name, segment["id"])
except Exception as e:
if not len(segment_ids):
elif len(segment_ids) > length:
return random.sample(segment_ids, length)
logger.debug("Reset length: %d" % len(segment_ids))
return segment_ids
# def get_rand_ids_each_segment(self, length):
# res = []
# status, stats = self._milvus.get_collection_stats(self._collection_name)
# self.check_status(status)
# segments = stats["partitions"][0]["segments"]
# segments_num = len(segments)
# # random choice from each segment
# for segment in segments:
# status, segment_ids = self._milvus.list_id_in_segment(self._collection_name, segment["name"])
# self.check_status(status)
# res.extend(segment_ids[:length])
# return segments_num, res
# def get_rand_entities(self, length):
# ids = self.get_rand_ids(length)
# status, get_res = self._milvus.get_entity_by_id(self._collection_name, ids)
# self.check_status(status)
# return ids, get_res
def get_entities(self, get_ids):
get_res = self._milvus.get_entity_by_id(self._collection_name, get_ids)
return get_res
def delete(self, ids, collection_name=None):
2021-10-09 09:51:18 +00:00
# delete entity by id
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
self._milvus.delete_entity_by_id(tmp_collection_name, ids)
def delete_rand(self):
delete_id_length = random.randint(1, 100)
count_before = self.count()
logger.debug("%s: length to delete: %d" % (self._collection_name, delete_id_length))
delete_ids = self.get_rand_ids(delete_id_length)
logger.info("%s: count after delete: %d" % (self._collection_name, self.count()))
get_res = self._milvus.get_entity_by_id(self._collection_name, delete_ids)
for item in get_res:
assert not item
# if count_before - len(delete_ids) < self.count():
# logger.error(delete_ids)
# raise Exception("Error occured")
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
def flush(self, _async=False, collection_name=None, timeout=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
self._milvus.flush([tmp_collection_name], _async=_async, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def compact(self, collection_name=None):
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
status = self._milvus.compact(tmp_collection_name)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
# only support "in" in expr
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
def get(self, ids, collection_name=None, timeout=None):
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
# res = self._milvus.get(tmp_collection_name, ids, output_fields=None, partition_names=None)
ids_expr = "id in %s" % (str(ids))
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
res = self._milvus.query(tmp_collection_name, ids_expr, output_fields=None, partition_names=None, timeout=timeout)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
return res
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def create_index(self, field_name, index_type, metric_type, _async=False, index_param=None):
index_type = INDEX_MAP[index_type]
metric_type = utils.metric_type_trans(metric_type)
logger.info("Building index start, collection_name: %s, index_type: %s, metric_type: %s" % (
self._collection_name, index_type, metric_type))
if index_param:
index_params = {
"index_type": index_type,
"metric_type": metric_type,
"params": index_param
self._milvus.create_index(self._collection_name, field_name, index_params, _async=_async)
# TODO: need to check
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def describe_index(self, field_name, collection_name=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# stats = self.get_stats()
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
info = self._milvus.describe_index(tmp_collection_name, field_name)
index_info = {"index_type": "flat", "metric_type": None, "index_param": None}
if info:
index_info = {"index_type": info["index_type"], "metric_type": info["metric_type"], "index_param": info["params"]}
# transfer index type name
for k, v in INDEX_MAP.items():
if index_info['index_type'] == v:
index_info['index_type'] = k
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return index_info
def drop_index(self, field_name):
logger.info("Drop index: %s" % self._collection_name)
return self._milvus.drop_index(self._collection_name, field_name)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def query(self, vector_query, filter_query=None, collection_name=None, timeout=300):
2021-10-07 10:05:05 +00:00
""" This method corresponds to the search method of milvus """
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
params = util.search_param_analysis(vector_query, filter_query)
params.update({"timeout": timeout})
2021-10-19 08:59:02 +00:00
logger.debug("Params of search : %s" % str(params))
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
result = self._milvus.search(tmp_collection_name, **params)
2021-10-16 11:34:33 +00:00
# must_params = [vector_query]
# if filter_query:
# must_params.extend(filter_query)
# query = {
# "bool": {"must": must_params}
# }
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
# result = self._milvus.search(tmp_collection_name, query, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return result
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
def warm_query(self, index_field_name, search_param, metric_type, times=2):
query_vectors = [[random.random() for _ in range(self._dimension)] for _ in range(DEFAULT_WARM_QUERY_NQ)]
# index_info = self.describe_index(index_field_name)
vector_query = {"vector": {index_field_name: {
"query": query_vectors,
"metric_type": metric_type,
"params": search_param}
must_params = [vector_query]
query = {
"bool": {"must": must_params}
logger.debug("Start warm up query")
for i in range(times):
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
params = util.search_param_analysis(vector_query, None)
2021-10-16 11:32:43 +00:00
self._milvus.search(self._collection_name, **params)
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
# self._milvus.search(self._collection_name, query)
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
logger.debug("End warm up query")
def load_and_query(self, vector_query, filter_query=None, collection_name=None, timeout=120):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
tmp_collection_name = self._collection_name if collection_name is None else collection_name
must_params = [vector_query]
if filter_query:
query = {
"bool": {"must": must_params}
2021-10-15 07:30:42 +00:00
params = util.search_param_analysis(vector_query, filter_query)
params.update({"timeout": timeout})
result = self._milvus.search(tmp_collection_name, **params)
# result = self._milvus.search(tmp_collection_name, query, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return result
def get_ids(self, result):
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
# idss = result._entities.ids
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
ids = []
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
# len_idss = len(idss)
# len_r = len(result)
# top_k = len_idss // len_r
# for offset in range(0, len_idss, top_k):
# ids.append(idss[offset: min(offset + top_k, len_idss)])
for res in result:
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return ids
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
def query_rand(self, nq_max=100, timeout=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# for ivf search
dimension = 128
top_k = random.randint(1, 100)
nq = random.randint(1, nq_max)
nprobe = random.randint(1, 100)
search_param = {"nprobe": nprobe}
query_vectors = [[random.random() for _ in range(dimension)] for _ in range(nq)]
metric_type = random.choice(["l2", "ip"])
logger.info("%s, Search nq: %d, top_k: %d, nprobe: %d" % (self._collection_name, nq, top_k, nprobe))
vec_field_name = utils.get_default_field_name()
vector_query = {"vector": {vec_field_name: {
"topk": top_k,
"query": query_vectors,
"metric_type": utils.metric_type_trans(metric_type),
"params": search_param}
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
self.query(vector_query, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
def load_query_rand(self, nq_max=100, timeout=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# for ivf search
dimension = 128
top_k = random.randint(1, 100)
nq = random.randint(1, nq_max)
nprobe = random.randint(1, 100)
search_param = {"nprobe": nprobe}
query_vectors = [[random.random() for _ in range(dimension)] for _ in range(nq)]
metric_type = random.choice(["l2", "ip"])
logger.info("%s, Search nq: %d, top_k: %d, nprobe: %d" % (self._collection_name, nq, top_k, nprobe))
vec_field_name = utils.get_default_field_name()
vector_query = {"vector": {vec_field_name: {
"topk": top_k,
"query": query_vectors,
"metric_type": utils.metric_type_trans(metric_type),
"params": search_param}
2021-08-16 03:06:10 +00:00
self.load_and_query(vector_query, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# TODO: need to check
def count(self, collection_name=None):
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
row_count = self._milvus.get_collection_stats(collection_name)["row_count"]
logger.debug("Row count: %d in collection: <%s>" % (row_count, collection_name))
return row_count
def drop(self, timeout=120, collection_name=None):
2021-10-11 11:40:38 +00:00
drop steps:
1.drop collection
2.check collection exist
3.Set timeout to exit
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
timeout = int(timeout)
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
logger.info("Start delete collection: %s" % collection_name)
i = 0
while i < timeout:
2021-10-07 10:03:15 +00:00
res = self._milvus.has_collection(collection_name)
if res:
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
i = i + 1
except Exception as e:
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
logger.warning("Collection count failed: {}".format(str(e)))
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if i >= timeout:
logger.error("Delete collection timeout")
def get_stats(self):
return self._milvus.get_collection_stats(self._collection_name)
def get_info(self, collection_name=None):
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
2021-07-02 03:40:16 +00:00
return self._milvus.describe_collection(collection_name)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def show_collections(self):
return self._milvus.list_collections()
def exists_collection(self, collection_name=None):
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
res = self._milvus.has_collection(collection_name)
return res
def clean_db(self):
collection_names = self.show_collections()
for name in collection_names:
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
def load_collection(self, collection_name=None, timeout=3000):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
return self._milvus.load_collection(collection_name, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
def release_collection(self, collection_name=None, timeout=3000):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
return self._milvus.release_collection(collection_name, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
def load_partitions(self, tag_names, collection_name=None, timeout=3000):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
return self._milvus.load_partitions(collection_name, tag_names, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
def release_partitions(self, tag_names, collection_name=None, timeout=3000):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if collection_name is None:
collection_name = self._collection_name
2021-07-23 07:36:12 +00:00
return self._milvus.release_partitions(collection_name, tag_names, timeout=timeout)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-09-17 10:49:53 +00:00
def scene_test(self, collection_name=None, vectors=None, ids=None):
2021-10-11 11:36:46 +00:00
Scene test steps:
1.create collection with the specified collection name
2.insert data
3.flush data
4.create index
5.drop collection
2021-09-17 10:49:53 +00:00
logger.debug("[scene_test] Start scene test : %s" % collection_name)
self.create_collection(dimension=128, collection_name=collection_name)
collection_info = self.get_info(collection_name)
entities = utils.generate_entities(collection_info, vectors, ids)
logger.debug("[scene_test] Start insert : %s" % collection_name)
2021-09-22 08:37:53 +00:00
self.insert(entities, collection_name=collection_name)
2021-09-17 10:49:53 +00:00
logger.debug("[scene_test] Start flush : %s" % collection_name)
2021-10-07 09:40:23 +00:00
2021-09-17 10:49:53 +00:00
logger.debug("[scene_test] Start create index : %s" % collection_name)
self.create_index(field_name='float_vector', index_type="ivf_sq8", metric_type='l2',
collection_name=collection_name, index_param={'nlist': 2048})
2021-10-28 10:14:26 +00:00
2021-09-17 10:49:53 +00:00
logger.debug("[scene_test] Start drop : %s" % collection_name)
logger.debug("[scene_test]Scene test close : %s" % collection_name)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
# TODO: remove
# def get_server_version(self):
# return self._milvus.server_version()
# def get_server_mode(self):
# return self.cmd("mode")
# def get_server_commit(self):
# return self.cmd("build_commit_id")
# def get_server_config(self):
# return json.loads(self.cmd("get_milvus_config"))
# def get_mem_info(self):
# result = json.loads(self.cmd("get_system_info"))
# result_human = {
# # unit: Gb
# "memory_used": round(int(result["memory_used"]) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2)
# }
# return result_human
# def cmd(self, command):
# res = self._milvus._cmd(command)
# logger.info("Server command: %s, result: %s" % (command, res))
# return res
# @time_wrapper
# def set_config(self, parent_key, child_key, value):
# self._milvus.set_config(parent_key, child_key, value)
# def get_config(self, key):
# return self._milvus.get_config(key)