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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rootcoord
import (
const (
GetMetricsTimeout = 10 * time.Second
SetRatesTimeout = 10 * time.Second
type ForceDenyTriggerReason string
const (
ManualForceDeny ForceDenyTriggerReason = "ManualForceDeny"
MemoryExhausted ForceDenyTriggerReason = "MemoryExhausted"
DiskQuotaExceeded ForceDenyTriggerReason = "DiskQuotaExceeded"
TimeTickLongDelay ForceDenyTriggerReason = "TimeTickLongDelay"
type RateAllocateStrategy int32
const (
Average RateAllocateStrategy = 0
ByRateWeight RateAllocateStrategy = 1
var DefaultRateAllocateStrategy = Average
const Inf = ratelimitutil.Inf
type Limit = ratelimitutil.Limit
// QuotaCenter manages the quota and limitations of the whole cluster,
// it receives metrics info from DataNodes, QueryNodes and Proxies, and
// notifies Proxies to limit rate of requests from clients or reject
// all requests when the cluster met resources issues.
// Limitations:
// 1. DML throughput limitation;
// 2. DDL, DQL qps/rps limitation;
// Protections:
// 1. TT protection -> dqlRate = maxDQLRate * (maxDelay - ttDelay) / maxDelay
// 2. Memory protection -> dmlRate = maxDMLRate * (highMem - curMem) / (highMem - lowMem)
// 3. Disk quota protection -> force deny writing if exceeded
// 4. DQL Queue length protection -> dqlRate = curDQLRate * CoolOffSpeed
// 5. DQL queue latency protection -> dqlRate = curDQLRate * CoolOffSpeed
// 6. Search result protection -> searchRate = curSearchRate * CoolOffSpeed
// If necessary, user can also manually force to deny RW requests.
type QuotaCenter struct {
// clients
proxies *proxyClientManager
queryCoord types.QueryCoord
dataCoord types.DataCoord
// metrics
queryNodeMetrics map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.QueryNodeQuotaMetrics
dataNodeMetrics map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.DataNodeQuotaMetrics
proxyMetrics map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.ProxyQuotaMetrics
dataCoordMetrics *metricsinfo.DataCoordQuotaMetrics
currentRates map[internalpb.RateType]Limit
tsoAllocator tso.Allocator
rateAllocateStrategy RateAllocateStrategy
stopOnce sync.Once
stopChan chan struct{}
// NewQuotaCenter returns a new QuotaCenter.
func NewQuotaCenter(proxies *proxyClientManager, queryCoord types.QueryCoord, dataCoord types.DataCoord, tsoAllocator tso.Allocator) *QuotaCenter {
return &QuotaCenter{
proxies: proxies,
queryCoord: queryCoord,
dataCoord: dataCoord,
currentRates: make(map[internalpb.RateType]Limit),
tsoAllocator: tsoAllocator,
rateAllocateStrategy: DefaultRateAllocateStrategy,
stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
// run starts the service of QuotaCenter.
func (q *QuotaCenter) run() {
log.Info("Start QuotaCenter", zap.Float64("collectInterval/s", Params.QuotaConfig.QuotaCenterCollectInterval.GetAsFloat()))
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(Params.QuotaConfig.QuotaCenterCollectInterval.GetAsFloat() * float64(time.Second)))
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-q.stopChan:
log.Info("QuotaCenter exit")
case <-ticker.C:
err := q.syncMetrics()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("quotaCenter sync metrics failed", zap.Error(err))
err = q.calculateRates()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("quotaCenter calculate rates failed", zap.Error(err))
err = q.setRates()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("quotaCenter setRates failed", zap.Error(err))
// stop would stop the service of QuotaCenter.
func (q *QuotaCenter) stop() {
q.stopOnce.Do(func() {
q.stopChan <- struct{}{}
// clearMetrics removes all metrics stored in QuotaCenter.
func (q *QuotaCenter) clearMetrics() {
q.dataNodeMetrics = make(map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.DataNodeQuotaMetrics, 0)
q.queryNodeMetrics = make(map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.QueryNodeQuotaMetrics, 0)
q.proxyMetrics = make(map[UniqueID]*metricsinfo.ProxyQuotaMetrics, 0)
// syncMetrics sends GetMetrics requests to DataCoord and QueryCoord to sync the metrics in DataNodes and QueryNodes.
func (q *QuotaCenter) syncMetrics() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), GetMetricsTimeout)
defer cancel()
group := &errgroup.Group{}
req, err := metricsinfo.ConstructRequestByMetricType(metricsinfo.SystemInfoMetrics)
if err != nil {
return err
// get Query cluster metrics
group.Go(func() error {
rsp, err := q.queryCoord.GetMetrics(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
return fmt.Errorf("quotaCenter get Query cluster failed, err = %s", rsp.GetStatus().GetReason())
queryCoordTopology := &metricsinfo.QueryCoordTopology{}
err = metricsinfo.UnmarshalTopology(rsp.GetResponse(), queryCoordTopology)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, queryNodeMetric := range queryCoordTopology.Cluster.ConnectedNodes {
if queryNodeMetric.QuotaMetrics != nil {
q.queryNodeMetrics[queryNodeMetric.ID] = queryNodeMetric.QuotaMetrics
return nil
// get Data cluster metrics
group.Go(func() error {
rsp, err := q.dataCoord.GetMetrics(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
if rsp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
return fmt.Errorf("quotaCenter get Data cluster failed, err = %s", rsp.GetStatus().GetReason())
dataCoordTopology := &metricsinfo.DataCoordTopology{}
err = metricsinfo.UnmarshalTopology(rsp.GetResponse(), dataCoordTopology)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dataNodeMetric := range dataCoordTopology.Cluster.ConnectedNodes {
if dataNodeMetric.QuotaMetrics != nil {
q.dataNodeMetrics[dataNodeMetric.ID] = dataNodeMetric.QuotaMetrics
if dataCoordTopology.Cluster.Self.QuotaMetrics != nil {
q.dataCoordMetrics = dataCoordTopology.Cluster.Self.QuotaMetrics
return nil
// get Proxies metrics
group.Go(func() error {
// TODO: get more proxy metrics info
rsps, err := q.proxies.GetProxyMetrics(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, rsp := range rsps {
proxyMetric := &metricsinfo.ProxyInfos{}
err = metricsinfo.UnmarshalComponentInfos(rsp.GetResponse(), proxyMetric)
if err != nil {
return err
if proxyMetric.QuotaMetrics != nil {
q.proxyMetrics[proxyMetric.ID] = proxyMetric.QuotaMetrics
return nil
err = group.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
//log.Debug("QuotaCenter sync metrics done",
// zap.Any("dataNodeMetrics", q.dataNodeMetrics),
// zap.Any("queryNodeMetrics", q.queryNodeMetrics),
// zap.Any("proxyMetrics", q.proxyMetrics),
// zap.Any("dataCoordMetrics", q.dataCoordMetrics))
return nil
// forceDenyWriting sets dml rates to 0 to reject all dml requests.
func (q *QuotaCenter) forceDenyWriting(reason ForceDenyTriggerReason) {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLInsert] = 0
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLDelete] = 0
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLBulkLoad] = 0
log.Warn("QuotaCenter force to deny writing", zap.String("reason", string(reason)))
// forceDenyWriting sets dql rates to 0 to reject all dql requests.
func (q *QuotaCenter) forceDenyReading(reason ForceDenyTriggerReason) {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch] = 0
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery] = 0
log.Warn("QuotaCenter force to deny reading", zap.String("reason", string(reason)))
// getRealTimeRate return real time rate in Proxy.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getRealTimeRate(rateType internalpb.RateType) float64 {
var rate float64
for _, metric := range q.proxyMetrics {
for _, r := range metric.Rms {
if r.Label == rateType.String() {
rate += r.Rate
return rate
// guaranteeMinRate make sure the rate will not be less than the min rate.
func (q *QuotaCenter) guaranteeMinRate(minRate float64, rateType internalpb.RateType) {
if minRate > 0 && q.currentRates[rateType] < Limit(minRate) {
q.currentRates[rateType] = Limit(minRate)
// calculateReadRates calculates and sets dql rates.
func (q *QuotaCenter) calculateReadRates() {
if Params.QuotaConfig.ForceDenyReading.GetAsBool() {
coolOffSpeed := Params.QuotaConfig.CoolOffSpeed.GetAsFloat()
coolOff := func(realTimeSearchRate float64, realTimeQueryRate float64) {
if q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch] != Inf && realTimeSearchRate > 0 {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch] = Limit(realTimeSearchRate * coolOffSpeed)
if q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery] != Inf && realTimeSearchRate > 0 {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery] = Limit(realTimeQueryRate * coolOffSpeed)
q.guaranteeMinRate(Params.QuotaConfig.DQLMinSearchRate.GetAsFloat(), internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch)
q.guaranteeMinRate(Params.QuotaConfig.DQLMinQueryRate.GetAsFloat(), internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery)
log.Warn("QuotaCenter cool read rates off done",
zap.Any("searchRate", q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch]),
zap.Any("queryRate", q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery]))
log.Info("QueryNodeMetrics when cool-off", zap.Any("metrics", q.queryNodeMetrics))
// TODO: unify search and query?
realTimeSearchRate := q.getRealTimeRate(internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch)
realTimeQueryRate := q.getRealTimeRate(internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery)
queueLatencyFactor := q.getQueryLatencyFactor()
if Limit(queueLatencyFactor) == Limit(coolOffSpeed) {
coolOff(realTimeSearchRate, realTimeQueryRate)
queueLengthFactor := q.getNQInQueryFactor()
if Limit(queueLengthFactor) == Limit(coolOffSpeed) {
coolOff(realTimeSearchRate, realTimeQueryRate)
resultRateFactor := q.getReadResultFactor()
if Limit(resultRateFactor) == Limit(coolOffSpeed) {
coolOff(realTimeSearchRate, realTimeQueryRate)
// calculateWriteRates calculates and sets dml rates.
func (q *QuotaCenter) calculateWriteRates() error {
if Params.QuotaConfig.ForceDenyWriting.GetAsBool() {
return nil
exceeded := q.ifDiskQuotaExceeded()
if exceeded {
q.forceDenyWriting(DiskQuotaExceeded) // disk quota protection
return nil
ts, err := q.tsoAllocator.GenerateTSO(1)
if err != nil {
return err
ttFactor := q.getTimeTickDelayFactor(ts)
if ttFactor <= 0 {
q.forceDenyWriting(TimeTickLongDelay) // tt protection
return nil
memFactor := q.getMemoryFactor()
if memFactor <= 0 {
q.forceDenyWriting(MemoryExhausted) // memory protection
return nil
if memFactor < ttFactor {
ttFactor = memFactor
if q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLInsert] != Inf {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLInsert] *= Limit(ttFactor)
if q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLDelete] != Inf {
q.currentRates[internalpb.RateType_DMLDelete] *= Limit(ttFactor)
q.guaranteeMinRate(Params.QuotaConfig.DMLMinInsertRate.GetAsFloat(), internalpb.RateType_DMLInsert)
q.guaranteeMinRate(Params.QuotaConfig.DMLMinDeleteRate.GetAsFloat(), internalpb.RateType_DMLDelete)
return nil
// calculateRates calculates target rates by different strategies.
func (q *QuotaCenter) calculateRates() error {
err := q.calculateWriteRates()
if err != nil {
return err
// log.Debug("QuotaCenter calculates rate done", zap.Any("rates", q.currentRates))
return nil
// resetCurrentRates resets all current rates to configured rates.
func (q *QuotaCenter) resetCurrentRates() {
for _, rateType := range internalpb.RateType_value {
rt := internalpb.RateType(rateType)
switch rt {
case internalpb.RateType_DMLInsert:
q.currentRates[rt] = Limit(Params.QuotaConfig.DMLMaxInsertRate.GetAsFloat())
case internalpb.RateType_DMLDelete:
q.currentRates[rt] = Limit(Params.QuotaConfig.DMLMaxDeleteRate.GetAsFloat())
case internalpb.RateType_DMLBulkLoad:
q.currentRates[rt] = Limit(Params.QuotaConfig.DMLMaxBulkLoadRate.GetAsFloat())
case internalpb.RateType_DQLSearch:
q.currentRates[rt] = Limit(Params.QuotaConfig.DQLMaxSearchRate.GetAsFloat())
case internalpb.RateType_DQLQuery:
q.currentRates[rt] = Limit(Params.QuotaConfig.DQLMaxQueryRate.GetAsFloat())
if q.currentRates[rt] < 0 {
q.currentRates[rt] = Inf // no limit
// getTimeTickDelayFactor gets time tick delay of DataNodes and QueryNodes,
// and return the factor according to max tolerable time tick delay.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getTimeTickDelayFactor(ts Timestamp) float64 {
var curMaxDelay time.Duration
var role, vchannel string
var minTt time.Time
t1, _ := tsoutil.ParseTS(ts)
for nodeID, metric := range q.queryNodeMetrics {
if metric.Fgm.NumFlowGraph > 0 {
t2, _ := tsoutil.ParseTS(metric.Fgm.MinFlowGraphTt)
delay := t1.Sub(t2)
if delay.Nanoseconds() > curMaxDelay.Nanoseconds() {
curMaxDelay = delay
role = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.QueryNodeRole, nodeID)
vchannel = metric.Fgm.MinFlowGraphChannel
minTt = t2
metrics.RootCoordTtDelay.WithLabelValues(typeutil.QueryNodeRole, strconv.FormatInt(nodeID, 10)).Set(float64(curMaxDelay.Milliseconds()))
for nodeID, metric := range q.dataNodeMetrics {
if metric.Fgm.NumFlowGraph > 0 {
t2, _ := tsoutil.ParseTS(metric.Fgm.MinFlowGraphTt)
delay := t1.Sub(t2)
if delay.Nanoseconds() > curMaxDelay.Nanoseconds() {
curMaxDelay = delay
role = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.DataNodeRole, nodeID)
vchannel = metric.Fgm.MinFlowGraphChannel
minTt = t2
metrics.RootCoordTtDelay.WithLabelValues(typeutil.DataNodeRole, strconv.FormatInt(nodeID, 10)).Set(float64(curMaxDelay.Milliseconds()))
if !Params.QuotaConfig.TtProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return 1
maxDelay := Params.QuotaConfig.MaxTimeTickDelay.GetAsDuration(time.Second)
if maxDelay < 0 {
// < 0 means disable tt protection
return 1
if curMaxDelay.Nanoseconds() >= maxDelay.Nanoseconds() {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter force deny writing due to long timeTick delay",
zap.String("node", role),
zap.String("vchannel", vchannel),
zap.Time("curTs", t1),
zap.Time("minTs", minTt),
zap.Duration("delay", curMaxDelay),
zap.Duration("MaxDelay", maxDelay))
log.Info("DataNode and QueryNode Metrics",
zap.Any("QueryNodeMetrics", q.queryNodeMetrics),
zap.Any("DataNodeMetrics", q.dataNodeMetrics))
return 0
factor := float64(maxDelay.Nanoseconds()-curMaxDelay.Nanoseconds()) / float64(maxDelay.Nanoseconds())
if factor <= 0.9 {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: limit writing due to long timeTick delay",
zap.String("node", role),
zap.String("vchannel", vchannel),
zap.Time("curTs", t1),
zap.Time("minTs", minTt),
zap.Duration("delay", curMaxDelay),
zap.Duration("MaxDelay", maxDelay),
zap.Float64("factor", factor))
return factor
// getNQInQueryFactor checks search&query nq in QueryNode,
// and return the factor according to NQInQueueThreshold.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getNQInQueryFactor() float64 {
if !Params.QuotaConfig.QueueProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return 1
sum := func(ri metricsinfo.ReadInfoInQueue) int64 {
return ri.UnsolvedQueue + ri.ReadyQueue + ri.ReceiveChan + ri.ExecuteChan
nqInQueueThreshold := Params.QuotaConfig.NQInQueueThreshold.GetAsInt64()
if nqInQueueThreshold < 0 {
// < 0 means disable queue length protection
return 1
for _, metric := range q.queryNodeMetrics {
searchNQSum := sum(metric.SearchQueue)
queryTasksSum := sum(metric.QueryQueue)
nqInQueue := searchNQSum + queryTasksSum // We think of the NQ of query request as 1.
if nqInQueue >= nqInQueueThreshold {
return Params.QuotaConfig.CoolOffSpeed.GetAsFloat()
return 1
// getQueryLatencyFactor checks queueing latency in QueryNode for search&query requests,
// and return the factor according to QueueLatencyThreshold.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getQueryLatencyFactor() float64 {
if !Params.QuotaConfig.QueueProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return 1
queueLatencyThreshold := Params.QuotaConfig.QueueLatencyThreshold.GetAsDuration(time.Second)
if queueLatencyThreshold < 0 {
// < 0 means disable queue latency protection
return 1
for _, metric := range q.queryNodeMetrics {
searchLatency := metric.SearchQueue.AvgQueueDuration
queryLatency := metric.QueryQueue.AvgQueueDuration
if searchLatency >= queueLatencyThreshold || queryLatency >= queueLatencyThreshold {
return Params.QuotaConfig.CoolOffSpeed.GetAsFloat()
return 1
// getReadResultFactor checks search result rate in Proxy,
// and return the factor according to MaxReadResultRate.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getReadResultFactor() float64 {
if !Params.QuotaConfig.ResultProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return 1
maxRate := Params.QuotaConfig.MaxReadResultRate.GetAsFloat()
rateCount := float64(0)
for _, metric := range q.proxyMetrics {
for _, rm := range metric.Rms {
if rm.Label == metricsinfo.ReadResultThroughput {
rateCount += rm.Rate
if rateCount >= maxRate {
return Params.QuotaConfig.CoolOffSpeed.GetAsFloat()
return 1
// getMemoryFactor checks whether any node has memory resource issue,
// and return the factor according to max memory water level.
func (q *QuotaCenter) getMemoryFactor() float64 {
factor := float64(1)
if !Params.QuotaConfig.MemProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return 1
dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel := Params.QuotaConfig.DataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel.GetAsFloat()
dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel := Params.QuotaConfig.DataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel.GetAsFloat()
queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel := Params.QuotaConfig.QueryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel.GetAsFloat()
queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel := Params.QuotaConfig.QueryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel.GetAsFloat()
for nodeID, metric := range q.queryNodeMetrics {
memoryWaterLevel := float64(metric.Hms.MemoryUsage) / float64(metric.Hms.Memory)
if memoryWaterLevel <= queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel {
if memoryWaterLevel >= queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: QueryNode memory to high water level",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.QueryNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Uint64("UsedMem", metric.Hms.MemoryUsage),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("memoryWaterLevel", memoryWaterLevel),
zap.Float64("memoryHighWaterLevel", queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel))
return 0
p := (queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel - memoryWaterLevel) / (queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel - queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel)
if p < factor {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: QueryNode memory to low water level, limit writing rate",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.QueryNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Uint64("UsedMem", metric.Hms.MemoryUsage),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("memoryWaterLevel", memoryWaterLevel),
zap.Float64("memoryLowWaterLevel", queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel))
factor = p
for nodeID, metric := range q.dataNodeMetrics {
memoryWaterLevel := float64(metric.Hms.MemoryUsage) / float64(metric.Hms.Memory)
if memoryWaterLevel <= dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel {
if memoryWaterLevel >= dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: DataNode memory to high water level",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.DataNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Uint64("UsedMem", metric.Hms.MemoryUsage),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("memoryWaterLevel", memoryWaterLevel),
zap.Float64("memoryHighWaterLevel", dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel))
return 0
p := (dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel - memoryWaterLevel) / (dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel - dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel)
if p < factor {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: DataNode memory to low water level, limit writing rate",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.DataNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Uint64("UsedMem", metric.Hms.MemoryUsage),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("memoryWaterLevel", memoryWaterLevel),
zap.Float64("memoryLowWaterLevel", dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel))
factor = p
return factor
// ifDiskQuotaExceeded checks if disk quota exceeded.
func (q *QuotaCenter) ifDiskQuotaExceeded() bool {
if !Params.QuotaConfig.DiskProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return false
if q.dataCoordMetrics == nil {
return false
diskQuota := Params.QuotaConfig.DiskQuota.GetAsFloat()
totalSize := q.dataCoordMetrics.TotalBinlogSize
if float64(totalSize) >= diskQuota {
log.Warn("QuotaCenter: disk quota exceeded",
zap.Int64("curDiskUsage", totalSize),
zap.Float64("diskQuota", diskQuota))
zap.Any("metric", q.dataCoordMetrics))
return true
return false
// setRates notifies Proxies to set rates for different rate types.
func (q *QuotaCenter) setRates() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), SetRatesTimeout)
defer cancel()
var map2List func() []*internalpb.Rate
switch q.rateAllocateStrategy {
case Average:
map2List = func() []*internalpb.Rate {
proxyNum := q.proxies.GetProxyCount()
if proxyNum == 0 {
return nil
rates := make([]*internalpb.Rate, 0, len(q.currentRates))
for rt, r := range q.currentRates {
if r == Inf {
rates = append(rates, &internalpb.Rate{Rt: rt, R: float64(r)})
} else {
rates = append(rates, &internalpb.Rate{Rt: rt, R: float64(r) / float64(proxyNum)})
return rates
case ByRateWeight:
// TODO: support ByRateWeight
timestamp := tsoutil.ComposeTSByTime(time.Now(), 0)
req := &proxypb.SetRatesRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(
Rates: map2List(),
return q.proxies.SetRates(ctx, req)