2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
package httpserver
import (
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
const (
DefaultCollectionName = "book"
DefaultErrorMessage = "UNKNOWN ERROR"
ReturnSuccess = 0
ReturnFail = 1
ReturnWrongStatus = 2
ReturnTrue = 3
ReturnFalse = 4
URIPrefix = "/v1"
var StatusSuccess = commonpb . Status {
ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_Success ,
Reason : "" ,
var ErrDefault = errors . New ( DefaultErrorMessage )
var DefaultShowCollectionsResp = milvuspb . ShowCollectionsResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
CollectionNames : [ ] string { DefaultCollectionName } ,
var DefaultDescCollectionResp = milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
CollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
Schema : generateCollectionSchema ( false ) ,
ShardsNum : ShardNumDefault ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
var DefaultLoadStateResp = milvuspb . GetLoadStateResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
State : commonpb . LoadState_LoadStateLoaded ,
var DefaultDescIndexesReqp = milvuspb . DescribeIndexResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
IndexDescriptions : generateIndexes ( ) ,
var DefaultTrueResp = milvuspb . BoolResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
Value : true ,
var DefaultFalseResp = milvuspb . BoolResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
Value : false ,
func initHTTPServer ( proxy types . ProxyComponent , needAuth bool ) * gin . Engine {
h := NewHandlers ( proxy )
ginHandler := gin . Default ( )
app := ginHandler . Group ( "/v1" , genAuthMiddleWare ( needAuth ) )
NewHandlers ( h . proxy ) . RegisterRoutesToV1 ( app )
return ginHandler
/ *
mock authentication
-- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
| username | password | result
-- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
| "" | "" | fail
| root | Milvus | success
| root | { not Milvus } | fail
| { not root } | * | success
-- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
* /
func genAuthMiddleWare ( needAuth bool ) gin . HandlerFunc {
if needAuth {
return func ( c * gin . Context ) {
username , password , ok := ParseUsernamePassword ( c )
if ! ok {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
c . AbortWithStatusJSON ( http . StatusUnauthorized , gin . H { HTTPReturnCode : merr . Code ( merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate ) , HTTPReturnMessage : merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate . Error ( ) } )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} else if username == util . UserRoot && password != util . DefaultRootPassword {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
c . AbortWithStatusJSON ( http . StatusUnauthorized , gin . H { HTTPReturnCode : merr . Code ( merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate ) , HTTPReturnMessage : merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate . Error ( ) } )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} else {
c . Set ( ContextUsername , username )
return func ( c * gin . Context ) {
c . Set ( ContextUsername , util . UserRoot )
func Print ( code int32 , message string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "{\"%s\":%d,\"%s\":\"%s\"}" , HTTPReturnCode , code , HTTPReturnMessage , message )
func PrintErr ( err error ) string {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
return Print ( merr . Code ( err ) , err . Error ( ) )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
func TestVectorAuthenticate ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
ShowCollections ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & DefaultShowCollectionsResp , nil ) .
Twice ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
t . Run ( "need authentication" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections" , nil )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusUnauthorized )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate ) )
} )
t . Run ( "username or password incorrect" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . UserRoot )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusUnauthorized )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( merr . ErrNeedAuthenticate ) )
} )
t . Run ( "root's password correct" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\"]}" )
} )
t . Run ( "username and password both provided" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( "test" , util . UserRoot )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\"]}" )
} )
func TestVectorListCollection ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
mp0 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp0 . EXPECT ( ) . ShowCollections ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "show collections fail" ,
mp : mp0 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
mp1 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrIoFailedReason ( "cannot create folder" )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp1 . EXPECT ( ) . ShowCollections ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . ShowCollectionsResponse {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "show collections fail" ,
mp : mp1 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ShowCollections ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultShowCollectionsResp , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "list collections success" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\"]}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
} )
type testCase struct {
name string
mp * mocks . MockProxy
exceptCode int
expectedBody string
func TestVectorCollectionsDescribe ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnFail , 1 , testCases )
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnWrongStatus , 1 , testCases )
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp2 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithDescribeIndex ( t , mp2 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "get load status fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : http . StatusOK ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":true,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_id\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"word_count\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_intro\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"}],\"indexes\":[{\"fieldName\":\"book_intro\",\"indexName\":\"" + DefaultIndexName + "\",\"metricType\":\"L2\"}],\"load\":\"\",\"shardsNum\":1}}" ,
} )
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp3 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultLoadStateResp , nil ) . Once ( )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithDescribeIndex ( t , mp3 , ReturnFail , 1 , nil )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "get indexes fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : http . StatusOK ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":true,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_id\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"word_count\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_intro\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"}],\"indexes\":[],\"load\":\"LoadStateLoaded\",\"shardsNum\":1}}" ,
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp4 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultLoadStateResp , nil ) . Once ( )
mp4 , _ = wrapWithDescribeIndex ( t , mp4 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "show collection details success" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : http . StatusOK ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"" + DefaultCollectionName + "\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":true,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_id\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"word_count\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"\",\"name\":\"book_intro\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"}],\"indexes\":[{\"fieldName\":\"book_intro\",\"indexName\":\"" + DefaultIndexName + "\",\"metricType\":\"L2\"}],\"load\":\"LoadStateLoaded\",\"shardsNum\":1}}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=" + DefaultCollectionName , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
} )
t . Run ( "need collectionName" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mocks . NewMockProxy ( t ) , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/v1/vector/collections/describe?" + DefaultCollectionName , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , 200 )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( merr . ErrMissingRequiredParameters ) )
} )
func TestVectorCreateCollection ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
mp1 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp1 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "create collection fail" ,
mp : mp1 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionResourceLimitExceeded ( )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( merr . Status ( err ) , nil ) . Once ( )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "create collection fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "create index fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . LoadCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "load collection fail" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
mp5 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp5 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
mp5 . EXPECT ( ) . CreateIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
mp5 . EXPECT ( ) . LoadCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "create collection success" ,
mp : mp5 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{}}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
jsonBody := [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "dimension": 2} ` )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsonBody )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/collections/create" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
} )
func TestVectorDropCollection ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
_ , testCases = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , nil , ReturnFail , 1 , testCases )
_ , testCases = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , nil , ReturnWrongStatus , 1 , testCases )
_ , testCases = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , nil , ReturnFalse , 1 , testCases )
mp1 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp1 , _ = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , mp1 , ReturnTrue , 1 , nil )
mp1 . EXPECT ( ) . DropCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "drop collection fail" ,
mp : mp1 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , mp2 , ReturnTrue , 1 , nil )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . DropCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( merr . Status ( err ) , nil ) . Once ( )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "drop collection fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithHasCollection ( t , mp3 , ReturnTrue , 1 , nil )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . DropCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & StatusSuccess , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "create collection fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{}}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
jsonBody := [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` "} ` )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsonBody )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/collections/drop" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
} )
func TestQuery ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp2 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . Query ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Twice ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "query fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp3 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . Query ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . QueryResults {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Twice ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "query fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp4 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . Query ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . QueryResults {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
FieldsData : generateFieldData ( ) ,
CollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
OutputFields : [ ] string { FieldBookID , FieldWordCount , FieldBookIntro } ,
} , nil ) . Twice ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "query success" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[{\"book_id\":1,\"book_intro\":[0.1,0.11],\"word_count\":1000},{\"book_id\":2,\"book_intro\":[0.2,0.22],\"word_count\":2000},{\"book_id\":3,\"book_intro\":[0.3,0.33],\"word_count\":3000}]}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
reqs := [ ] * http . Request { genQueryRequest ( ) , genGetRequest ( ) }
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
for _ , req := range reqs {
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( w . Body . Bytes ( ) , & resp )
assert . Equal ( t , err , nil )
if resp [ HTTPReturnCode ] == float64 ( 200 ) {
data := resp [ HTTPReturnData ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
rows := generateQueryResult64 ( false )
for i , row := range data {
assert . Equal ( t , compareRow64 ( row . ( map [ string ] interface { } ) , rows [ i ] ) , true )
} )
func genQueryRequest ( ) * http . Request {
jsonBody := [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` " , "filter": "book_id in [1,2,3]"} ` )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsonBody )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/query" , bodyReader )
return req
func genGetRequest ( ) * http . Request {
jsonBody := [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` " , "id": [1,2,3]} ` )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsonBody )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/get" , bodyReader )
return req
func TestDelete ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnFail , 1 , testCases )
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnWrongStatus , 1 , testCases )
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp2 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . Delete ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "delete fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp3 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . Delete ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "delete fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp4 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . Delete ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "delete success" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{}}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
jsonBody := [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` " , "id": [1,2,3]} ` )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsonBody )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/delete" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( w . Body . Bytes ( ) , & resp )
assert . Equal ( t , err , nil )
} )
func TestInsert ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnFail , 1 , testCases )
_ , testCases = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , nil , ReturnWrongStatus , 1 , testCases )
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp2 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "insert fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp3 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "insert fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp4 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "id type invalid" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( merr . ErrCheckPrimaryKey ) ,
} )
mp5 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp5 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp5 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp5 . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
IDs : getIntIds ( ) ,
InsertCnt : 3 ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "insert success" ,
mp : mp5 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"insertCount\":3,\"insertIds\":[1,2,3]}}" ,
} )
mp6 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp6 , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp6 , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
mp6 . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
IDs : getStrIds ( ) ,
InsertCnt : 3 ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "insert success" ,
mp : mp6 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"insertCount\":3,\"insertIds\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]}}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
rows := generateSearchResult ( )
data , _ := json . Marshal ( map [ string ] interface { } {
HTTPCollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
HTTPReturnData : rows [ 0 ] ,
} )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( data )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/insert" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( w . Body . Bytes ( ) , & resp )
assert . Equal ( t , err , nil )
} )
t . Run ( "wrong request body" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp , _ = wrapWithDescribeColl ( t , mp , ReturnSuccess , 1 , nil )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "data": { }} ` ) )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/insert" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , 200 )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( merr . ErrInvalidInsertData ) )
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( w . Body . Bytes ( ) , & resp )
assert . Equal ( t , err , nil )
} )
func TestInsertForDataType ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
schemas := map [ string ] * schemapb . CollectionSchema {
"[success]kinds of data type" : newCollectionSchema ( generateCollectionSchema ( false ) ) ,
"[success]use binary vector" : newCollectionSchema ( generateCollectionSchema ( true ) ) ,
"[success]with dynamic field" : withDynamicField ( newCollectionSchema ( generateCollectionSchema ( false ) ) ) ,
for name , schema := range schemas {
t . Run ( name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
CollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
Schema : schema ,
ShardsNum : ShardNumDefault ,
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . Insert ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . MutationResult {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
IDs : getIntIds ( ) ,
InsertCnt : 3 ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
rows := newSearchResult ( generateSearchResult ( ) )
data , _ := json . Marshal ( map [ string ] interface { } {
HTTPCollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
HTTPReturnData : rows ,
} )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( data )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/insert" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , 200 )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"insertCount\":3,\"insertIds\":[1,2,3]}}" )
} )
schemas = map [ string ] * schemapb . CollectionSchema {
"with unsupport field type" : withUnsupportField ( newCollectionSchema ( generateCollectionSchema ( false ) ) ) ,
for name , schema := range schemas {
t . Run ( name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
CollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
Schema : schema ,
ShardsNum : ShardNumDefault ,
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
rows := newSearchResult ( generateSearchResult ( ) )
data , _ := json . Marshal ( map [ string ] interface { } {
HTTPCollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
HTTPReturnData : rows ,
} )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( data )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/insert" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , 200 )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( merr . ErrInvalidInsertData ) )
} )
func getIntIds ( ) * schemapb . IDs {
ids := schemapb . IDs {
IdField : & schemapb . IDs_IntId {
IntId : & schemapb . LongArray {
Data : [ ] int64 { 1 , 2 , 3 } ,
} ,
} ,
return & ids
func getStrIds ( ) * schemapb . IDs {
ids := schemapb . IDs {
IdField : & schemapb . IDs_StrId {
StrId : & schemapb . StringArray {
Data : [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" } ,
} ,
} ,
return & ids
func TestSearch ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
testCases := [ ] testCase { }
mp2 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp2 . EXPECT ( ) . Search ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "search fail" ,
mp : mp2 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
} )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp3 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp3 . EXPECT ( ) . Search ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . SearchResults {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "search fail" ,
mp : mp3 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
mp4 := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp4 . EXPECT ( ) . Search ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . SearchResults {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
Results : & schemapb . SearchResultData {
FieldsData : generateFieldData ( ) ,
Scores : [ ] float32 { 0.01 , 0.04 , 0.09 } ,
TopK : 3 ,
} ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testCases = append ( testCases , testCase {
name : "search success" ,
mp : mp4 ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[{\"book_id\":1,\"book_intro\":[0.1,0.11],\"distance\":0.01,\"word_count\":1000},{\"book_id\":2,\"book_intro\":[0.2,0.22],\"distance\":0.04,\"word_count\":2000},{\"book_id\":3,\"book_intro\":[0.3,0.33],\"distance\":0.09,\"word_count\":3000}]}" ,
} )
for _ , tt := range testCases {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( tt . mp , true )
rows := [ ] float32 { 0.0 , 0.0 }
data , _ := json . Marshal ( map [ string ] interface { } {
HTTPCollectionName : DefaultCollectionName ,
"vector" : rows ,
} )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( data )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , "/v1/vector/search" , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , tt . exceptCode )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , tt . expectedBody )
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( w . Body . Bytes ( ) , & resp )
assert . Equal ( t , err , nil )
if resp [ HTTPReturnCode ] == float64 ( 200 ) {
data := resp [ HTTPReturnData ] . ( [ ] interface { } )
rows := generateQueryResult64 ( true )
for i , row := range data {
assert . Equal ( t , compareRow64 ( row . ( map [ string ] interface { } ) , rows [ i ] ) , true )
} )
type ReturnType int
func wrapWithDescribeColl ( t * testing . T , mp * mocks . MockProxy , returnType ReturnType , times int , testCases [ ] testCase ) ( * mocks . MockProxy , [ ] testCase ) {
if mp == nil {
mp = mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
var call * mocks . MockProxy_DescribeCollection_Call
var testcase testCase
switch returnType {
case ReturnSuccess :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultDescCollectionResp , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] describe coll success" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{}}" ,
case ReturnFail :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] describe coll fail" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
case ReturnWrongStatus :
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] collection not found" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
if times == 2 {
call . Twice ( )
} else {
call . Once ( )
if testCases != nil {
testCases = append ( testCases , testcase )
return mp , testCases
func wrapWithHasCollection ( t * testing . T , mp * mocks . MockProxy , returnType ReturnType , times int , testCases [ ] testCase ) ( * mocks . MockProxy , [ ] testCase ) {
if mp == nil {
mp = mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
var call * mocks . MockProxy_HasCollection_Call
var testcase testCase
switch returnType {
case ReturnTrue :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . HasCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultTrueResp , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] collection already exists" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"message\":\"collection " + DefaultCollectionName + " already exist.\"}" ,
case ReturnFalse :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . HasCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultFalseResp , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] collection not found" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( merr . ErrCollectionNotFound ) ,
case ReturnFail :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . HasCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] check collection fail" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
case ReturnWrongStatus :
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrCollectionNotFound ( DefaultCollectionName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . HasCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . BoolResponse {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] unexpected error" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
expectedBody : PrintErr ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
if times == 2 {
call . Twice ( )
} else {
call . Once ( )
if testCases != nil {
testCases = append ( testCases , testcase )
return mp , testCases
func TestHttpRequestFormat ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
errStrs := [ ] string {
PrintErr ( merr . ErrIncorrectParameterFormat ) ,
PrintErr ( merr . ErrMissingRequiredParameters ) ,
PrintErr ( merr . ErrMissingRequiredParameters ) ,
PrintErr ( merr . ErrMissingRequiredParameters ) ,
requestJsons := [ ] [ ] byte {
[ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": { " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "dimension": 2} ` ) ,
[ ] byte ( ` { "collName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "dimension": 2} ` ) ,
[ ] byte ( ` { "collName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "dim": 2} ` ) ,
[ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` "} ` ) ,
paths := [ ] [ ] string {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsCreatePath ,
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDropPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorGetPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorSearchPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorQueryPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorInsertPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorDeletePath ,
} , {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDropPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorGetPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorSearchPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorQueryPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorInsertPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorDeletePath ,
} , {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsCreatePath ,
} , {
URIPrefix + VectorGetPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorSearchPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorQueryPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorInsertPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorDeletePath ,
} ,
for i , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "request parameters wrong" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mocks . NewMockProxy ( t ) , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( requestJsons [ i ] )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , 200 )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , errStrs [ i ] )
} )
func TestAuthorization ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
paramtable . Get ( ) . Save ( proxy . Params . CommonCfg . AuthorizationEnabled . Key , "true" )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
errorStr := Print ( merr . Code ( merr . ErrServiceUnavailable ) , "internal: Milvus Proxy is not ready yet. please wait: service unavailable" )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
jsons := map [ string ] [ ] byte {
errorStr : [ ] byte ( ` { "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "vector": [0.1, 0.2], "filter": "id in [2]", "id": [2], "dimension": 2, "data":[ { "book_id":1,"book_intro":[0.1,0.11],"distance":0.01,"word_count":1000}, { "book_id":2,"book_intro":[0.2,0.22],"distance":0.04,"word_count":2000}, { "book_id":3,"book_intro":[0.3,0.33],"distance":0.09,"word_count":3000}]} ` ) ,
paths := map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorGetPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorInsertPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorDeletePath ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "proxy is not ready" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsons [ res ] )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer test:test" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
paths = map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsCreatePath ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "proxy is not ready" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsons [ res ] )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer test:test" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
paths = map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDropPath ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "proxy is not ready" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsons [ res ] )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer test:test" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
paths = map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDescribePath + "?collectionName=" + DefaultCollectionName ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "proxy is not ready" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , path , nil )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer test:test" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
paths = map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorQueryPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorSearchPath ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "proxy is not ready" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( jsons [ res ] )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer test:test" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
func TestDatabaseNotFound ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
t . Run ( "list database fail" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ListDatabases ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsPath + "?dbName=test" , nil )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer root:Milvus" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) )
} )
t . Run ( "list database without success code" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := errors . New ( "unexpected error" )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ListDatabases ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . ListDatabasesResponse {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsPath + "?dbName=test" , nil )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer root:Milvus" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( err ) )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
t . Run ( "list database success" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ListDatabases ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . ListDatabasesResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
DbNames : [ ] string { "default" , "test" } ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
ShowCollections ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . ShowCollectionsResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
CollectionNames : nil ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsPath + "?dbName=test" , nil )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer root:Milvus" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":[]}" )
} )
2023-09-12 06:41:18 +00:00
errorStr := PrintErr ( merr . ErrDatabaseNotFound )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
paths := map [ string ] [ ] string {
errorStr : {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsPath + "?dbName=test" ,
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDescribePath + "?dbName=test&collectionName=" + DefaultCollectionName ,
} ,
for res , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "GET dbName" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ListDatabases ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . ListDatabasesResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
DbNames : [ ] string { "default" } ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , path , nil )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer root:Milvus" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , res )
} )
requestBody := ` { "dbName": "test", "collectionName": " ` + DefaultCollectionName + ` ", "vector": [0.1, 0.2], "filter": "id in [2]", "id": [2], "dimension": 2, "data":[ { "book_id":1,"book_intro":[0.1,0.11],"distance":0.01,"word_count":1000}, { "book_id":2,"book_intro":[0.2,0.22],"distance":0.04,"word_count":2000}, { "book_id":3,"book_intro":[0.3,0.33],"distance":0.09,"word_count":3000}]} `
paths = map [ string ] [ ] string {
requestBody : {
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsCreatePath ,
URIPrefix + VectorCollectionsDropPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorInsertPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorDeletePath ,
URIPrefix + VectorQueryPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorGetPath ,
URIPrefix + VectorSearchPath ,
} ,
for request , pathArr := range paths {
for _ , path := range pathArr {
t . Run ( "POST dbName" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
mp . EXPECT ( ) . ListDatabases ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . ListDatabasesResponse {
Status : & StatusSuccess ,
DbNames : [ ] string { "default" } ,
} , nil ) . Once ( )
testEngine := initHTTPServer ( mp , true )
bodyReader := bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( request ) )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodPost , path , bodyReader )
req . Header . Set ( "authorization" , "Bearer root:Milvus" )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , errorStr )
} )
func wrapWithDescribeIndex ( t * testing . T , mp * mocks . MockProxy , returnType int , times int , testCases [ ] testCase ) ( * mocks . MockProxy , [ ] testCase ) {
if mp == nil {
mp = mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
var call * mocks . MockProxy_DescribeIndex_Call
var testcase testCase
switch returnType {
case ReturnSuccess :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & DefaultDescIndexesReqp , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] describe coll success" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{}}" ,
case ReturnFail :
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( nil , ErrDefault )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] describe index fail" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) ,
case ReturnWrongStatus :
reason := "index is not exists"
call = mp . EXPECT ( ) . DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) . Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeIndexResponse { Status : & commonpb . Status {
ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_IndexNotExist ,
Reason : reason ,
} } , nil )
testcase = testCase {
name : "[share] describe index fail" ,
mp : mp ,
exceptCode : 200 ,
expectedBody : Print ( int32 ( commonpb . ErrorCode_IndexNotExist ) , reason ) ,
if times == 2 {
call . Twice ( )
} else {
call . Once ( )
if testCases != nil {
testCases = append ( testCases , testcase )
return mp , testCases
func getCollectionSchema ( collectionName string ) * schemapb . CollectionSchema {
sch := & schemapb . CollectionSchema {
Name : collectionName ,
AutoID : false ,
sch . Fields = getFieldSchema ( )
return sch
func getFieldSchema ( ) [ ] * schemapb . FieldSchema {
fields := [ ] * schemapb . FieldSchema {
FieldID : 0 ,
Name : "RowID" ,
Description : "RowID field" ,
DataType : schemapb . DataType_Int64 ,
TypeParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair {
Key : "f0_tk1" ,
Value : "f0_tv1" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
FieldID : 1 ,
Name : "Timestamp" ,
Description : "Timestamp field" ,
DataType : schemapb . DataType_Int64 ,
TypeParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair {
Key : "f1_tk1" ,
Value : "f1_tv1" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
FieldID : 100 ,
Name : "float_vector_field" ,
Description : "field 100" ,
DataType : schemapb . DataType_FloatVector ,
TypeParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair {
Key : "dim" ,
Value : "2" ,
} ,
} ,
IndexParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair {
Key : "indexkey" ,
Value : "indexvalue" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
FieldID : 101 ,
Name : "int64_field" ,
Description : "field 106" ,
DataType : schemapb . DataType_Int64 ,
TypeParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair { } ,
IndexParams : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair { } ,
IsPrimaryKey : true ,
} ,
return fields
func Test_Handles_VectorCollectionsDescribe ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Init ( )
mp := mocks . NewMockProxy ( t )
h := NewHandlers ( mp )
testEngine := gin . New ( )
app := testEngine . Group ( "/" , func ( c * gin . Context ) {
username , _ , ok := ParseUsernamePassword ( c )
if ok {
c . Set ( ContextUsername , username )
} )
h . RegisterRoutesToV1 ( app )
t . Run ( "hasn't authenticate" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusUnauthorized )
} )
t . Run ( "auth fail" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Get ( ) . Save ( proxy . Params . CommonCfg . AuthorizationEnabled . Key , "true" )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( "test" , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusForbidden )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , Print ( merr . Code ( merr . ErrServiceUnavailable ) , "internal: Milvus Proxy is not ready yet. please wait: service unavailable" ) )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
t . Run ( "describe collection fail with error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
paramtable . Get ( ) . Save ( proxy . Params . CommonCfg . AuthorizationEnabled . Key , "false" )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( nil , ErrDefault ) .
Once ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( ErrDefault ) )
} )
t . Run ( "describe collection fail with status code" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
err := merr . WrapErrDatabaseNotFound ( DefaultDbName )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
paramtable . Get ( ) . Save ( proxy . Params . CommonCfg . AuthorizationEnabled . Key , "false" )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
Status : merr . Status ( err ) ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
2023-10-07 03:29:32 +00:00
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , PrintErr ( err ) )
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
} )
t . Run ( "get load state and describe index fail with error" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
Schema : getCollectionSchema ( "collectionName" ) ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_Success } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( nil , errors . New ( "error" ) ) .
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( nil , errors . New ( "error" ) ) .
Once ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":false,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"RowID field\",\"name\":\"RowID\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"Timestamp field\",\"name\":\"Timestamp\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 100\",\"name\":\"float_vector_field\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 106\",\"name\":\"int64_field\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"}],\"indexes\":[],\"load\":\"\",\"shardsNum\":0}}" )
} )
t . Run ( "get load state and describe index fail with status code" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
Schema : getCollectionSchema ( "collectionName" ) ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_Success } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . GetLoadStateResponse {
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_UnexpectedError } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeIndexResponse {
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_UnexpectedError } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":false,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"RowID field\",\"name\":\"RowID\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"Timestamp field\",\"name\":\"Timestamp\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 100\",\"name\":\"float_vector_field\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 106\",\"name\":\"int64_field\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"}],\"indexes\":[],\"load\":\"\",\"shardsNum\":0}}" )
} )
t . Run ( "ok" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeCollection ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeCollectionResponse {
Schema : getCollectionSchema ( "collectionName" ) ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_Success } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
GetLoadState ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . GetLoadStateResponse {
State : commonpb . LoadState_LoadStateLoaded ,
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_Success } ,
} , nil ) .
Once ( )
mp . EXPECT ( ) .
DescribeIndex ( mock . Anything , mock . Anything ) .
Return ( & milvuspb . DescribeIndexResponse {
IndexDescriptions : [ ] * milvuspb . IndexDescription {
IndexName : "in" ,
FieldName : "fn" ,
Params : [ ] * commonpb . KeyValuePair {
Key : "metric_type" ,
Value : "L2" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
2023-09-21 01:45:27 +00:00
Status : & commonpb . Status { ErrorCode : commonpb . ErrorCode_UnexpectedError } ,
} , nil ) .
2023-08-08 02:15:07 +00:00
Once ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/vector/collections/describe?collectionName=book" , nil )
req . SetBasicAuth ( util . UserRoot , util . DefaultRootPassword )
w := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
testEngine . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Code , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , w . Body . String ( ) , "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"collectionName\":\"\",\"description\":\"\",\"enableDynamic\":false,\"fields\":[{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"RowID field\",\"name\":\"RowID\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"Timestamp field\",\"name\":\"Timestamp\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"Int64\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 100\",\"name\":\"float_vector_field\",\"primaryKey\":false,\"type\":\"FloatVector(2)\"},{\"autoId\":false,\"description\":\"field 106\",\"name\":\"int64_field\",\"primaryKey\":true,\"type\":\"Int64\"}],\"indexes\":[],\"load\":\"LoadStateLoaded\",\"shardsNum\":0}}" )
} )