2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
import time
import pdb
import copy
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
import numpy as np
2021-06-03 11:53:33 +00:00
from pymilvus import DataType
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
from utils import *
from constants import *
uid = "test_search"
nq = 1
epsilon = 0.001
field_name = default_float_vec_field_name
binary_field_name = default_binary_vec_field_name
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entity = gen_entities(1, is_normal=True)
entities = gen_entities(default_nb, is_normal=True)
raw_vectors, binary_entities = gen_binary_entities(default_nb)
default_query, default_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq)
default_binary_query, default_binary_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, binary_entities, default_top_k,
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
def init_data(connect, collection, nb=3000, partition_names=None, auto_id=True):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
Generate entities and add it in collection
global entities
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
if nb == 3000:
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
insert_entities = entities
insert_entities = gen_entities(nb, is_normal=True)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
if partition_names is None:
2021-06-21 03:42:18 +00:00
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-06-21 03:42:18 +00:00
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities, partition_name=partition_names)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return insert_entities, ids
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
def init_binary_data(connect, collection, nb=3000, insert=True, partition_names=None):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
Generate entities and add it in collection
ids = []
global binary_entities
global raw_vectors
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
if nb == 3000:
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
insert_entities = binary_entities
insert_raw_vectors = raw_vectors
insert_raw_vectors, insert_entities = gen_binary_entities(nb)
if insert is True:
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
if partition_names is None:
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities, partition_name=partition_names)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return insert_raw_vectors, insert_entities, ids
class TestSearchBase:
generate valid create_index params
def get_index(self, request, connect):
2021-02-26 04:42:15 +00:00
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return request.param
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
2021-02-26 04:42:15 +00:00
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
return copy.deepcopy(request.param)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def get_jaccard_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
return request.param
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def get_hamming_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
return request.param
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def get_structure_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] == "FLAT":
return request.param
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
generate top-k params
params=[1, 10]
def get_top_k(self, request):
yield request.param
params=[1, 10, 1100]
def get_nq(self, request):
yield request.param
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_flat(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_flat_top_k(self, connect, collection, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = 16385
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-12 11:23:06 +00:00
2021-03-22 09:19:03 +00:00
def _test_search_field(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=["float_vector"])
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=["float"])
for i in range(nq):
assert entities[1]["values"][:nq][i] in [r.entity.get('float') for r in res[i]]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-03 09:10:57 +00:00
def _test_search_after_delete(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
target: test basic search function before and after deletion, all the search params is
correct, change top-k value.
check issue <a href="https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/4200">#4200</a>
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the deleted entities do not exist in the result.
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=10000)
first_int64_value = entities[0]["values"][0]
first_vector = entities[2]["values"][0]
search_param = get_search_param("FLAT")
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
vecs[:] = []
res = None
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# pytest.skip("top_k value is larger than max_topp_k")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
assert len(res) == 1
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0][0].id == ids[0]
assert res[0][0].entity.get("int64") == first_int64_value
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, ids[:1])
res2 = connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
assert len(res2) == 1
assert len(res2[0]) >= top_k
assert res2[0][0].id != ids[0]
if top_k > 1:
assert res2[0][0].id == res[0][1].id
assert res2[0][0].entity.get("int64") == res[0][1].entity.get("int64")
def test_search_after_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
def test_search_after_index_different_metric_type(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test search with different metric_type
method: build index with L2, and search using IP
expected: search ok
search_metric_type = "IP"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type=search_metric_type,
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
if index_type == "FLAT":
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] > res[0]._distances[default_top_k - 1]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_index_empty_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: add vectors into collection, search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k, search collection with partition tag return empty
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
2021-03-12 11:23:06 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
connect.load_partitions(collection, [default_tag])
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert len(res[0]) == 0
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_index_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
connect.load_partitions(collection, [default_tag])
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-03-12 11:23:06 +00:00
def test_search_index_partition_not_existed(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq, get_simple_index):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors and tag (tag name not existed in collection), check the result
expected: error raised
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_index_partitions(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert not check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[new_tag])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert res[0]._distances[0] > epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] > epsilon
def test_search_index_partitions_B(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
tag = "tag"
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
2021-06-21 03:42:18 +00:00
print(f'entities[-1]["values"][:1]: {entities[-1]["values"][:1]}')
print(f'new_entities[-1]["values"][:1]: {new_entities[-1]["values"][:1]}')
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, new_entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param,
replace_vecs=[entities[-1]["values"][:1][0], new_entities[-1]["values"][:1][0]])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["(.*)tag"])
2021-06-21 03:42:18 +00:00
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], new_ids[0])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new(.*)"])
2021-06-21 03:42:18 +00:00
assert not check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] > epsilon
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
def test_search_ip_flat(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP")
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
def test_search_ip_after_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP", search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
def test_search_ip_index_empty_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: add vectors into collection, search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k, search collection with partition tag return empty
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
metric_type = "IP"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metric_type
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type=metric_type,
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_ip_index_partitions(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
metric_type = "IP"
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metric_type
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP", search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert not check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert res[1]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[1]._distances[0])
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
assert res[0]._distances[0] < 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
# assert res[1]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[1]._distances[0])
def test_search_without_connect(self, dis_connect, collection):
target: test search vectors without connection
method: use dis connected instance, call search method and check if search successfully
expected: raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = dis_connect.search(collection, default_query)
def test_search_collection_not_existed(self, connect):
target: search collection not existed
method: search with the random collection_name, which is not in db
expected: status not ok
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection_name, default_query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_distance_l2(self, connect, collection):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Euclidean
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 2
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=nq)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_query, inside_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq,
distance_0 = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[0])
distance_1 = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[1])
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert abs(np.sqrt(res[0]._distances[0]) - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
def test_search_distance_l2_after_index(self, connect, id_collection, get_simple_index):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
nq = 2
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_vecs = entities[-1]["values"]
min_distance = 1.0
min_id = None
for i in range(default_nb):
tmp_dis = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[i])
if min_distance > tmp_dis:
min_distance = tmp_dis
min_id = ids[i]
res = connect.search(id_collection, query)
tmp_epsilon = epsilon
check_id_result(res[0], min_id)
# if index_type in ["ANNOY", "IVF_PQ"]:
# tmp_epsilon = 0.1
# assert abs(np.sqrt(res[0]._distances[0]) - min_distance) <= tmp_epsilon
def test_search_distance_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 2
metirc_type = "IP"
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=nq)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_query, inside_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq,
distance_0 = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[0])
distance_1 = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[1])
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - max(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_ip_after_index(self, connect, id_collection, get_simple_index):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
nq = 2
metirc_type = "IP"
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metirc_type
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_vecs = entities[-1]["values"]
max_distance = 0
max_id = None
for i in range(default_nb):
tmp_dis = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[i])
if max_distance < tmp_dis:
max_distance = tmp_dis
max_id = ids[i]
res = connect.search(id_collection, query)
tmp_epsilon = epsilon
check_id_result(res[0], max_id)
# if index_type in ["ANNOY", "IVF_PQ"]:
# tmp_epsilon = 0.1
# assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - max_distance) <= tmp_epsilon
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_distance_jaccard_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with L2
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = jaccard(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = jaccard(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="JACCARD")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
def test_search_binary_flat_with_L2(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with L2
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="L2")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.search(binary_collection, query)
def test_search_distance_hamming_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = hamming(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = hamming(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="HAMMING")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0][0].distance - min(distance_0, distance_1).astype(float)) <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_substructure_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: search with new random binary entities and SUBSTRUCTURE metric type
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = substructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = substructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_distance_substructure_flat_index_B(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: search with entities that related to inserted entities
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
top_k = 3
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_vecs = gen_binary_sub_vectors(int_vectors, 2)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="SUBSTRUCTURE",
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert res[0][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[0][0].id == ids[0]
assert res[1][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[1][0].id == ids[1]
def test_search_distance_superstructure_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = superstructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = superstructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_distance_superstructure_flat_index_B(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with SUPER
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
top_k = 3
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_vecs = gen_binary_super_vectors(int_vectors, 2)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="SUPERSTRUCTURE",
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 2
assert len(res[1]) == 2
assert res[0][0].id in ids
assert res[0][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[1][0].id in ids
assert res[1][0].distance <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_tanimoto_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = tanimoto(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = tanimoto(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="TANIMOTO")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0][0].distance - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_concurrent_multithreads(self, connect, args):
target: test concurrent search with multiprocessess
method: search with 10 processes, each process uses dependent connection
expected: status ok and the returned vectors should be query_records
nb = 100
top_k = 10
threads_num = 4
threads = []
collection = gen_unique_str(uid)
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
# create collection
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
milvus.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
entities, ids = init_data(milvus, collection)
def search(milvus):
res = milvus.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]._entities[0].id in ids
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
for i in range(threads_num):
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
2021-03-04 08:15:05 +00:00
t = MyThread(target=search, args=(milvus,))
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
for t in threads:
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_concurrent_multithreads_single_connection(self, connect, args):
target: test concurrent search with multiprocessess
method: search with 10 processes, each process uses dependent connection
expected: status ok and the returned vectors should be query_records
nb = 100
top_k = 10
threads_num = 4
threads = []
collection = gen_unique_str(uid)
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
# create collection
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
milvus.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
entities, ids = init_data(milvus, collection)
def search(milvus):
res = milvus.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]._entities[0].id in ids
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
for i in range(threads_num):
2021-03-04 08:15:05 +00:00
t = MyThread(target=search, args=(milvus,))
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
for t in threads:
def test_search_multi_collections(self, connect, args):
target: test search multi collections of L2
method: add vectors into 10 collections, and search
expected: search status ok, the length of result
num = 10
top_k = 10
nq = 20
2021-04-01 12:44:40 +00:00
collection_names = []
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
for i in range(num):
collection = gen_unique_str(uid + str(i))
connect.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
2021-04-01 12:44:40 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
for i in range(nq):
assert check_id_result(res[i], ids[i])
assert res[i]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[i]._distances[1] > epsilon
2021-04-01 12:44:40 +00:00
for i in range(num):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-03-12 11:23:06 +00:00
2021-03-22 09:19:03 +00:00
def _test_query_entities_with_field_less_than_top_k(self, connect, id_collection):
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
target: test search with field, and let return entities less than topk
method: insert entities and build ivf_ index, and search with field, n_probe=1
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
simple_index = {"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"nlist": 200}, "metric_type": "L2"}
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, simple_index)
# logging.getLogger().info(connect.get_collection_info(id_collection))
top_k = 300
default_query, default_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq,
search_params={"nprobe": 1})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query)]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(id_collection, query, fields=["int64"])
assert len(res) == nq
for r in res[0]:
assert getattr(r.entity, "int64") == getattr(r.entity, "id")
class TestSearchDSL(object):
# The following cases are used to build invalid query expr
2021-06-15 04:41:40 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_no_must(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must expr
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_no_vector_term_only(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without vector only term
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_term_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_no_vector_range_only(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without vector only range
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_range_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_vector_only(self, connect, collection):
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
res = connect.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_wrong_format(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must expr, with wrong expr name
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must1": [gen_default_term_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_empty(self, connect, collection):
method: search with empty query
expected: error raised
query = {}
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build valid query expr
def test_query_term_value_not_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with no term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[100000])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_term_value_all_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with all term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[1])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 1
def test_query_term_values_not_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with no term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(100000, 100010)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_term_values_all_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with all term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr()]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
limit = default_nb // 2
for i in range(nq):
for result in res[i]:
assert result.id in ids[:limit]
def test_query_term_values_parts_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with parts of term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb + default_nb // 2)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_term_values_repeat(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with the same values
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(values=[1 for i in range(1, default_nb)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 1
def test_query_term_value_empty(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with term value empty
expected: return null
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_complex_dsl(self, connect, collection):
method: query with complicated dsl
expected: no error raised
expr = {"must": [
{"must": [{"should": [gen_default_term_expr(values=[1]), gen_default_range_expr()]}]},
{"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query)]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build invalid term query expr
2021-06-15 04:41:40 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_term_key_error(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with term key error
expected: Exception raised
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(keyword="terrm", values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def get_invalid_term(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_term_wrong_format(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_term):
method: build query with wrong format term
expected: Exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = get_invalid_term
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_term_field_named_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with field named "term"
expected: error raised
term_fields = add_field_default(default_fields, field_name="term")
collection_term = gen_unique_str("term")
connect.create_collection(collection_term, term_fields)
term_entities = add_field(entities, field_name="term")
ids = connect.insert(collection_term, term_entities)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
# count = connect.count_entities(collection_term)
# assert count == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_term)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
term_param = {"term": {"term": {"values": [i for i in range(default_nb // 2)]}}}
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
2021-03-22 08:36:10 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection_term, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_term_one_field_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two fields term, one of it not existed
expected: exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
term["term"].update({"a": [0]})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build valid range query expr
2021-06-15 04:41:40 +00:00
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_range_key_error(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with range key error
expected: Exception raised
range = gen_default_range_expr(keyword="ranges")
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def get_invalid_range(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_range_wrong_format(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_range):
method: build query with wrong format range
expected: Exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range = get_invalid_range
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_range_string_ranges(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with invalid ranges
expected: raise Exception
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = {"GT": "0", "LT": "1000"}
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_range_invalid_ranges(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with invalid ranges
expected: 0
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = {"GT": default_nb, "LT": 0}
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def get_valid_ranges(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_range_valid_ranges(self, connect, collection, get_valid_ranges):
method: build query with valid ranges
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = get_valid_ranges
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_range_one_field_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two fields ranges, one of fields not existed
expected: exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range = gen_default_range_expr()
range["range"].update({"a": {"GT": 1, "LT": default_nb // 2}})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build query expr multi range and term
def test_query_multi_term_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi term with same field, and values has common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 3)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_multi_term_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb + default_nb // 2)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_multi_term_different_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(field="float",
values=[float(i) for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_single_term_multi_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi term, different field each term
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = {"int64": {"values": [i for i in range(default_nb // 2)]}}
term_second = {"float": {"values": [float(i) for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb)]}}
term = update_term_expr({"term": {}}, [term_first, term_second])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_multi_range_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges has common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_one = gen_default_range_expr()
range_two = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": 1, "LT": default_nb // 3})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_one, range_two]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_multi_range_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_one = gen_default_range_expr()
range_two = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_one, range_two]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_multi_range_different_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range, different field each range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_first = gen_default_range_expr()
range_second = gen_default_range_expr(field="float", ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_first, range_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_single_range_multi_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range, different field each range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_first = {"int64": {"GT": 0, "LT": default_nb // 2}}
range_second = {"float": {"GT": default_nb / 2, "LT": float(default_nb)}}
range = update_range_expr({"range": {}}, [range_first, range_second])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build query expr both term and range
def test_query_single_term_range_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with single term single range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": -1, "LT": default_nb // 2})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term, range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_single_term_range_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with single term single range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term, range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
# The following cases are used to build multi vectors query expr
2021-06-15 04:41:40 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_multi_vectors_same_field(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two vectors same field
expected: error raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
vector1 = default_query
vector2 = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq=2)
expr = {
"must": [vector1, vector2]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
class TestSearchDSLBools(object):
# The following cases are used to build invalid query expr
2021-06-15 04:41:40 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_no_bool(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without bool expr
expected: error raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"bool1": {}}
query = expr
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_should_only_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with should.term instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_query_should_only_vector(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with should.vector instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": default_query["bool"]["must"]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_not_only_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with must_not.term instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"must_not": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_not_vector(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with must_not.vector instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"must_not": default_query["bool"]["must"]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_should(self, connect, collection):
method: build query must, and with should.term
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=True, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to test `search` function
# with invalid collection_name, or invalid query expr
class TestSearchInvalid(object):
Test search collection with invalid collection names
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_invalid_partition(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_invalid_field(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
2021-02-26 04:42:15 +00:00
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
return request.param
def test_search_with_invalid_collection(self, connect, get_collection_name):
collection_name = get_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection_name, default_query)
def test_search_with_invalid_partition(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_partition):
# tag = " "
tag = get_invalid_partition
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
2021-05-31 12:02:30 +00:00
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, partition_names=tag)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_with_invalid_field_name(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_field):
fields = [get_invalid_field]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, fields=fields)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_with_not_existed_field(self, connect, collection):
fields = [gen_unique_str("field_name")]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, fields=fields)
Test search collection with invalid query
def get_top_k(self, request):
yield request.param
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_with_invalid_top_k(self, connect, collection, get_top_k):
target: test search function, with the wrong top_k
method: search with top_k
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
top_k = get_top_k
default_query["bool"]["must"][0]["vector"][field_name]["topk"] = top_k
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query)
Test search collection with invalid search params
def get_search_params(self, request):
yield request.param
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
# 1463
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_with_invalid_params(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_search_params):
target: test search function, with the wrong nprobe
method: search with nprobe
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
search_params = get_search_params
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in ["FLAT"]:
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# pytest.skip("skip in FLAT index")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
if index_type != search_params["index_type"]:
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# pytest.skip("skip if index_type not matched")
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=1200)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, 1,
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_with_invalid_params_binary(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: test search function, with the wrong nprobe
method: search with nprobe
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
nq = 1
index_type = "BIN_IVF_FLAT"
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name,
{"index_type": index_type, "metric_type": "JACCARD", "params": {"nlist": 128}})
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
search_params={"nprobe": 0}, metric_type="JACCARD")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
# #1464
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def test_search_with_empty_params(self, connect, collection, args, get_simple_index):
target: test search function, with empty search params
method: search with params
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
if index_type == "FLAT":
2021-03-19 14:01:12 +00:00
# pytest.skip("skip in FLAT index")
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, 1, search_params={})
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-03-31 12:32:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 02:37:19 +00:00
def test_search_with_empty_vectors(self, connect, collection):
target: test search function, with empty search vectors
method: search
expected: raise an exception
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq=0)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
2021-04-30 07:56:01 +00:00
class TestSearchWithExpression(object):
params=[1, 10, 20],
def limit(self, request):
yield request.param
def expression(self, request):
yield request.param
{"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nlist": 100}},
def index_param(self, request):
return request.param
def search_params(self):
return {"metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nprobe": 10}}
def test_search_with_expression(self, connect, collection, index_param, search_params, limit, expression):
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
connect.create_index(collection, default_float_vec_field_name, index_param)
nq = 10
query_data = entities[2]["values"][:nq]
res = connect.search_with_expression(collection, query_data, default_float_vec_field_name, search_params,
limit, expression)
assert len(res) == nq
for topk_results in res:
assert len(topk_results) <= limit
2021-02-25 09:35:36 +00:00
def check_id_result(result, id):
limit_in = 5
ids = [entity.id for entity in result]
if len(result) >= limit_in:
return id in ids[:limit_in]
return id in ids