2021-11-03 11:23:28 +00:00
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
2021-11-03 11:23:28 +00:00
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
2021-11-03 11:23:28 +00:00
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package log
import (
2021-09-08 07:03:59 +00:00
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
type username string
func ( n username ) MarshalLogObject ( enc zapcore . ObjectEncoder ) error {
enc . AddString ( "username" , string ( n ) )
return nil
func TestLog ( t * testing . T ) {
ts := newTestLogSpy ( t )
conf := & Config { Level : "debug" , DisableTimestamp : true }
logger , _ , _ := InitTestLogger ( ts , conf )
sugar := logger . Sugar ( )
defer func ( ) {
_ = sugar . Sync ( )
} ( )
sugar . Infow ( "failed to fetch URL" ,
"url" , "http://example.com" ,
"attempt" , 3 ,
"backoff" , time . Second ,
sugar . Infof ( ` failed to "fetch" [URL]: %s ` , "http://example.com" )
sugar . Debugw ( "Slow query" ,
WHERE ID = "abc" ` ,
"duration" , 1300 * time . Millisecond ,
"process keys" , 1500 ,
sugar . Info ( "Welcome" )
sugar . Info ( "欢迎" )
sugar . Warnw ( "Type" ,
"Counter" , math . NaN ( ) ,
"Score" , math . Inf ( 1 ) ,
logger . With ( zap . String ( "connID" , "1" ) , zap . String ( "traceID" , "dse1121" ) ) . Info ( "new connection" )
logger . Info ( "Testing typs" ,
zap . String ( "filed1" , "noquote" ) ,
zap . String ( "filed2" , "in quote" ) ,
zap . Strings ( "urls" , [ ] string { "http://mock1.com:2347" , "http://mock2.com:2432" } ) ,
zap . Strings ( "urls-peer" , [ ] string { "t1" , "t2 fine" } ) ,
zap . Uint64s ( "store ids" , [ ] uint64 { 1 , 4 , 5 } ) ,
zap . Object ( "object" , username ( "user1" ) ) ,
zap . Object ( "object2" , username ( "user 2" ) ) ,
zap . Binary ( "binary" , [ ] byte ( "ab123" ) ) ,
zap . Bool ( "is processed" , true ) ,
zap . ByteString ( "bytestring" , [ ] byte ( "noquote" ) ) ,
zap . ByteString ( "bytestring" , [ ] byte ( "in quote" ) ) ,
zap . Int8 ( "int8" , int8 ( 1 ) ) ,
zap . Uintptr ( "ptr" , 0xa ) ,
zap . Reflect ( "reflect" , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } ) ,
zap . Stringer ( "stringer" , net . ParseIP ( "" ) ) ,
zap . Bools ( "array bools" , [ ] bool { true } ) ,
zap . Bools ( "array bools" , [ ] bool { true , true , false } ) ,
zap . Complex128 ( "complex128" , 1 + 2i ) ,
zap . Strings ( "test" , [ ] string {
"💖" ,
"<22> " ,
"☺☻☹" ,
"日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©" ,
"日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©" ,
"\x80\x80\x80\x80" ,
"<car><mirror>XML</mirror></car>" ,
} ) ,
zap . Duration ( "duration" , 10 * time . Second ) ,
ts . assertMessages (
2022-05-04 03:35:50 +00:00
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:65] ["failed to fetch URL"] [url=http://example.com] [attempt=3] [backoff=1s] ` ,
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:70] ["failed to \"fetch\" [URL]: http://example.com"] ` ,
` [DEBUG] [zap_log_test.go:71] ["Slow query"] [sql="SELECT * FROM TABLE\n\tWHERE ID=\"abc\""] [duration=1.3s] ["process keys"=1500] ` ,
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:77] [Welcome] ` ,
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:78] [欢迎] ` ,
` [WARN] [zap_log_test.go:79] [Type] [Counter=NaN] [Score=+Inf] ` ,
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:84] ["new connection"] [connID=1] [traceID=dse1121] ` ,
` [INFO] [zap_log_test.go:85] ["Testing typs"] [filed1=noquote] ` +
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
` [filed2="in quote"] [urls="[http://mock1.com:2347,http://mock2.com:2432]"] ` +
` [urls-peer="[t1,\"t2 fine\"]"] ["store ids"="[1,4,5]"] [object=" { username=user1}"] ` +
` [object2=" { username=\"user 2\"}"] [binary="YWIxMjM="] ["is processed"=true] ` +
` [bytestring=noquote] [bytestring="in quote"] [int8=1] [ptr=10] [reflect="[1,2]"] [stringer=] ` +
` ["array bools"="[true]"] ["array bools"="[true,true,false]"] [complex128=1+2i] ` +
` [test="[💖,<2C> ,☺☻☹,日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©,日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©日a本b語ç日ð本Ê語þ日¥本¼語i日©,\\ufffd\\ufffd\\ufffd\\ufffd, ` +
` <car><mirror>XML</mirror></car>]"] [duration=10s] ` ,
assert . PanicsWithValue ( t , "unknown" , func ( ) { sugar . Panic ( "unknown" ) } )
func TestTimeEncoder ( t * testing . T ) {
sec := int64 ( 1547192741 )
nsec := int64 ( 165279177 )
as , err := time . LoadLocation ( "Asia/Shanghai" )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
tt := time . Unix ( sec , nsec ) . In ( as )
conf := & Config { Level : "debug" , File : FileLogConfig { } , DisableTimestamp : true }
enc := NewTextEncoder ( conf ) . ( * textEncoder )
DefaultTimeEncoder ( tt , enc )
assert . Equal ( t , "2019/01/11 15:45:41.165 +08:00" , enc . buf . String ( ) )
enc . buf . Reset ( )
utc , err := time . LoadLocation ( "UTC" )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
utcTime := tt . In ( utc )
DefaultTimeEncoder ( utcTime , enc )
assert . Equal ( t , "2019/01/11 07:45:41.165 +00:00" , enc . buf . String ( ) )
// See [logger-header]https://github.com/tikv/rfcs/blob/master/text/2018-12-19-unified-log-format.md#log-header-section.
func TestZapCaller ( t * testing . T ) {
data := [ ] zapcore . EntryCaller {
2021-09-14 10:37:48 +00:00
/* #nosec G103 */ { Defined : true , PC : uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( nil ) ) , File : "server.go" , Line : 132 } ,
/* #nosec G103 */ { Defined : true , PC : uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( nil ) ) , File : "server/coordinator.go" , Line : 20 } ,
/* #nosec G103 */ { Defined : true , PC : uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( nil ) ) , File : ` z\test_coordinator1.go ` , Line : 20 } ,
/* #nosec G103 */ { Defined : false , PC : uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( nil ) ) , File : "" , Line : 0 } ,
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
expect := [ ] string {
"server.go:132" ,
"coordinator.go:20" ,
"ztest_coordinator1.go:20" ,
"<unknown>" ,
conf := & Config { Level : "deug" , File : FileLogConfig { } , DisableTimestamp : true }
enc := NewTextEncoder ( conf ) . ( * textEncoder )
for i , d := range data {
ShortCallerEncoder ( d , enc )
assert . Equal ( t , expect [ i ] , enc . buf . String ( ) )
enc . buf . Reset ( )
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
func TestLogJSON ( t * testing . T ) {
ts := newTestLogSpy ( t )
conf := & Config { Level : "debug" , DisableTimestamp : true , Format : "json" }
logger , _ , _ := InitTestLogger ( ts , conf , zap . AddStacktrace ( zapcore . FatalLevel ) )
sugar := logger . Sugar ( )
defer sugar . Sync ( )
sugar . Infow ( "failed to fetch URL" ,
"url" , "http://example.com" ,
"attempt" , 3 ,
"backoff" , time . Second ,
logger . With ( zap . String ( "connID" , "1" ) , zap . String ( "traceID" , "dse1121" ) ) . Info ( "new connection" )
2022-05-04 03:35:50 +00:00
ts . assertMessages ( "{\"level\":\"INFO\",\"caller\":\"zap_log_test.go:188\",\"message\":\"failed to fetch URL\",\"url\":\"http://example.com\",\"attempt\":3,\"backoff\":\"1s\"}" ,
"{\"level\":\"INFO\",\"caller\":\"zap_log_test.go:193\",\"message\":\"new connection\",\"connID\":\"1\",\"traceID\":\"dse1121\"}" )
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
func TestRotateLog ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
cases := [ ] struct {
desc string
maxSize int
writeSize int
expectedFileNum int
} {
{ "test limited max size" , 1 , 1 * 1024 * 1024 , 2 } ,
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
for _ , c := range cases {
t . Run ( c . desc , func ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-05-04 03:35:50 +00:00
tempDir := t . TempDir ( )
2021-09-07 08:07:58 +00:00
conf := & Config {
Level : "info" ,
File : FileLogConfig {
Filename : tempDir + "/test.log" ,
MaxSize : c . maxSize ,
} ,
logger , _ , err := InitLogger ( conf )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
var data [ ] byte
for i := 1 ; i <= c . writeSize ; i ++ {
if i % 1000 != 0 {
data = append ( data , 'd' )
logger . Info ( string ( data ) )
data = data [ : 0 ]
files , _ := ioutil . ReadDir ( tempDir )
assert . Len ( t , files , c . expectedFileNum )
} )
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
func TestWithOptions ( t * testing . T ) {
ts := newTestLogSpy ( t )
conf := & Config {
Level : "debug" ,
DisableTimestamp : true ,
DisableErrorVerbose : true ,
logger , _ , _ := InitTestLogger ( ts , conf , zap . AddStacktrace ( zapcore . FatalLevel ) )
logger . Error ( "Testing" , zap . Error ( errors . New ( "log-with-option" ) ) )
ts . assertMessagesNotContains ( "errorVerbose" )
ts . assertMessagesNotContains ( "stack" )
2021-09-08 07:03:59 +00:00
func TestNamedLogger ( t * testing . T ) {
ts := newTestLogSpy ( t )
conf := & Config {
Level : "debug" ,
DisableTimestamp : true ,
DisableErrorVerbose : true ,
logger , _ , _ := InitTestLogger ( ts , conf , zap . AddStacktrace ( zapcore . FatalLevel ) )
namedLogger := logger . Named ( "testLogger" )
namedLogger . Error ( "testing" )
ts . assertMessagesContains ( "testLogger" )
func TestErrorLog ( t * testing . T ) {
ts := newTestLogSpy ( t )
conf := & Config { Level : "debug" , DisableTimestamp : true }
logger , _ , _ := InitTestLogger ( ts , conf )
logger . Error ( "" , zap . NamedError ( "err" , errors . New ( "log-stack-test" ) ) )
ts . assertMessagesContains ( "[err=log-stack-test]" )
ts . assertMessagesContains ( "] [errVerbose=\"" )
2021-09-06 08:50:42 +00:00
// testLogSpy is a testing.TB that captures logged messages.
type testLogSpy struct {
testing . TB
failed bool
Messages [ ] string
func newTestLogSpy ( t testing . TB ) * testLogSpy {
return & testLogSpy { TB : t }
func ( t * testLogSpy ) Fail ( ) {
t . failed = true
func ( t * testLogSpy ) Failed ( ) bool {
return t . failed
func ( t * testLogSpy ) FailNow ( ) {
t . Fail ( )
t . TB . FailNow ( )
func ( t * testLogSpy ) Logf ( format string , args ... interface { } ) {
// Log messages are in the format,
// 2017-10-27T13:03:01.000-0700 DEBUG your message here {data here}
// We strip the first part of these messages because we can't really test
// for the timestamp from these tests.
m := fmt . Sprintf ( format , args ... )
m = m [ strings . IndexByte ( m , '\t' ) + 1 : ]
t . Messages = append ( t . Messages , m )
t . TB . Log ( m )
func ( t * testLogSpy ) assertMessages ( msgs ... string ) {
assert . Equal ( t . TB , msgs , t . Messages )
func ( t * testLogSpy ) assertMessagesContains ( msg string ) {
for _ , actualMsg := range t . Messages {
assert . Contains ( t . TB , actualMsg , msg )
func ( t * testLogSpy ) assertMessagesNotContains ( msg string ) {
for _ , actualMsg := range t . Messages {
assert . NotContains ( t . TB , actualMsg , msg )