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# SegmentGrowing
Growing segment has the following additional interfaces:
1. `PreInsert(size) -> reservedOffset`: serial interface, which reserves space for future insertion and returns the `reservedOffset`.
2. `Insert(reservedOffset, size, ...Data...)`: write `...Data...` into range `[reservedOffset, reservedOffset + size)`. This interface is allowed to be called concurrently.
1. `...Data...` contains row_ids, timestamps two system attributes, and other columns
2. data columns can be stored either row-based or column-based.
3. `PreDelete & Delete(reservedOffset, row_ids, timestamps)` is a delete interface similar to insert interface.
Growing segment stores data in the form of chunk. The number of rows in each chunk is restricted by configs.
Rows per segment are controlled by parameters `size_per_Chunk ` config
When inserting, first allocate enough space to ensure `total_size <= num_chunk * size_per_chunk`, and then convert data from row format to column format.
During a search, each 'chunk' will be searched, and the search results will be saved as 'subquery result', then reduced into TopK.
Growing Segment also implements small batch index for vectors. The parameters of small batch index are preset in `segcore config`
When `metric type` is specified in the schema, the default parameters will build an index for each chunk to accelerate query
## SegmentGrowingImpl internal
1. SegcoreConfig: contains parameters for Segcoreit has to be specified before create segment
2. InsertRecord: inserted data put to here
3. DeleteRecord: wait for delete implementation
4. IndexingRecord: contains data with small index
5. SealedIndexing: Record not used anymore
### SegcoreConfig
1. Manage chunk_sizeand small index parameters
2. `parse_from` can parse from yaml filesthis function is not enabled by default
- refer to `${milvus}/internal/core/unittest/test_utils/test_segcore.yaml`
3. `default_config` offers default parameters
### InsertRecord
Used to manage concurrent inserted data, including:
1. `atomic<int64_t> reserved` reserved space calculation
2. `AckResponder` calculate which segment to insert, returns current segment offset
3. `ConcurrentVector` stores data columns, each column has one concurrent vector
The following steps are executed when insert,
1. Serially Execute `PreInsert(size) -> reserved_offset` to allocate memory space, the address of space is `[reserved_offset, reserved_offset + size)` is reserved
2. Parallelly execute `Insert(reserved_offset, size, ...Data...)` interfacecopy data into the above memory address
- First of allfor `ConcurrentVector` of each column, call `grow_to_at_least` to reserve space
- For each column data, call `set_data_raw` interface to put data into corresponding locations.
- After execution finishedcall`AddSegment` of `AckResponder` mark the space `[reserved_offset, reserved_offset + size)` to already inserted
### ConcurrentVector
This is a column data storage that can be inserted concurrently. It is composed of multi-data chunks.
1. After`grow_to_at_least(size)` called, reserve space no less than `size`
2. `set_data_raw(element_offset, source, element_count)` point source to continuous piece of data
3. `get_span(chunk_id)` get the span of the corresponding chunk