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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cache
import (
var (
ErrNoSuchItem = merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("no such item")
ErrNotEnoughSpace = merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("not enough space")
type cacheItem[K comparable, V any] struct {
key K
value V
pinCount atomic.Int32
needReload bool
type (
Loader[K comparable, V any] func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
Finalizer[K comparable, V any] func(ctx context.Context, key K, value V) error
// Scavenger records occupation of cache and decide whether to evict if necessary.
// The scavenger makes decision based on keys only, and it is called before value loading,
// because value loading could be very expensive.
type Scavenger[K comparable] interface {
// Collect records entry additions, if there is room, return true, or else return false and a collector.
// The collector is a function which can be invoked repetedly, each invocation will test if there is enough
// room provided that all entries in the collector is evicted. Typically, the collector will get multiple false
// before it gets a true.
Collect(key K) (bool, func(K) bool)
// Throw records entry removals.
Throw(key K)
// Spare returns a collector function based on given key.
// The collector is a function which can be invoked repetedly, each invocation will test if there is enough
// room for all the pending entries if the thrown entry is evicted. Typically, the collector will get multiple true
// before it gets a false.
Spare(key K) func(K) bool
Replace(key K) (bool, func(K) bool, func())
type LazyScavenger[K comparable] struct {
capacity int64
size int64
weight func(K) int64
weights map[K]int64
func NewLazyScavenger[K comparable](weight func(K) int64, capacity int64) *LazyScavenger[K] {
return &LazyScavenger[K]{
capacity: capacity,
weight: weight,
weights: make(map[K]int64),
func (s *LazyScavenger[K]) Collect(key K) (bool, func(K) bool) {
w := s.weight(key)
if s.size+w > s.capacity {
needCollect := s.size + w - s.capacity
return false, func(key K) bool {
needCollect -= s.weights[key]
return needCollect <= 0
s.size += w
s.weights[key] = w
return true, nil
func (s *LazyScavenger[K]) Replace(key K) (bool, func(K) bool, func()) {
pw := s.weights[key]
w := s.weight(key)
if s.size-pw+w > s.capacity {
needCollect := s.size - pw + w - s.capacity
return false, func(key K) bool {
needCollect -= s.weights[key]
return needCollect <= 0
}, nil
s.size += w - pw
s.weights[key] = w
return true, nil, func() {
s.size -= w - pw
s.weights[key] = pw
func (s *LazyScavenger[K]) Throw(key K) {
if w, ok := s.weights[key]; ok {
s.size -= w
delete(s.weights, key)
func (s *LazyScavenger[K]) Spare(key K) func(K) bool {
w := s.weight(key)
available := s.capacity - s.size + w
return func(k K) bool {
available -= s.weight(k)
return available >= 0
type Stats struct {
HitCount atomic.Uint64
MissCount atomic.Uint64
LoadSuccessCount atomic.Uint64
LoadFailCount atomic.Uint64
TotalLoadTimeMs atomic.Uint64
TotalFinalizeTimeMs atomic.Uint64
EvictionCount atomic.Uint64
type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
// Do the operation `doer` on the given key `key`. The key is kept in the cache until the operation
// completes.
// Throws `ErrNoSuchItem` if the key is not found or not able to be loaded from given loader.
Do(ctx context.Context, key K, doer func(context.Context, V) error) (missing bool, err error)
// Get stats
Stats() *Stats
MarkItemNeedReload(ctx context.Context, key K) bool
// Remove removes the item from the cache.
// Return nil if the item is removed.
// Return error if the Remove operation is canceled.
Remove(ctx context.Context, key K) error
// lruCache extends the ccache library to provide pinning and unpinning of items.
type lruCache[K comparable, V any] struct {
rwlock sync.RWMutex
// the value is *cacheItem[V]
items map[K]*list.Element
accessList *list.List
loaderKeyLocks *lock.KeyLock[K]
stats *Stats
waitNotifier *syncutil.VersionedNotifier
loader Loader[K, V]
finalizer Finalizer[K, V]
scavenger Scavenger[K]
reloader Loader[K, V]
type CacheBuilder[K comparable, V any] struct {
loader Loader[K, V]
finalizer Finalizer[K, V]
scavenger Scavenger[K]
reloader Loader[K, V]
func NewCacheBuilder[K comparable, V any]() *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
return &CacheBuilder[K, V]{
loader: nil,
finalizer: nil,
scavenger: NewLazyScavenger(
func(key K) int64 {
return 1
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) WithLoader(loader Loader[K, V]) *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
b.loader = loader
return b
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) WithFinalizer(finalizer Finalizer[K, V]) *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
b.finalizer = finalizer
return b
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) WithLazyScavenger(weight func(K) int64, capacity int64) *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
b.scavenger = NewLazyScavenger(weight, capacity)
return b
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) WithCapacity(capacity int64) *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
b.scavenger = NewLazyScavenger(
func(key K) int64 {
return 1
return b
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) WithReloader(reloader Loader[K, V]) *CacheBuilder[K, V] {
b.reloader = reloader
return b
func (b *CacheBuilder[K, V]) Build() Cache[K, V] {
return newLRUCache(b.loader, b.finalizer, b.scavenger, b.reloader)
func newLRUCache[K comparable, V any](
loader Loader[K, V],
finalizer Finalizer[K, V],
scavenger Scavenger[K],
reloader Loader[K, V],
) Cache[K, V] {
return &lruCache[K, V]{
items: make(map[K]*list.Element),
accessList: list.New(),
waitNotifier: syncutil.NewVersionedNotifier(),
loaderKeyLocks: lock.NewKeyLock[K](),
stats: new(Stats),
loader: loader,
finalizer: finalizer,
scavenger: scavenger,
reloader: reloader,
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) Do(ctx context.Context, key K, doer func(context.Context, V) error) (bool, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Any("key", key))
for {
// Get a listener before getAndPin to avoid missing the notification.
listener := c.waitNotifier.Listen(syncutil.VersionedListenAtLatest)
item, missing, err := c.getAndPin(ctx, key)
if err == nil {
defer c.Unpin(key)
return missing, doer(ctx, item.value)
} else if err != ErrNotEnoughSpace {
return true, err
log.Warn("Failed to get disk cache for segment, wait and try again", zap.Error(err))
// wait for the listener to be notified.
if err := listener.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get item for key with timeout", zap.Error(context.Cause(ctx)))
return true, err
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) Stats() *Stats {
return c.stats
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) Unpin(key K) {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
e, ok := c.items[key]
if !ok {
item := e.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
log := log.With(zap.Any("UnPinedKey", key))
if item.pinCount.Load() == 0 {
log.Debug("Unpin item to zero ref, trigger activating waiters")
} else {
log.Debug("Miss to trigger activating waiters", zap.Int32("PinCount", item.pinCount.Load()))
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) peekAndPin(ctx context.Context, key K) *cacheItem[K, V] {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
e, ok := c.items[key]
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
if ok {
item := e.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
if item.needReload && item.pinCount.Load() == 0 {
ok, _, retback := c.scavenger.Replace(key)
if ok {
// there is room for reload and no one is using the item
if c.reloader != nil {
reloaded, err := c.reloader(ctx, key)
if err == nil {
item.value = reloaded
} else if retback != nil {
item.needReload = false
log.Debug("peeked item success",
zap.Int32("PinCount", item.pinCount.Load()),
zap.Any("key", key))
return item
log.Debug("failed to peek item", zap.Any("key", key))
return nil
// GetAndPin gets and pins the given key if it exists
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) getAndPin(ctx context.Context, key K) (*cacheItem[K, V], bool, error) {
if item := c.peekAndPin(ctx, key); item != nil {
return item, false, nil
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
if c.loader != nil {
// Try scavenge if there is room. If not, fail fast.
// Note that the test is not accurate since we are not locking `loader` here.
if _, ok := c.tryScavenge(key); !ok {
log.Warn("getAndPin ran into scavenge failure, return", zap.Any("key", key))
return nil, true, ErrNotEnoughSpace
defer c.loaderKeyLocks.Unlock(key)
if item := c.peekAndPin(ctx, key); item != nil {
return item, false, nil
timer := time.Now()
value, err := c.loader(ctx, key)
for retryAttempt := 0; merr.ErrServiceDiskLimitExceeded.Is(err) && retryAttempt < paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.LazyLoadMaxRetryTimes.GetAsInt(); retryAttempt++ {
// Try to evict one item if there is not enough disk space, then retry.
c.evictItems(ctx, paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.LazyLoadMaxEvictPerRetry.GetAsInt())
value, err = c.loader(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("loader failed for key", zap.Any("key", key))
return nil, true, err
item, err := c.setAndPin(ctx, key, value)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("setAndPin failed for key", zap.Any("key", key), zap.Error(err))
return nil, true, err
return item, true, nil
return nil, true, ErrNoSuchItem
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) tryScavenge(key K) ([]K, bool) {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
return c.lockfreeTryScavenge(key)
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) lockfreeTryScavenge(key K) ([]K, bool) {
ok, collector := c.scavenger.Collect(key)
toEvict := make([]K, 0)
if !ok {
done := false
for p := c.accessList.Back(); p != nil && !done; p = p.Prev() {
evictItem := p.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
if evictItem.pinCount.Load() > 0 {
toEvict = append(toEvict, evictItem.key)
done = collector(evictItem.key)
if !done {
return nil, false
} else {
// If no collection needed, give back the space.
return toEvict, true
// for cache miss
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) setAndPin(ctx context.Context, key K, value V) (*cacheItem[K, V], error) {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
item := &cacheItem[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
// tryScavenge is done again since the load call is lock free.
toEvict, ok := c.lockfreeTryScavenge(key)
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
if !ok {
if c.finalizer != nil {
log.Warn("setAndPin ran into scavenge failure, release data for", zap.Any("key", key))
c.finalizer(ctx, key, value)
return nil, ErrNotEnoughSpace
for _, ek := range toEvict {
c.evict(ctx, ek)
log.Debug("cache evicting", zap.Any("key", ek), zap.Any("by", key))
e := c.accessList.PushFront(item)
c.items[item.key] = e
log.Debug("setAndPin set up item", zap.Any("item.key", item.key),
zap.Int32("pinCount", item.pinCount.Load()))
return item, nil
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) Remove(ctx context.Context, key K) error {
for {
listener := c.waitNotifier.Listen(syncutil.VersionedListenAtLatest)
if c.tryToRemoveKey(ctx, key) {
return nil
if err := listener.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to remove item for key with timeout", zap.Error(err))
return err
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) tryToRemoveKey(ctx context.Context, key K) (removed bool) {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
e, ok := c.items[key]
if !ok {
return true
item := e.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
if item.pinCount.Load() == 0 {
c.evict(ctx, key)
return true
return false
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) evict(ctx context.Context, key K) {
e := c.items[key]
delete(c.items, key)
if c.finalizer != nil {
item := e.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
c.finalizer(ctx, key, item.value)
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) evictItems(ctx context.Context, n int) {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
toEvict := make([]K, 0)
for p := c.accessList.Back(); p != nil && n > 0; p = p.Prev() {
evictItem := p.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
if evictItem.pinCount.Load() > 0 {
toEvict = append(toEvict, evictItem.key)
for _, key := range toEvict {
c.evict(ctx, key)
func (c *lruCache[K, V]) MarkItemNeedReload(ctx context.Context, key K) bool {
defer c.rwlock.Unlock()
if e, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
item := e.Value.(*cacheItem[K, V])
item.needReload = true
return true
return false