
79 lines
3.0 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
{{ $pages := .Pages }}
{{ with site.Params.language_alternatives }}
{{ range . }}
{{ with (where $.Translations ".Lang" . ) }}
{{ $p := index . 0 }}
{{ $pages = $pages | lang.Merge $p.Pages }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $featured := (where $pages "Params.featured" true).ByWeight | first 4 }}
<section id="mainContent">
<div class="main-section">
<div class="content">
{{ partial "deprecation-warning.html" . }}
<div class="case-studies">
{{ range $featured }}
{{ template "case-study-featured-block" (dict "ctx" $ "page" .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $featuredVideos := where .Pages "" "!=" nil }}
{{ with $featuredVideos }}
{{ with index $featuredVideos 0 }}
{{ $altText := .LinkTitle }}
<section id="video">
<div class="main-section">
<h4><i>"{{ .Params.quote | html }}"</i></h4>
{{ $img := .Resources.GetMatch "video.png" }}
{{ $small := .Resources.GetMatch "**small*.svg" }}
{{ with $small }}<img height="60px" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $altText }}">{{ end }}
<div style= "padding-left: 40px;"><button onclick="kub.showVideo()">{{ with $img }}<img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" alt="Box video">{{ end }}<h6>Kubernetes at Box</h6></button></div>
<div id="videoPlayer">
<iframe data-url="{{ | safeURL }}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
<button id="closeButton"></button>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<section id="users">
<div class="main-section">
<h3>{{ .Title }}</h3>
<div id="usersGrid">
{{ range $pages.ByTitle }}
{{ $logo := .Resources.GetMatch "**{feature,logo}*.svg" }}
{{ if not $logo }}
{{ $logo = .Resources.GetMatch "**logo*.png" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $p := . }}
<a target="_blank" href="{{ with $p.Params.content_url }}{{ . | safeURL }}{{ else }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}">
{{ with $logo }}
<img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="215px" height="127px" alt="{{ $p.LinkTitle }}">
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Case Studies: Missing logo for %s. Put a PNG or SVG with the word 'logo' in the filename into %q" $p.LinkTitle $p.File.Dir }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<a target="_blank" href="" class="tell-your-story"><img height="127px"src="/images/case-studies/story.svg" alt="{{ T "layouts_case_studies_list_tell" }}"></a>
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "case-study-featured-block" }}
{{ $isForeignLanguage := (ne .page.Lang .ctx.Lang)}}
{{ $logo := .page.Resources.GetMatch "**{feature,logo}*.png" }}
{{ $altText := .page.LinkTitle}}
<div class="case-study">
{{ with $logo }}<img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $altText }}">{{ end }}
<p class="quote">"{{ .page.Params.quote | html }}"</p>
<a href="{{ .page.RelPermalink }}"{{ if $isForeignLanguage }} target="_blank"{{ end }}>{{ T "main_read_about"}} {{ .page.LinkTitle }}</a>
{{ end }}