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# i18n strings for the English (main) site.
other = "Read about"
#other = "について参照する"
other = "続きを読む"
other = "Kubernetesのコードを編集することに興味がありますか?"
other = "Githubで参照する"
other = "Issue作成"
other = "コミュニティを探す"
other = "Kubernetesの機能"
other = """私達は<a href="https://cncf.io/">CNCF</a> graduated プロジェクトです</p>"""
other = "登録"
other = "コントリビュート"
other = "ページ編集"
other ="ページ履歴"
other = "ページの最終更新"
other = "by"
other = """The Kubernetes Authors | Documentation Distributed under <a href="https://git.k8s.io/website/LICENSE" class="light-text">CC BY 4.0</a>"""
other = """The Linux Foundation ®. All rights reserved. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our <a href="https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage" class="light-text">Trademark Usage page</a>"""
# Labels for the docs portal home page.
other = "ドキュメントの参照"
other = "コントリビューター"
other = "ユーザー"
other = "私は..."
# Community links
other = "Twitter"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "フォーラム"
other = "イベントカレンダー"
# UI elements
other = "検索"