61 lines
2.7 KiB
61 lines
2.7 KiB
<!-- Define slice to store API reference links -->
{{- $apiReferenceMetaLinks := slice -}}
{{- $apiReferenceText := T "api_reference_title" -}}
<!-- Clear exisiting $.Store values -->
{{ $.Store.Delete "apiReferenceMetaLinks" }}
{{ $.Store.Delete "pageApiReferenceLinksMap" }}
<!-- Check if 'api_metadata' is an empty interface slice
(Used for excluding auto-generated files and their localized versions) -->
{{- $ignoreCondition := (printf "%T" .Page.Params.api_metadata | eq "[]interface {}") -}}
<!-- Check if 'api-metadata' exists in the front-matter of the file -->
{{- if and .Page.Params.api_metadata $ignoreCondition (not .Page.Params.simple_list) -}}
<!-- Loop through each api_metadata entry -->
{{- range $metadata := .Page.Params.api_metadata -}}
<!-- Extract API metadata -->
{{- $apiVersion := $metadata.apiVersion -}}
{{- $kind := $metadata.kind -}}
{{- $version := $apiVersion -}}
{{- $linkText := $metadata.override_link_text | default $kind -}}
<!-- Get all sections under the specified directory -->
{{- $apiRefBaseDir := "docs/reference/kubernetes-api/" -}}
{{- $apiRefSections := site.GetPage "section" $apiRefBaseDir -}}
<!-- Loop through sections -->
{{- range $apiRefSection := $apiRefSections.Sections -}}
{{- $apiRefDir := $apiRefSection.RelPermalink -}}
{{- $fragmentApiRefDir := split $apiRefDir "/docs" -}}
{{- $apiRefDir := printf "/docs%s" (index ($fragmentApiRefDir) 1) -}}
{{- $apiReferenceFiles := site.GetPage $apiRefDir -}}
<!-- Loop through API reference files -->
{{- range $apiRefFile := $apiReferenceFiles.RegularPages -}}
{{- $apiRefFileDirPath:= printf "/%s" $apiRefFile.File.Dir -}}
{{- if and (ne $apiRefFile.Section "") (in $apiRefFileDirPath $apiRefDir) -}}
<!-- Check if the file's metadata matches -->
{{- with $apiRefFile.Params.api_metadata -}}
{{- if and (eq .kind $kind) (eq .apiVersion $version) -}}
<!-- If the file's metadata matches, add link to variable -->
{{- $link := printf "<a class='api-reference-page-link' href='%s'>%s %s</a>" $apiRefFile.Permalink $linkText $apiReferenceText -}}
{{- $apiReferenceMetaLinks = $apiReferenceMetaLinks | append $link -}}
<!-- Add to the map -->
{{- $.Store.SetInMap "pageApiReferenceLinksMap" $kind $link -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if gt (len $apiReferenceMetaLinks) 0 -}}
<!-- Store $apiReferenceMetaLinks for meta links in 'partials/page-meta-links.html' -->
{{ $.Store.Add "apiReferenceMetaLinks" $apiReferenceMetaLinks }}
{{- end -}}