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;(function () {
var partners = [
type: 0,
name: 'Sysdig Cloud',
logo: 'sys_dig',
link: 'https://sysdig.com/blog/monitoring-kubernetes-with-sysdig-cloud/',
blurb: 'Container native monitoring with deep support for Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Puppet',
logo: 'puppet',
link: 'https://puppet.com/blog/managing-kubernetes-configuration-puppet',
blurb: 'The Puppet module for Kubernetes makes it easy to manage Pods, Replication Controllers, Services and more in Kubernetes, and to build domain-specific interfaces to one\'s Kubernetes configuration.'
type: 0,
name: 'Citrix',
logo: 'citrix',
link: 'https://www.citrix.com/networking/microservices.html',
blurb: 'Netscaler CPX gives app developers all the features they need to load balance their microservices and containerized apps with Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Cockroach Labs',
logo: 'cockroach_labs',
link: 'https://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/running-cockroachdb-on-kubernetes/',
blurb: 'CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database whose built-in replication and survivability model pair with Kubernetes to truly make data easy.'
type: 0,
name: 'Weaveworks',
logo: 'weave_works',
link: ' https://weave.works/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Weaveworks enables Developers and Dev/Ops teams to easily connect, deploy, secure, manage, and troubleshoot microservices in Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Intel',
logo: 'intel',
link: 'https://tectonic.com/press/intel-coreos-collaborate-on-openstack-with-kubernetes.html',
blurb: 'Powering the GIFEE (Google’s Infrastructure for Everyone Else), to run OpenStack deployments on Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Platform9',
logo: 'platform9',
link: 'https://platform9.com/products/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Platform9 is the open source-as-a-service company that takes all of the goodness of Kubernetes and delivers it as a managed service.'
type: 0,
name: 'Datadog',
logo: 'datadog',
link: 'http://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Full-stack observability for dynamic infrastructure & applications. Includes precision alerting, analytics and deep Kubernetes integrations. '
type: 0,
name: 'AppFormix',
logo: 'appformix',
link: 'http://www.appformix.com/solutions/appformix-for-kubernetes/',
blurb: 'AppFormix is a cloud infrastructure performance optimization service helping enterprise operators streamline their cloud operations on any Kubernetes cloud. '
type: 0,
name: 'Crunchy',
logo: 'crunchy',
link: 'http://info.crunchydata.com/blog/advanced-crunchy-containers-for-postgresql',
blurb: 'Crunchy PostgreSQL Container Suite is a set of containers for managing PostgreSQL with DBA microservices leveraging Kubernetes and Helm.'
type: 0,
name: 'Aqua',
logo: 'aqua',
link: 'http://blog.aquasec.com/security-best-practices-for-kubernetes-deployment',
blurb: 'Deep, automated security for your containers running on Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Distelli',
logo: 'distelli',
link: 'https://www.distelli.com/',
blurb: 'Pipelines from your source repositories to your Kubernetes Clusters on any cloud.'
type: 0,
name: 'Nuage networks',
logo: 'nuagenetworks',
link: 'https://github.com/nuagenetworks/nuage-kubernetes',
blurb: 'The Nuage SDN platform provides policy-based networking between Kubernetes Pods and non-Kubernetes environments with visibility and security monitoring.'
type: 0,
name: 'Sematext',
logo: 'sematext',
link: 'https://sematext.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Logging & Monitoring: Automatic collection and processing of Metrics, Events and Logs for auto-discovered pods and Kubernetes nodes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Diamanti',
logo: 'diamanti',
link: 'https://www.diamanti.com/products/',
blurb: 'Diamanti deploys containers with guaranteed performance using Kubernetes in the first hyperconverged appliance purpose built for containerized applications.'
type: 0,
name: 'Aporeto',
logo: 'aporeto',
link: 'https://aporeto.com/trireme',
blurb: 'Aporeto makes cloud-native applications secure by default without impacting developer velocity and works at any scale, on any cloud.'
type: 2,
name: 'Giant Swarm',
logo: 'giant_swarm',
link: 'https://giantswarm.io',
blurb: 'Giant Swarm provides fully-managed Kubernetes Clusters in your location of choice, so you can focus on your product.'
type: 3,
name: 'Mirantis',
logo: 'mirantis',
link: 'https://www.mirantis.com/software/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Mirantis - Mirantis Cloud Platform'
type: 0,
name: 'Kubernetic',
logo: 'kubernetic',
link: 'https://kubernetic.com/',
blurb: 'Kubernetic is a Kubernetes Desktop client that simplifies and democratizes cluster management for DevOps.'
type: 1,
name: 'Reactive Ops',
logo: 'reactive_ops',
link: 'https://www.reactiveops.com/the-kubernetes-experts/',
blurb: 'ReactiveOps has written automation on best practices for infrastructure as code on GCP & AWS using Kubernetes, helping you build and maintain a world-class infrastructure at a fraction of the price of an internal hire.'
type: 2,
name: 'Livewyer',
logo: 'livewyer',
link: 'https://livewyer.io/services/kubernetes-experts/',
blurb: 'Kubernetes experts that on-board applications and empower IT teams to get the most out of containerised technology.'
type: 2,
name: 'Samsung SDS',
logo: 'samsung_sds',
link: 'http://www.samsungsdsa.com/cloud-infrastructure_kubernetes',
blurb: 'Samsung SDS’s Cloud Native Computing Team offers expert consulting across the range of technical aspects involved in building services targeted at a Kubernetes cluster.'
type: 2,
name: 'Container Solutions',
logo: 'container_solutions',
link: 'http://container-solutions.com/resources/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Container Solutions is a premium software consultancy that focuses on programmable infrastructure, offering our expertise in software development, strategy and operations to help you innovate at speed and scale.'
type: 2,
name: 'Jetstack',
logo: 'jetstack',
link: 'https://www.jetstack.io/',
blurb: 'Jetstack is an organisation focused entirely on Kubernetes. They will help you to get the most out of Kubernetes through expert professional services and open source tooling. Get in touch, and accelerate your project.'
type: 0,
name: 'Tigera',
logo: 'tigera',
link: 'http://docs.projectcalico.org/latest/getting-started/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Tigera builds high performance, policy driven, cloud native networking solutions for Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'Harbur',
logo: 'harbur',
link: 'https://harbur.io/',
blurb: 'Based in Barcelona, Harbur is a consulting firm that helps companies deploy self-healing solutions empowered by Container technologies'
type: 0,
name: 'Spotinst',
logo: 'spotinst',
link: 'http://blog.spotinst.com/2016/08/04/elastigroup-kubernetes-minions-steroids/',
blurb: 'Spotinst uses a prediction algorithm in the Amazon EC2 Spot allowing k8s clusters to increase performance and lower the infrastructure costs'
type: 2,
name: 'InwinSTACK',
logo: 'inwinstack',
link: 'http://www.inwinstack.com/index.php/en/solutions-en/',
blurb: 'Our container service leverages OpenStack-based infrastructure and its container orchestration engine Magnum to manage Kubernetes clusters.'
type: 1,
name: 'Semantix',
logo: 'semantix',
link: 'http://www.semantix.com.br/',
blurb: 'Semantix is a company that works with data analytics and distributed systems. Kubernetes is used to orchestrate services for our customers.'
type: 0,
name: 'ASM Technologies Limited',
logo: 'asm',
link: 'http://www.asmtech.com/',
blurb: 'Our technology supply chain portfolio enables your software products to be accessible, viable and available more effectively.'
type: 1,
name: 'InfraCloud Technologies',
logo: 'infracloud',
link: 'http://blog.infracloud.io/state-of-kubernetes/',
blurb: 'InfraCloud Technologies is software consultancy which provides services in Containers, Cloud and DevOps.'
type: 0,
name: 'SignalFx',
logo: 'signalfx',
link: 'https://github.com/signalfx/integrations/tree/master/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Gain real-time visibility across metrics & the most intelligent alerts for todays architectures, including deep integration with Kubernetes'
type: 0,
name: 'NATS',
logo: 'nats',
link: 'https://github.com/pires/kubernetes-nats-cluster',
blurb: 'NATS is a simple, secure, and scalable cloud native messaging system.'
type: 2,
name: 'RX-M',
logo: 'rxm',
link: 'http://rx-m.com/training/kubernetes-training/',
blurb: 'Market neutral Kubernetes Dev, DevOps and Production training and consulting services'
type: 1,
name: 'Emerging Technology Advisors',
logo: 'eta',
link: 'https://www.emergingtechnologyadvisors.com/services/kubernetes.html',
blurb: 'ETA helps companies architect, implement, and manage scalable applications using Kubernetes on on public or private cloud.'
type: 0,
name: 'CloudPlex.io',
logo: 'cloudplex',
link: 'http://www.cloudplex.io',
blurb: 'CloudPlex enables operations teams to visually deploy, orchestrate, manage, and monitor infrastructure, applications, and services in public or private cloud.'
type: 1,
name: 'Kumina',
logo: 'kumina',
link: 'https://www.kumina.nl/managed_kubernetes',
blurb: 'Kumina creates Kubernetes solutions on your choice of infrastructure with around-the-clock management and unlimited support.'
type: 0,
name: 'CA Technologies',
logo: 'ca',
link: 'https://docops.ca.com/ca-continuous-delivery-director/integrations/en/plug-ins/kubernetes-plug-in',
blurb: 'The CA Continuous Delivery Director Kubernetes plugin orchestrates deployment of containerized applications within an end-to-end release pipeline.'
type: 0,
name: 'CoScale',
logo: 'coscale',
link: 'http://www.coscale.com/blog/how-to-monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster',
blurb: 'Full stack monitoring of containers and microservices orchestrated by Kubernetes. Powered by anomaly detection to find problems faster.'
type: 2,
name: 'Supergiant.io',
logo: 'supergiant',
link: 'https://supergiant.io/blog/supergiant-packing-algorithm-unique-save-money',
blurb: 'Supergiant autoscales hardware for Kubernetes. Open-source, it makes HA, distributed, stateful apps easy to deploy, manage, and scale.'
type: 0,
name: 'Avi Networks',
logo: 'avinetworks',
link: 'https://kb.avinetworks.com/avi-vantage-openshift-installation-guide/',
blurb: 'Avis elastic application services fabric provides scalable, feature rich & integrated L4-7 networking for K8S environments.'
type: 1,
name: 'Codecrux web technologies pvt ltd',
logo: 'codecrux',
link: 'http://codecrux.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'At CodeCrux we help your organization get the most out of Containers and Kubernetes, regardless of where you are in your journey'
type: 0,
name: 'Greenqloud',
logo: 'qstack',
link: 'https://www.qstack.com/application-orchestration/',
blurb: 'Qstack provides self-serviceable on-site Kubernetes clusters with an intuitive User Interface for Infrastructure and Kubernetes management.'
type: 1,
name: 'StackOverdrive.io',
logo: 'stackoverdrive',
link: 'http://www.stackoverdrive.net/kubernetes-consulting/',
blurb: 'StackOverdrive helps organizations of all sizes leverage Kubernetes for container based orchestration and management.'
type: 0,
name: 'StackIQ, Inc.',
logo: 'stackiq',
link: 'https://www.stackiq.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'With Stacki and the Stacki Pallet for Kubernetes, you can go from bare metal to containers in one step very quickly and easily.'
type: 0,
name: 'Cobe',
logo: 'cobe',
link: 'https://cobe.io/product-page/',
blurb: 'Manage Kubernetes clusters with a live, searchable model that captures all relationships and performance data in full visualised context.'
type: 0,
name: 'Datawire',
logo: 'datawire',
link: 'http://www.datawire.io',
blurb: 'Datawires open source tools let your microservices developers be awesomely productive on Kubernetes, while letting ops sleep at night.'
type: 0,
name: 'Mashape, Inc.',
logo: 'mashape',
link: 'https://getkong.org/install/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Kong is a scalable open source API layer that runs in front of any RESTful API and can be provisioned to a Kubernetes cluster.'
type: 0,
name: 'F5 Networks',
logo: 'f5networks',
link: 'http://github.com/f5networks',
blurb: 'We have a LB integration into Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'Lovable Tech',
logo: 'lovable',
link: 'http://lovable.tech/',
blurb: 'World class engineers, designers, and strategic consultants helping you ship Lovable web & mobile technology.'
type: 0,
name: 'StackState',
logo: 'stackstate',
link: 'http://stackstate.com/platform/container-monitoring',
blurb: 'Operational Analytics across teams and tools. Includes topology visualization, root cause analysis and anomaly detection for Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'INEXCCO INC',
logo: 'inexcco',
link: 'https://www.inexcco.com/',
blurb: 'Strong DevOps and Cloud talent working with couple clients on kubernetes and helm implementations. '
type: 2,
name: 'Bitnami',
logo: 'bitnami',
link: 'http://bitnami.com/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Bitnami brings a catalog of trusted, up to date, and easy to use applications and application building blocks to Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'Nebulaworks',
logo: 'nebulaworks',
link: 'http://www.nebulaworks.com/container-platforms',
blurb: 'Nebulaworks provides services to help the enterprise adopt modern container platforms and optimized processes to enable innovation at scale.'
type: 1,
name: 'EASYNUBE',
logo: 'easynube',
link: 'http://easynube.co.uk/devopsnube/',
blurb: 'EasyNube provide architecture, implementation, and manage scalable applications using Kubernetes and Openshift.'
type: 1,
name: 'Opcito Technologies',
logo: 'opcito',
link: 'http://www.opcito.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Opcito is a software consultancy that uses Kubernetes to help organisations build, architect & deploy highly scalable applications.'
type: 0,
name: 'code by Dell EMC',
logo: 'codedellemc',
link: 'https://blog.codedellemc.com',
blurb: 'Respected as a thought leader in storage persistence for containerized applications. Contributed significant work to K8 and Ecosystem'
type: 0,
name: 'Instana',
logo: 'instana',
link: 'https://www.instana.com/supported-technologies/',
blurb: 'Instana monitors performance of the applications, infrastructure, containers and services deployed on a Kubernetes cluster.'
type: 0,
name: 'Netsil',
logo: 'netsil',
link: 'https://netsil.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Generate a real-time, auto-discovered application topology map! Monitor Kubernetes pods and namespaces without any code instrumentation.'
type: 2,
name: 'Treasure Data',
logo: 'treasuredata',
link: 'https://fluentd.treasuredata.com/kubernetes-logging/',
blurb: 'Fluentd Enterprise brings smart, secure logging to Kubernetes, and brings integrations with backends such as Splunk, Kafka, or AWS S3.'
type: 1,
name: 'Kenzan',
logo: 'Kenzan',
link: 'http://kenzan.com/?ref=kubernetes',
blurb: 'Kenzan is a software engineering and full-service consulting firm that provides customized, end-to-end solutions that drive change through digital transformation.'
type: 0,
name: 'Kublr',
logo: 'kublr',
link: 'http://kublr.com',
blurb: 'SSimplify and speed up the management of your containerized applications at scale.'
type: 0,
name: 'Endocode AG',
logo: 'endocode',
link: 'https://endocode.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Endocode practices and teaches the open source way. Kernel to cluster - Dev to Ops. We offer Kubernetes trainings, services and support.'
type: 2,
name: 'Accenture',
logo: 'accenture',
link: 'https://www.accenture.com/us-en/service-application-containers',
blurb: 'Architecture, implementation and operation of world-class Kubernetes solutions for cloud-native clients.'
type: 1,
name: 'Biarca',
logo: 'biarca',
link: 'http://biarca.io/',
blurb: 'Biarca is a cloud services provider and key focus areas Key areas of focus for Biarca include Cloud Adoption Services, Infrastructure Services, DevOps Services and Application Services. Biarca leverages Kubernetes to deliver containerized solutions.'
type: 2,
name: 'Claranet',
logo: 'claranet',
link: 'http://www.claranet.co.uk/hosting/google-cloud-platform-consulting-managed-services',
blurb: 'Claranet helps people migrate to the cloud and take full advantage of the new world it offers. We consult, design, build and proactively manage the right infrastructure and automation tooling for clients to achieve this.'
type: 1,
name: 'CloudKite',
logo: 'cloudkite',
link: 'https://cloudkite.io/',
blurb: 'CloudKite.io helps companies build and maintain highly automated, resilient, and impressively performing software on Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'CloudOps',
logo: 'CloudOps',
link: 'https://www.cloudops.com/services/docker-and-kubernetes-workshops/',
blurb: 'CloudOps gets you hands-on with the K8s ecosystem via workshop/lab. Get prod ready K8s in cloud(s) of your choice with our managed services.'
type: 2,
name: 'Ghostcloud',
logo: 'ghostcloud',
link: 'https://www.ghostcloud.cn/ecos-kubernetes',
blurb: 'EcOS is an enterprise-grade PaaS / CaaS based on Docker and Kubernetes, which makes it easier to configure, deploy and manage containerized applications.'
type: 2,
name: 'Contino',
logo: 'contino',
link: 'https://www.contino.io/',
blurb: 'We help enterprise organizations adopt DevOps, containers and cloud computing. Contino is a global consultancy that enables regulated organizations to accelerate innovation through the adoption of modern approaches to software delivery.'
type: 2,
name: 'Booz Allen Hamilton',
logo: 'boozallenhamilton',
link: 'https://www.boozallen.com/',
blurb: 'Booz Allen partners with public and private sector clients to solve their most difficult challenges through a combination of consulting, analytics, mission operations, technology, systems delivery, cybersecurity, engineering, and innovation expertise.'
type: 1,
name: 'BigBinary',
logo: 'bigbinary',
link: 'http://blog.bigbinary.com/categories/Kubernetes',
blurb: 'Provider of Digital Solutions for federal and commercial clients, to include DevSecOps, cloud platforms, transformation strategy, cognitive solutions, and UX.'
type: 0,
name: 'CloudPerceptions',
logo: 'cloudperceptions',
link: 'https://www.meetup.com/Triangle-Kubernetes-Meetup/files/',
blurb: 'Container security solution for small-to-medium size enterprises who plan to run Kubernetes on shared infrastructure.'
type: 1,
name: 'Creationline, Inc.',
logo: 'creationline',
link: 'https://www.creationline.com/ci',
blurb: 'Total solution for container based IT resource management.'
type: 0,
name: 'DataCore Software',
logo: 'datacore',
link: 'https://www.datacore.com/solutions/virtualization/containerization',
blurb: 'DataCore provides highly-available, high-performance universal block storage for Kubernetes, radically improving the speed of deployment.'
type: 0,
name: 'Elastifile',
logo: 'elastifile',
link: 'https://www.elastifile.com/stateful-containers',
blurb: 'Elastifile’s cross-cloud data fabric delivers elastically scalable, high performance, software-defined persistent storage for Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'GitLab',
logo: 'gitlab',
link: 'https://about.gitlab.com/2016/11/14/idea-to-production/',
blurb: 'With GitLab and Kubernetes, you can deploy a complete CI/CD pipeline with multiple environments, automatic deployments, and automatic monitoring.'
type: 0,
name: 'Gravitational, Inc.',
logo: 'gravitational',
link: 'https://gravitational.com/telekube/',
blurb: 'Telekube combines Kubernetes with Teleport, our modern SSH server, so operators can remotely manage a multitude of K8s application deployments.'
type: 0,
name: 'Hitachi Data Systems',
logo: 'hitachi',
link: 'https://www.hds.com/en-us/products-solutions/application-solutions/unified-compute-platform-with-kubernetes-orchestration.html',
blurb: 'Build the Applications You Need to Drive Your Business - DEVELOP AND DEPLOY APPLICATIONS FASTER AND MORE RELIABLY.'
type: 1,
name: 'Infosys Technologies',
logo: 'infosys',
link: 'https://www.infosys.com',
blurb: 'Monolithic to microservices on openshift is a offering that we are building as part of open source practice.'
type: 0,
name: 'JFrog',
logo: 'jfrog',
link: 'https://www.jfrog.com/use-cases/12584/',
blurb: 'You can use Artifactory to store and manage all of your application’s container images and deploy to Kubernetes and setup a build, test, deploy pipeline using Jenkins and Artifactory. Once an image is ready to be rolled out, Artifactory can trigger a rolling-update deployment into a Kubernetes cluster without downtime – automatically!'
type: 0,
name: 'Navops by Univa',
logo: 'navops',
link: 'https://www.navops.io',
blurb: 'Navops is a suite of products that enables enterprises to take full advantage of Kubernetes and provides the ability to quickly and efficiently run containers at scale.'
type: 0,
name: 'NeuVector',
logo: 'neuvector',
link: 'http://neuvector.com/solutions-for-kubernetes-security/',
blurb: 'NeuVector delivers an application and network intelligent container network security solution integrated with and optimized for Kubernetes.'
type: 1,
name: 'OpsZero',
logo: 'opszero',
link: 'https://www.opszero.com/kubernetes.html',
blurb: 'opsZero provides DevOps for Startups. We build and service your Kubernetes and Cloud Infrastructure to accelerate your release cycle.'
type: 1,
name: 'Shiwaforce.com Ltd.',
logo: 'shiwaforce',
link: 'https://www.shiwaforce.com/en/',
blurb: 'Shiwaforce.com is the Agile Partner in Digital Transformation. Our solutions follow business changes quickly, easily and cost-effectively.'
type: 1,
name: 'SoftServe',
logo: 'softserve',
link: 'https://www.softserveinc.com/en-us/blogs/kubernetes-travis-ci/',
blurb: 'SoftServe allows its clients to adopt modern application design patterns and benefit from fully integrated, highly available, cost effective Kubernetes clusters at any scale.'
type: 1,
name: 'Solinea',
logo: 'solinea',
link: 'https://www.solinea.com/cloud-consulting-services/container-microservices-offerings',
blurb: 'Solinea is a digital transformation consultancy that enables businesses to build innovative solutions by adopting cloud native computing.'
type: 1,
name: 'Sphere Software, LLC',
logo: 'spheresoftware',
link: 'https://sphereinc.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Architect and implement scalable applications using Kubernetes in Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure with our team of experts.'
type: 1,
name: 'Altoros',
logo: 'altoros',
link: 'https://www.altoros.com/container-orchestration-tools-enablement.html',
blurb: 'Deployment and configuration of Kubernetes, Optimization of existing solutions, training for developers on using Kubernetes, support.'
type: 0,
name: 'Cloudbase Solutions',
logo: 'cloudbase',
link: 'https://cloudbase.it/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Cloudbase Solutions provides Kubernetes cross-cloud interoperability for Windows and Linux deployments based on open source technologies.'
type: 0,
name: 'Codefresh',
logo: 'codefresh',
link: 'https://codefresh.io/kubernetes-deploy/',
blurb: 'Codefresh is a complete tool chain for delivering containers to Kubernetes.'
type: 0,
name: 'NetApp',
logo: 'netapp',
link: 'http://netapp.io/2016/12/23/introducing-trident-dynamic-persistent-volume-provisioner-kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Dynamic provisioning and persistent storage support.'
type: 0,
name: 'OpenEBS',
logo: 'OpenEBS',
link: 'https://openebs.io/',
blurb: 'OpenEBS is containerized storage for containers integrated tightly into Kubernetes and based on distributed block storage and containerization of storage control. OpenEBS derives intent from K8s and other YAML or JSON such as per container QoS SLAs, tiering and replica policies, and more. OpenEBS is EBS API compliant.'
type: 3,
name: 'Google Kubernetes Engine',
logo: 'gcp',
link: 'https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/',
blurb: 'Google - Google Kubernetes Engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Apprenda',
logo: 'apprenda',
link: 'https://apprenda.com/kismatic/',
blurb: 'Apprenda - Kismatic Enterprise Toolkit (KET)'
type: 3,
name: 'Red Hat',
logo: 'redhat',
link: 'https://www.openshift.com',
blurb: 'Red Hat - OpenShift Online and OpenShift Container Platform'
type: 3,
name: 'Rancher',
logo: 'rancher',
link: 'http://rancher.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Rancher Inc. - Rancher Kubernetes'
type: 3,
name: 'Canonical',
logo: 'canonical',
link: 'https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Canonical Ltd. - Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes'
type: 3,
name: 'Cisco',
logo: 'cisco',
link: 'https://www.cisco.com',
blurb: 'Cisco Systems - Cisco Container Platform'
type: 3,
name: 'Cloud Foundry',
logo: 'cff',
link: 'https://www.cloudfoundry.org/container-runtime/',
blurb: 'Cloud Foundry - Cloud Foundry Container Runtime'
type: 3,
name: 'IBM',
logo: 'ibm',
link: 'https://www.ibm.com/cloud/container-service',
blurb: 'IBM - IBM Cloud Container Service'
type: 3,
name: 'Samsung',
logo: 'samsung_sds',
link: 'https://github.com/samsung-cnct/kraken',
blurb: 'Samsung SDS - Kraken'
type: 3,
name: 'IBM',
logo: 'ibm',
link: 'https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/products/ibm-cloud-private/',
blurb: 'IBM - IBM Cloud Private'
type: 3,
name: 'Heptio',
logo: 'heptio',
link: 'https://aws.amazon.com/quickstart/architecture/heptio-kubernetes',
blurb: 'Heptio - AWS-Quickstart'
type: 3,
name: 'StackPointCloud',
logo: 'stackpoint',
link: 'https://stackpoint.io',
blurb: 'StackPointCloud - StackPointCloud'
type: 3,
name: 'Caicloud',
logo: 'caicloud',
link: 'https://caicloud.io/products/compass',
blurb: 'Caicloud - Compass'
type: 3,
name: 'Alibaba',
logo: 'alibaba',
link: 'https://www.aliyun.com/product/containerservice?spm=5176.8142029.388261.219.3836dbccRpJ5e9',
blurb: 'Alibaba Cloud - Alibaba Cloud Container Service'
type: 3,
name: 'Tencent',
logo: 'tencent',
link: 'https://cloud.tencent.com/product/ccs?lang=en',
blurb: 'Tencent Cloud - Tencent Cloud Container Service'
type: 3,
name: 'Huawei',
logo: 'huawei',
link: 'http://www.huaweicloud.com/product/cce.html',
blurb: 'Huawei - Huawei Cloud Container Engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Google',
logo: 'gcp',
link: 'https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster',
blurb: 'Google - kube-up.sh on Google Compute Engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Poseidon',
logo: 'poseidon',
link: 'https://typhoon.psdn.io/',
blurb: 'Poseidon - Typhoon'
type: 3,
name: 'Netease',
logo: 'netease',
link: 'https://www.163yun.com/product/container-service-dedicated',
blurb: 'Netease - Netease Container Service Dedicated'
type: 3,
name: 'Loodse',
logo: 'loodse',
link: 'https://loodse.io',
blurb: 'Loodse - Kubermatic Container Engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Microsoft',
logo: 'microsoft',
link: 'https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine',
blurb: 'Microsoft - Azure acs-engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Oracle',
logo: 'oracle',
link: 'http://www.wercker.com/product',
blurb: 'Oracle - Oracle Container Engine'
type: 3,
name: 'Oracle',
logo: 'oracle',
link: 'https://github.com/oracle/terraform-kubernetes-installer',
blurb: 'Oracle - Oracle Terraform Kubernetes Installer'
type: 3,
name: 'Mesosphere',
logo: 'mesosphere',
link: 'https://mesosphere.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Mesosphere - Kubernetes on DC/OS'
type: 3,
name: 'Appscode',
logo: 'appscode',
link: 'https://appscode.com/products/cloud-deployment/',
blurb: 'Appscode - Pharmer'
type: 3,
name: 'SAP',
logo: 'sap',
link: 'https://cloudplatform.sap.com/index.html',
blurb: 'SAP - Cloud Platform - Gardener (not yet released)'
type: 3,
name: 'Oracle',
logo: 'oracle',
link: 'https://www.oracle.com/linux/index.html',
blurb: 'Oracle - Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes'
type: 3,
name: 'CoreOS',
logo: 'coreos',
link: 'https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube',
blurb: 'CoreOS - bootkube'
type: 3,
name: 'Weaveworks',
logo: 'weave_works',
link: 'https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/',
blurb: 'Weaveworks - kubeadm'
type: 3,
name: 'Wise2c',
logo: 'wise2c',
link: 'http://www.wise2c.com/solution',
blurb: 'Wise2C Technology - WiseCloud'
type: 3,
name: 'Docker',
logo: 'docker',
link: 'https://www.docker.com/enterprise-edition',
blurb: 'Docker - Docker Enterprise Edition'
type: 3,
name: 'Daocloud',
logo: 'daocloud',
link: 'http://www.daocloud.io/dce',
blurb: 'DaoCloud - DaoCloud Enterprise'
type: 3,
name: 'SUSE',
logo: 'suse',
link: 'https://www.suse.com/products/caas-platform/',
blurb: 'SUSE - SUSE CaaS (Container as a Service) Platform'
type: 3,
name: 'Pivotal',
logo: 'pivotal',
link: 'https://cloud.vmware.com/pivotal-container-service',
blurb: 'Pivotal/VMware - Pivotal Container Service (PKS)'
type: 3,
name: 'VMware',
logo: 'vmware',
link: 'https://cloud.vmware.com/pivotal-container-service',
blurb: 'Pivotal/VMware - Pivotal Container Service (PKS)'
type: 3,
name: 'CoreOS',
logo: 'coreos',
link: 'https://coreos.com/tectonic/',
blurb: 'CoreOS - Tectonic'
type: 0,
name: 'GoPaddle',
logo: 'gopaddle',
link: 'https://gopaddle.io',
blurb: 'goPaddle is a DevOps platform for Kubernetes developers. It simplifies the Kubernetes Service creation and maintenance through source to image conversion, build & version management, team management, access controls and audit logs, single click provision of Kubernetes Clusters across multiple clouds from a single console.'
type: 0,
name: 'Datera',
logo: 'datera',
link: 'http://www.datera.io/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Datera delivers high performance, self-managing elastic block storage with self-service provisioning for deploying Kubernetes at scale.'
type: 0,
name: 'Containership',
logo: 'containership',
link: 'https://containership.io/',
blurb: 'Containership is a cloud agnostic managed kubernetes offering that supports automatic provisioning on over 14 cloud providers.'
type: 0,
name: 'Pure Storage',
logo: 'pure_storage',
link: 'https://hub.docker.com/r/purestorage/k8s/',
blurb: 'Our flexvol driver and dynamic provisioner allow FlashArray/Flashblade storage devices to be consumed as first class persistent storage from within Kuberentes.'
type: 0,
name: 'Elastisys',
logo: 'elastisys',
link: 'https://elastisys.com/kubernetes/',
blurb: 'Predictive autoscaling - detects recurring workload variations, irregular traffic spikes, and everything in between. Runs K8s in any public or private cloud.'
type: 0,
name: 'Portworx',
logo: 'portworx',
link: 'https://docs.portworx.com/scheduler/kubernetes/install.html',
blurb: 'With Portworx, you can manage any database or stateful service on any infrastructure using Kubernetes. You get a single data management layer for all of your stateful services, no matter where they run.'
type: 0,
name: 'Logdna',
logo: 'logdna',
link: 'https://logdna.com/kubernetes',
blurb: 'Pinpoint production issues instantly with LogDNA, the best logging platform you will ever use. Get started with only 2 kubectl commands.'
var kcspContainer = document.getElementById('kcspContainer')
var distContainer = document.getElementById('distContainer')
var isvContainer = document.getElementById('isvContainer')
var servContainer = document.getElementById('servContainer')
var sorted = partners.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.name > b.name) return 1
if (a.name < b.name) return -1
return 0
sorted.forEach(function (obj) {
var box = document.createElement('div')
box.className = 'partner-box'
var img = document.createElement('img')
img.src = '/images/square-logos/' + obj.logo + '.png'
var div = document.createElement('div')
var p = document.createElement('p')
p.textContent = obj.blurb
var link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = obj.link
link.target = '_blank'
link.textContent = 'Learn more'
var container;
if (obj.type === 0) {
container = isvContainer;
} else if (obj.type === 1) {
container = servContainer;
} else if (obj.type === 2) {
container = kcspContainer;
} else if (obj.type === 3) {
container = distContainer;