37 lines
1.7 KiB
37 lines
1.7 KiB
<a class="item" data-title="{{ .LinkTitle }}" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" data-proofer-ignore></a>
{{ template "section-tree-nav" (dict "ctx" . "section" .) }}
{{ define "section-tree-nav" }}
{{ $pages := (union .section.Pages .section.Sections) }}
{{ with site.Params.language_alternatives }}
{{ range . }}
{{ with (where $.section.Translations ".Lang" . ) }}
{{ $p := index . 0 }}
{{ $pages = $pages | lang.Merge (union $p.Pages $p.Sections) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $sections := where $pages.ByWeight ".Params.toc_hide" "!=" true }}
{{ range $sections }}
{{ if .IsPage }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-page" (dict "ctx" $.ctx "page" .) }}
{{ else }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section" (dict "ctx" $.ctx "section" .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "section-tree-nav-section" }}
<div class="item" data-title="{{ .section.LinkTitle }}">
<div class="container">
{{ if ge (len .section.Content) 10 }}
{{/* The section page has content, so link to it. */}}
{{ $isForeignLanguage := (ne .section.Lang $.ctx.Lang)}}
<a class="item" {{ if $isForeignLanguage }}target="_blank" {{ end }}data-title="{{ .section.LinkTitle }}{{ if $isForeignLanguage }} <small>({{ .section.Lang | upper }})</small>{{ end }}" href="{{ .section.RelPermalink }}" data-proofer-ignore></a>
{{ end }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "section-tree-nav-page" }}
{{ $isForeignLanguage := (ne .page.Lang $.ctx.Lang)}}
<a class="item" {{ if $isForeignLanguage }}target="_blank" {{ end }}data-title="{{ .page.LinkTitle }}{{ if $isForeignLanguage }} <small>({{ .page.Lang | upper }})</small>{{ end }}" href="{{ .page.RelPermalink }}" data-proofer-ignore></a>
{{ end }} |