
607 lines
20 KiB

Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package examples_test
import (
utilfeature ""
ar_validation ""
apps_validation ""
autoscaling_validation ""
batch_validation ""
api ""
ext_validation ""
policy_validation ""
rbac_validation ""
settings_validation ""
storage_validation ""
func getCodecForObject(obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Codec, error) {
kinds, _, err := legacyscheme.Scheme.ObjectKinds(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected encoding error: %v", err)
kind := kinds[0]
for _, group := range testapi.Groups {
if group.GroupVersion().Group != kind.Group {
if legacyscheme.Scheme.Recognizes(kind) {
return group.Codec(), nil
// Codec used for unversioned types
if legacyscheme.Scheme.Recognizes(kind) {
serializer, ok := runtime.SerializerInfoForMediaType(legacyscheme.Codecs.SupportedMediaTypes(), runtime.ContentTypeJSON)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no serializer registered for json")
return serializer.Serializer, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected kind: %v", kind)
func validateObject(obj runtime.Object) (errors field.ErrorList) {
// Enable CustomPodDNS for testing
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *api.ConfigMap:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateConfigMap(t)
case *api.Endpoints:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateEndpoints(t)
case *api.LimitRange:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateLimitRange(t)
case *api.Namespace:
errors = validation.ValidateNamespace(t)
case *api.PersistentVolume:
errors = validation.ValidatePersistentVolume(t)
case *api.PersistentVolumeClaim:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePersistentVolumeClaim(t)
case *api.Pod:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePod(t)
case *api.PodList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *api.PodTemplate:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePodTemplate(t)
case *api.ReplicationController:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateReplicationController(t)
case *api.ReplicationControllerList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *api.ResourceQuota:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateResourceQuota(t)
case *api.Secret:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateSecret(t)
case *api.Service:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateService(t)
case *api.ServiceAccount:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateServiceAccount(t)
case *api.ServiceList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *apps.StatefulSet:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = apps_validation.ValidateStatefulSet(t)
case *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = autoscaling_validation.ValidateHorizontalPodAutoscaler(t)
case *batch.Job:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
// Job needs generateSelector called before validation, and job.Validate does this.
// See:
t.ObjectMeta.UID = types.UID("fakeuid")
if strings.Index(t.ObjectMeta.Name, "$") > -1 {
t.ObjectMeta.Name = "skip-for-good"
errors = job.Strategy.Validate(nil, t)
case *extensions.DaemonSet:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = ext_validation.ValidateDaemonSet(t)
case *extensions.Deployment:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = ext_validation.ValidateDeployment(t)
case *extensions.Ingress:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = ext_validation.ValidateIngress(t)
case *policy.PodSecurityPolicy:
errors = policy_validation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicy(t)
case *extensions.ReplicaSet:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = ext_validation.ValidateReplicaSet(t)
case *batch.CronJob:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = batch_validation.ValidateCronJob(t)
case *policy.PodDisruptionBudget:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = policy_validation.ValidatePodDisruptionBudget(t)
case *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding:
// clusterolebinding does not accept namespace
errors = rbac_validation.ValidateClusterRoleBinding(t)
case *settings.PodPreset:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = settings_validation.ValidatePodPreset(t)
case *storage.StorageClass:
// storageclass does not accept namespace
errors = storage_validation.ValidateStorageClass(t)
errors = field.ErrorList{}
errors = append(errors, field.InternalError(field.NewPath(""), fmt.Errorf("no validation defined for %#v", obj)))
return errors
// Walks inDir for any json/yaml files. Converts yaml to json, and calls fn for
// each file found with the contents in data.
func walkConfigFiles(inDir string, t *testing.T, fn func(name, path string, data [][]byte)) error {
return filepath.Walk(inDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() && path != inDir {
return filepath.SkipDir
file := filepath.Base(path)
if ext := filepath.Ext(file); ext == ".json" || ext == ".yaml" {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
// workaround for Jekyllr limit
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("---\n")) {
return fmt.Errorf("YAML file cannot start with \"---\", please remove the first line")
name := strings.TrimSuffix(file, ext)
var docs [][]byte
if ext == ".yaml" {
// YAML can contain multiple documents.
splitter := yaml.NewYAMLReader(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data)))
for {
doc, err := splitter.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, err)
out, err := yaml.ToJSON(doc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, err)
// deal with "empty" document (e.g. pure comments)
if string(out) != "null" {
docs = append(docs, out)
} else {
docs = append(docs, data)
t.Logf("Checking file %s\n", name)
fn(name, path, docs)
return nil
func TestExampleObjectSchemas(t *testing.T) {
// Please help maintain the alphabeta order in the map
cases := map[string]map[string][]runtime.Object{
"admin": {
"namespace-dev": {&api.Namespace{}},
"namespace-prod": {&api.Namespace{}},
"admin/cloud": {
"ccm-example": {&api.ServiceAccount{}, &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}, &extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"admin/dns": {
"busybox": {&api.Pod{}},
"dns-horizontal-autoscaler": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"admin/logging": {
"fluentd-sidecar-config": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"two-files-counter-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"two-files-counter-pod-agent-sidecar": {&api.Pod{}},
"two-files-counter-pod-streaming-sidecar": {&api.Pod{}},
"admin/resource": {
"cpu-constraints": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"cpu-constraints-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-constraints-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-constraints-pod-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-constraints-pod-4": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-defaults": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"cpu-defaults-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-defaults-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-defaults-pod-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-constraints": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"memory-constraints-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-constraints-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-constraints-pod-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-constraints-pod-4": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-defaults": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"memory-defaults-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-defaults-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-defaults-pod-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"quota-mem-cpu": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"quota-mem-cpu-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"quota-mem-cpu-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"quota-objects": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"quota-objects-pvc": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"quota-objects-pvc-2": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"quota-pod": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"quota-pod-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"admin/sched": {
"my-scheduler": {&api.ServiceAccount{}, &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"pod1": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod2": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod3": {&api.Pod{}},
"application": {
"deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deployment-patch": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deployment-scale": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deployment-update": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-app": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-with-request": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"shell-demo": {&api.Pod{}},
"simple_deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"update_deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"application/cassandra": {
"cassandra-service": {&api.Service{}},
"cassandra-statefulset": {&apps.StatefulSet{}, &storage.StorageClass{}},
"application/guestbook": {
"frontend-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"frontend-service": {&api.Service{}},
"redis-master-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"redis-master-service": {&api.Service{}},
"redis-slave-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"redis-slave-service": {&api.Service{}},
"application/hpa": {
"php-apache": {&autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}},
"application/nginx": {
"nginx-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-svc": {&api.Service{}},
"application/job": {
"cronjob": {&batch.CronJob{}},
"job-tmpl": {&batch.Job{}},
"application/job/rabbitmq": {
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"application/job/redis": {
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"redis-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"redis-service": {&api.Service{}},
"application/mysql": {
"mysql-configmap": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"mysql-deployment": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"mysql-pv": {&api.PersistentVolume{}, &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"mysql-services": {&api.Service{}, &api.Service{}},
"mysql-statefulset": {&apps.StatefulSet{}},
"application/web": {
"web": {&api.Service{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
"web-parallel": {&api.Service{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
"application/wordpress": {
"mysql-deployment": {&api.Service{}, &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"wordpress-deployment": {&api.Service{}, &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"application/zookeeper": {
"zookeeper": {&api.Service{}, &api.Service{}, &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
"controllers": {
"daemonset": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"frontend": {&extensions.ReplicaSet{}},
"hpa-rs": {&autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}},
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"replicaset": {&extensions.ReplicaSet{}},
"replication": {&api.ReplicationController{}},
"nginx-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"debug": {
"counter-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"event-exporter": {&api.ServiceAccount{}, &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"fluentd-gcp-configmap": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"fluentd-gcp-ds": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"node-problem-detector": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"node-problem-detector-configmap": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"termination": {&api.Pod{}},
"federation": {
"policy-engine-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"policy-engine-service": {&api.Service{}},
"replicaset-example-policy": {&extensions.ReplicaSet{}},
"scheduling-policy-admission": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"podpreset": {
"allow-db": {&settings.PodPreset{}},
"allow-db-merged": {&api.Pod{}},
"configmap": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"conflict-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"conflict-preset": {&settings.PodPreset{}},
"merged": {&api.Pod{}},
"multi-merged": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"preset": {&settings.PodPreset{}},
"proxy": {&settings.PodPreset{}},
"replicaset-merged": {&api.Pod{}},
"replicaset": {&extensions.ReplicaSet{}},
"pods": {
"commands": {&api.Pod{}},
"init-containers": {&api.Pod{}},
"lifecycle-events": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-nginx": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-node-affinity": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-pod-affinity": {&api.Pod{}},
"private-reg-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"share-process-namespace": {&api.Pod{}},
"simple-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"two-container-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/config": {
"redis-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/inject": {
"dapi-envars-container": {&api.Pod{}},
"dapi-envars-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"dapi-volume": {&api.Pod{}},
"dapi-volume-resources": {&api.Pod{}},
"envars": {&api.Pod{}},
"secret": {&api.Secret{}},
"secret-envars-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"secret-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/probe": {
"exec-liveness": {&api.Pod{}},
"http-liveness": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-http-healthcheck": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-tcp-socket-healthcheck": {&api.Pod{}},
"tcp-liveness-readiness": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/qos": {
"qos-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"qos-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"qos-pod-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"qos-pod-4": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/resource": {
"cpu-request-limit": {&api.Pod{}},
"cpu-request-limit-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"extended-resource-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"extended-resource-pod-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-request-limit": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-request-limit-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"memory-request-limit-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/security": {
"hello-apparmor": {&api.Pod{}},
"security-context": {&api.Pod{}},
"security-context-2": {&api.Pod{}},
"security-context-3": {&api.Pod{}},
"security-context-4": {&api.Pod{}},
"pods/storage": {
"projected": {&api.Pod{}},
"pv-claim": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"pv-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pv-volume": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"redis": {&api.Pod{}},
"policy": {
"privileged-psp": {&policy.PodSecurityPolicy{}},
"restricted-psp": {&policy.PodSecurityPolicy{}},
"example-psp": {&policy.PodSecurityPolicy{}},
"service": {
"nginx-service": {&api.Service{}},
"service/access": {
"frontend": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"hello-service": {&api.Service{}},
"hello": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"service/networking": {
"curlpod": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"custom-dns": {&api.Pod{}},
"hostaliases-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"ingress": {&extensions.Ingress{}},
"nginx-secure-app": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-svc": {&api.Service{}},
"run-my-nginx": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"windows": {
"configmap-pod": {&api.ConfigMap{}, &api.Pod{}},
"daemonset": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"deploy-hyperv": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deploy-resource": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"emptydir-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"hostpath-volume-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"secret-pod": {&api.Secret{}, &api.Pod{}},
"simple-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
// Note a key in the following map has to be complete relative path
filesIgnore := map[string]map[string]bool{
"audit": {
"audit-policy": true,
AllowPrivileged: true,
for dir, expected := range cases {
tested := 0
numExpected := 0
path := dir
// Test if artifacts do exist
for name := range expected {
fn := path + "/" + name
_, err1 := os.Stat(fn + ".yaml")
_, err2 := os.Stat(fn + ".json")
if err1 != nil && err2 != nil {
t.Errorf("Test case defined for non-existent file %s", fn)
t.Logf("Checking path %s/\n", path)
err := walkConfigFiles(path, t, func(name, path string, docs [][]byte) {
expectedTypes, found := expected[name]
if !found {
p := filepath.Dir(path)
if files, ok := filesIgnore[p]; ok {
if files[name] {
t.Errorf("%s: %s does not have a test case defined", path, name)
numExpected += len(expectedTypes)
if len(expectedTypes) != len(docs) {
t.Errorf("%s: number of expected types (%v) doesn't match number of docs in YAML (%v)", path, len(expectedTypes), len(docs))
for i, data := range docs {
expectedType := expectedTypes[i]
if expectedType == nil {
t.Logf("skipping : %s/%s\n", path, name)
codec, err := getCodecForObject(expectedType)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not get codec for %s: %s", expectedType, err)
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, expectedType); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s did not decode correctly: %v\n%s", path, err, string(data))
if errors := validateObject(expectedType); len(errors) > 0 {
t.Errorf("%s did not validate correctly: %v", path, errors)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, Got %v on Path %v", err, path)
if tested != numExpected {
t.Errorf("Directory %v: Expected %d examples, Got %d", path, len(expected), tested)