# Your snippets # # Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to # expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values. # # You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting # tab. # # An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log: # # '.source.coffee': # 'Console log': # 'prefix': 'log' # 'body': 'console.log $1' # # Each scope (e.g. '.source.coffee' above) can only be declared once. # # This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON). # If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the # Atom Flight Manual: # http://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/basic-customization/#_cson '.source.gfm': # Capture variables for concept template # For full concept template see 'newconcept' below 'Insert concept template': 'prefix': 'ctemplate' 'body': 'content_template: templates/concept' 'Insert concept overview': 'prefix': 'coverview' 'body': '{{% capture overview %}}' 'Insert concept body': 'prefix': 'cbody' 'body': '{{% capture body %}}' 'Insert concept whatsnext': 'prefix': 'cnext' 'body': '{{% capture whatsnext %}}' # Capture variables for task template # For full task template see 'newtask' below 'Insert task template': 'prefix': 'ttemplate' 'body': 'content_template: templates/task' 'Insert task overview': 'prefix': 'toverview' 'body': '{{% capture overview %}}' 'Insert task prerequisites': 'prefix': 'tprereq' 'body': """ {{% capture prerequisites %}} {{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}} {{% /capture %}} """ 'Insert task steps': 'prefix': 'tsteps' 'body': '{{% capture steps %}}' 'Insert task discussion': 'prefix': 'tdiscuss' 'body': '{{% capture discussion %}}' # Capture variables for tutorial template # For full tutorial template see 'newtutorial' below 'Insert tutorial template': 'prefix': 'tutemplate' 'body': 'content_template: templates/tutorial' 'Insert tutorial overview': 'prefix': 'tuoverview' 'body': '{{% capture overview %}}' 'Insert tutorial prerequisites': 'prefix': 'tuprereq' 'body': '{{% capture prerequisites %}}' 'Insert tutorial objectives': 'prefix': 'tuobjectives' 'body': '{{% capture objectives %}}' 'Insert tutorial lesson content': 'prefix': 'tulesson' 'body': '{{% capture lessoncontent %}}' 'Insert tutorial whatsnext': 'prefix': 'tunext' 'body': '{{% capture whatsnext %}}' 'Close capture': 'prefix': 'ccapture' 'body': '{{% /capture %}}' 'Insert note': 'prefix': 'anote' 'body': """ {{< note >}} $1 {{< /note >}} """ # Admonitions 'Insert caution': 'prefix': 'acaution' 'body': """ {{< caution >}} $1 {{< /caution >}} """ 'Insert warning': 'prefix': 'awarning' 'body': """ {{< warning >}} $1 {{< /warning >}} """ # Misc one-liners 'Insert TOC': 'prefix': 'toc' 'body': '{{< toc >}}' 'Insert code from file': 'prefix': 'codefile' 'body': '{{< code file="$1" >}}' 'Insert feature state': 'prefix': 'fstate' 'body': '{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="$1" state="$2" >}}' 'Insert figure': 'prefix': 'fig' 'body': '{{< figure src="$1" title="$2" alt="$3" caption="$4" >}}' 'Insert Youtube link': 'prefix': 'yt' 'body': '{{< youtube $1 >}}' # Full concept template 'Create new concept': 'prefix': 'newconcept' 'body': """ --- reviewers: - ${1:"github-id-or-group"} title: ${2:"topic-title"} content_template: templates/concept --- {{% capture overview %}} ${3:"overview-content"} {{% /capture %}} {{< toc >}} {{% capture body %}} ${4:"h2-heading-per-subtopic"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture whatsnext %}} ${5:"next-steps-or-delete"} {{% /capture %}} """ # Full task template 'Create new task': 'prefix': 'newtask' 'body': """ --- reviewers: - ${1:"github-id-or-group"} title: ${2:"topic-title"} content_template: templates/task --- {{% capture overview %}} ${3:"overview-content"} {{% /capture %}} {{< toc >}} {{% capture prerequisites %}} {{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}} ${4:"additional-prereqs-or-delete"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture steps %}} ${5:"h2-heading-per-step"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture discussion %}} ${6:"task-discussion-or-delete"} {{% /capture %}} """ # Full tutorial template 'Create new tutorial': 'prefix': 'newtutorial' 'body': """ --- reviewers: - ${1:"github-id-or-group"} title: ${2:"topic-title"} content_template: templates/tutorial --- {{% capture overview %}} ${3:"overview-content"} {{% /capture %}} {{< toc >}} {{% capture prerequisites %}} {{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}} ${4:"additional-prereqs-or-delete"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture objectives %}} ${5:"tutorial-objectives"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture lessoncontent %}} ${6:"lesson-content"} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture whatsnext %}} ${7:"next-steps-or-delete"} {{% /capture %}} """