$( document ).ready(function() { // UI defaults, used if page is loaded without other params var defaults = { path: 'users', persona: 'app-developer', level: 'foundational' }; // Top-level path types var pathTypes = [ 'users', 'contributors', 'migrators', 'browse', 'about' ]; // Paths that do not adhere to the actual user journey UI var specialJourneyPaths = [ 'browse', 'about', ]; // Load persona JSON data structure var info = JSON.parse($('#user-persona-data').html()); var containerDivs = [ '.applicationDeveloperContainer', '.infobarWrapper', '#cardWrapper', '#browsedocsWrapper', '#aboutWrapper' ]; // Stateful wrapper for a regular hash. Stores parameters AND keeps them in // sync with the URL state. var urlParamHash = function() { var paramHash = {}; // Initialize internal params based on URL state function init() { var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; paramHash = {}; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] != "" && sParameterName[1] != "") paramHash[sParameterName[0]] = sParameterName[1]; } return paramHash; // for visibility } // Update both internal params and URL state function set(key, value) { if (value == null) { delete paramHash[key]; } else { paramHash[key] = value; } var urlWithoutQuery = window.location.href.split('?')[0]; var urlHash = window.location.hash; window.history.pushState(null,null, urlWithoutQuery + "?" + $.param(paramHash) + window.location.hash); return paramHash; // for visibility } // Get value from hash based on key function get(key) { return paramHash[key]; } // Return number of elements in hash function numElts() { return Object.keys(paramHash).length; } return { init: init, set: set, get: get, numElts: numElts, }; }(); // Create persona buttons in "I am..." section, e.g. Application Developer function buildCards() { for (var c in info) { var card = document.createElement('div'); card.className += "card_" + c; for (var i in info[c]) { var button = document.createElement('div'); button.className += 'buttons'; button.setAttribute('data-button', i); button.innerText = info[c][i]["name"]; card.appendChild(button); } $('.cards').append(card); } } // Generate HTML for info links function getInfoLinkHtml( i = 1 //enumeration index for link id , linkLabel = "Missing link label." //info link text , linkUrl = "/docs/home/" //link to content , linkIcon = "fa-ellipsis-h" //icon preceding info link text ) { var html = ''; /* html template:
Missing link label.
defaults: label: "Missing link label." icon: "fa-ellipsis-h" url: "docs.html" */ html = '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
'; return html; } // Set links in the "I want to..." section, e.g. Setup a development environment function setInfoData() { var path = urlParamHash.get("path"); var persona = urlParamHash.get("persona"); var level = urlParamHash.get("level"); // info links specific to type/button/level var contentArray = (typeof info[path][persona] !== 'undefined') ? info[path][persona][level] : [{ label: 'Please select a role or persona in the "I AM..." section above.', url: '#cardWrapper', icon: 'fa-exclamation' }]; //clear contents of #infobarLinks div $('#infobarLinks').empty(); //process and add each info link for(i = 1; i <= contentArray.length; i++) { var content = contentArray[i-1]; //append link to the end of the div $('#infobarLinks').append(getInfoLinkHtml(i,content.label,content.url,content.icon)); } $('.infobarWrapper').css('visibility', 'visible'); } // Hide persona wizard section if Browse Docs button is clicked function toggleSections(path){ for (i in containerDivs) { if (!isSpecialJourney(path)) { $(containerDivs[i]).show(); } else { $(containerDivs[i]).hide(); } } if (!isSpecialJourney(path)) { $('.card_' + path).show(); // TBD: Add code to set button to default to first in path list? } else if (path == "browse") { $('#browsedocsWrapper').show(); } else if (path == "about") { $('#aboutWrapper').show(); } } function isSpecialJourney(path) { return (specialJourneyPaths.indexOf(path) != -1); } // Click handler for high-level user journey paths ("Users", "Contributors", etc) function handlePathClick(targetElt, fromPageload) { // (1) Update stored state if necessary var type = urlParamHash.get("path"); if (!fromPageload) { for (var i in pathTypes) { var pathType = pathTypes[i]; if (RegExp(pathType).test(targetElt.className)) { type = pathType; } } urlParamHash.set("path", type); urlParamHash.set("persona", null); urlParamHash.set("level", null); // record Google Analytics event try { ga('send', 'event', 'user-journeys', 'click', 'path', type); } catch (ignored) { } } // (2) HTML behavior $('.navButton').removeClass("keepShow"); $(targetElt).addClass("keepShow"); $('.cards > div').hide(); // Hide or show user journeys if "Browse Docs is selected" toggleSections(type); } // Click handler + scroll for persona buttons in "I am..." section // NOTE: ALL persona clicks also set a level. function handlePersonaClick(targetElt, fromPageload, noScroll) { // (1) Update stored state if necessary if (!fromPageload) { var persona = targetElt.getAttribute('data-button'); urlParamHash.set('persona', persona); // record Google Analytics event try { ga('send', 'event', 'user-journeys', 'click', 'persona', persona); } catch (ignored) { } } // Use default level if not specified, in order to display the proper // path-persona-level content if (urlParamHash.get('level') == null) { urlParamHash.set('level', defaults.level); } // (2) HTML behavior $('.buttons').removeClass('selected'); $(targetElt).addClass('selected'); // Update header to display new persona and level var cardText = targetElt.innerText; $('#subTitle').text(cardText); handleLevelClick($('.level[data-name="' + urlParamHash.get('level') + '"]')[0], fromPageload); // Scroll to user journey content if (!noScroll) { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#subTitle").offset().top },'slow'); } } function handleLevelClick(targetElt, fromPageload) { // (1) Update stored state if necessary var level = targetElt.getAttribute('data-name'); if (!fromPageload) { urlParamHash.set('level', level); // record Google Analytics event try { ga('send', 'event', 'user-journeys', 'click', 'level', level); } catch (ignored) { } } // (2) HTML behavior $('.level').removeClass('selected'); $(targetElt).addClass('selected'); // Data loading to display the right content setInfoData(); } function showPersonaDefinition(targetElt) { var persona = targetElt.getAttribute('data-button'); console.log($('.persona-def-data[data-name="' + persona + '"]')[0].innerHTML); $("#persona-definition").html($('.persona-def-data[data-name="' + persona + '"]')[0].innerHTML); $("#persona-definition").css("visibility", "visible"); } function attachCardEvents() { // Set up click handling for all paths ("Users", "Contributors", etc) $('.paths .navButton').on('click', function(e) { handlePathClick(e.currentTarget); }); // Set up click handling for personas ("Application Developer", etc) $('.cards .buttons').on('click', function(e) { handlePersonaClick(e.currentTarget); }); // Show persona definitions when hovering over card $('.cards .buttons').hover( function(e) { showPersonaDefinition(e.currentTarget); }, function(e) { $("#persona-definition").css("visibility", "hidden"); $("#persona-definition").html("."); }); // Set up click handling for levels ("Foundational", "Intermediate", etc) $('.level').on('click', function(e) { handleLevelClick(e.currentTarget); }); } // Set up state based on URL query parameters or defaults function setupCardState() { // Initialize stored state urlParamHash.init(); var noScroll = urlParamHash.numElts() == 0; for (key in defaults) { if (!isSpecialJourney(urlParamHash.get('path')) && urlParamHash.get(key) == undefined) { urlParamHash.set(key, defaults[key]); } } // Update UI handlePathClick($('.paths .' + urlParamHash.get('path'))[0], true); if (!isSpecialJourney(urlParamHash.get('path'))) { setTimeout(function() { var elt = $('div[data-button="' + urlParamHash.get('persona') + '"]')[0]; handlePersonaClick(elt, true, noScroll); }, 200); } } window.onpopstate = function() { window.history.back(); } function main() { // Set up UI buildCards(); attachCardEvents(); setupCardState(); } // What actually executes on page load main(); });