# i18n strings for the Indonesian (main) site. [deprecation_warning] other = " dokumentasi sudah tidak dirawat lagi. Versi yang kamu lihat ini hanyalah snapshot statis. Untuk dokumentasi terkini, lihat " [deprecation_file_warning] other = "Sudah usang" [objectives_heading] other = "Tujuan" [cleanup_heading] other = "Bersihkan" [prerequisites_heading] other = "Sebelum mulai" [whatsnext_heading] other = "Selanjutnya" [feedback_heading] other = "Masukan" [feedback_question] other = "Apakah halaman ini berguna?" [feedback_yes] other = "Ya" [feedback_no] other = "Tidak" [latest_version] other = "versi terkini." [version_check_mustbe] other = "Kubernetes servermu harus ada di versi " [version_check_mustbeorlater] other = "Kubernetes servermu harus ada di versi yang sama atau lebih baru " [version_check_tocheck] other = "Untuk melihat versi, tekan " [caution] other = "Perhatian:" [note] other = "Catatan:" [warning] other = "Peringatan:" [main_read_about] other = "Baca tentang" [main_read_more] other = "Baca lebih lanjut" [main_github_invite] other = "Tertarik untuk ulik kode dari Kubernetes?" [main_github_view_on] other = "Lihat di GitHub" [main_github_create_an_issue] other = "Buat isu" [main_community_explore] other = "Jelajahi komunitasnya" [main_kubernetes_features] other = "Fitur kubernetes" [main_cncf_project] other = """Kami merupakan proyek yang lulus dari CNCF

""" [main_kubeweekly_baseline] other = "Tertarik untuk dapatkan info terkini tentang Kubernetes? Daftarkan dirimu di buletin KubeWeekly." [main_kubernetes_past_link] other = "Lihat buletin edisi sebelumnya" [main_kubeweekly_signup] other = "Langganan" [main_contribute] other = "Kontribusi" [main_edit_this_page] other = "Ubah halaman ini" [main_page_history] other ="Riwayat halaman" [main_page_last_modified_on] other = "Halaman diubah terakhir kali pada" [main_by] other = "oleh" [main_documentation_license] other = """Para Pencipta Kubernetes | Dokumentasi didistribusikan melalui CC BY 4.0""" [main_copyright_notice] other = """Linux Foundation ®. Hak cipta dilindungi. Linux Foundation telah mendaftarkan merek dagang dan pengunaannya. Perinciannya bisa dilihat pada halaman penggunaan merek dagang""" # Labels for the docs portal home page. [docs_label_browse] other = "Lihat-lihat dokumentasi" [docs_label_contributors] other = "Para kontributor" [docs_label_users] other = "Para pengguna" [docs_label_i_am] other = "AKU ADALAH..." # Community links [community_twitter_name] other = "Twitter" [community_github_name] other = "GitHub" [community_slack_name] other = "Slack" [community_stack_overflow_name] other = "Stack Overflow" [community_forum_name] other = "Forum" [community_events_calendar] other = "Kalender acara" # UI elements [ui_search_placeholder] other = "Cari"