--- title: Writing a Blog Post reviewers: - zacharysarah - kbarnard10 - sarahkconway content_template: templates/task --- {{% capture overview %}} This page shows you how to submit a post for the [Kubernetes blog](https://kubernetes.io/blog). You’ll receive a response within 5 business days on whether your submission is approved and information about next steps, if any. {{% /capture %}} {{% capture prerequisites %}} To create a new blog post, you can either: - Fill out the [Kubernetes Blog Submission](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSch_phFYMTYlrTDuYziURP6nLMijoXx_f7sLABEU5gWBtxJHQ/viewform) form. or: - Open a pull request against this repository as described in [Creating a Documentation Pull Request](/docs/home/contribute/create-pull-request/) {{% /capture %}} {{% capture steps %}} ## Kubernetes blog guidelines All content must be original. The Kubernetes blog does not post material previously published elsewhere. Suitable Content (with examples): - User case studies (Yahoo Japan, Bitmovin) - New Kubernetes capabilities (5-days-of-k8s) - Kubernetes projects updates (kompose) - Updates from Special Interest Groups (SIG-OpenStack) - Tutorials and walkthroughs (PostgreSQL w/ StatefulSets) - Thought leadership around Kubernetes (CaaS, the foundation for next generation PaaS) - Kubernetes Partner OSS integration (Fission) Unsuitable Content: - Vendor product pitches - Partner updates without an integration and customer story - Syndicated posts (language translations are permitted) ## Create a blog post with a form Open the [Kubernetes Blog Submission](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSch_phFYMTYlrTDuYziURP6nLMijoXx_f7sLABEU5gWBtxJHQ/viewform) form, fill it out, and click Submit. ## Create a post by opening a pull request ### Add a new Markdown file Add a new Markdown (`*.md`) to `/blog/_posts/`. Name the file using the following format: ``` YYYY-MM-DD-Title.md ``` For example: ``` 2015-03-20-Welcome-to-the-Kubernetes-Blog.md ``` ### Add front matter to the file Add the following block to the top of the new file: ``` --- layout: blog title: date: <date> --- ``` For example: ``` --- layout: blog title: Welcome to the Kubernetes Blog! date: Saturday, March 20, 2015 --- ``` ### Create a new pull request (PR) When you [create a new pull request](/docs/home/contribute/create-pull-request/), include the following in the PR description: {{< note >}} - Desired publishing date **Note:** PRs must include complete drafts no later than 15 days prior to the desired publication date. {{< /note >}} - Author information: - Name - Title - Company - Contact email ### Add content to the file Write your post using the following guidelines. ### Add images Add any image files the post contains to `/images/blog/`. The preferred image format is SVG. Add the proposed date of your blog post to the title of any image files the post contains: ``` YYYY-MM-DD-image.svg ``` For example: ``` 2018-03-01-cncf-color.svg ``` Please use [reference-style image links][ref-style] to keep posts readable. Here's an example of how to include an image in a blog post: ``` Check out the ![CNCF logo][cncf-logo]. [cncf-logo]: /images/blog/2018-03-01-cncf-color.svg ``` {{% /capture %}} [ref-style]: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#images