--- title: " CNCF Partners With The Linux Foundation To Launch New Kubernetes Certification, Training and Managed Service Provider Program " date: 2016-11-08 slug: kubernetes-certification-training-and-managed-service-provider-program url: /blog/2016/11/Kubernetes-Certification-Training-And-Managed-Service-Provider-Program --- Today the CNCF is pleased to launch a new training, certification and Kubernetes Managed Service Provider (KMSP) program.  The goal of the program is to ensure enterprises get the support they’re looking for to get up to speed and roll out new applications more quickly and more efficiently. The Linux Foundation, in partnership with CNCF, will develop and operate the Kubernetes training and certification. Interested in this course? Sign up [here](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/linux-courses/system-administration-training/kubernetes-fundamentals) to pre-register. The course, expected to be available in early 2017, is open now at the discounted price of $99 (regularly $199) for a limited time, and the certification program is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2017.  The KMSP program is a pre-qualified tier of highly vetted service providers who have deep experience helping enterprises successfully adopt Kubernetes. The KMSP partners offer SLA-backed Kubernetes support, consulting, professional services and training for organizations embarking on their Kubernetes journey. In contrast to the Kubernetes Service Partners program outlined recently in [this blog](http://blog.kubernetes.io/2016/10/kubernetes-service-technology-partners-program.html), to become a Kubernetes Managed Service Provider the following additional requirements must be met: three or more certified engineers, an active contributor to Kubernetes, and a business model to support enterprise end users.  As part of the program, a new CNCF Certification Working Group is starting up now. The group will help define the program's open source curriculum, which will be available under the [Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 International license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) for anyone to use. Any Kubernetes expert can join the working group via this [link](https://lists.cncf.io/mailman/listinfo/cncf-kubernetescertwg.). Google has committed to assist, and many others, including Apprenda, Container Solutions, CoreOS, Deis and Samsung SDS, have expressed interest in participating in the Working Group. To learn more about the new program and the first round of KMSP partners that we expect to grow weekly, check out today's announcement [here](https://www.cncf.io/announcement/2016/11/08/cloud-native-computing-foundation-launches-certification-training-managed-service-provider-program-kubernetes).