--- title: " CoreOS Fest 2016: CoreOS and Kubernetes Community meet in Berlin (& San Francisco) " date: 2016-05-03 slug: coreosfest2016-kubernetes-community url: /blog/2016/05/Coreosfest2016-Kubernetes-Community --- [CoreOS Fest 2016](https://coreos.com/fest/) will bring together the container and open source distributed systems community, including many thought leaders in the Kubernetes space. It is the second annual CoreOS community conference, held for the first time in Berlin on May 9th and 10th. CoreOS believes Kubernetes is the container orchestration component to deliver GIFEE (Google’s Infrastructure for Everyone Else). At this year’s CoreOS Fest, there are tracks dedicated to Kubernetes where you’ll hear about various topics ranging from Kubernetes performance and scalability, continuous delivery and Kubernetes, rktnetes, stackanetes and more. In addition, there will be a variety of talks, from introductory workshops to deep-dives into all things containers and related software. Don’t miss these great speaker sessions at the conference in **Berlin** : - [Kubernetes Performance & Scalability Deep-Dive](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6ckp/kubernetes-performance-scalability-deep-dive?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Filip Grzadkowski, Senior Software Engineer at Google - [Launching a complex application in a Kubernetes cloud](http://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6T0b/launching-a-complex-application-in-a-kubernetes-cloud) by Thomas Fricke and Jannis Rake-Revelant, Operations & Infrastructure Lead, immmr Gmbh (a service developed by the Deutsche Telekom’s R&D department) - [I have Kubernetes, now what?](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6db3/i-have-kubernetes-now-what?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Gabriel Monroy, CTO of Engine Yard and creator of Deis - [When rkt meets Kubernetes: a troubleshooting tale](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6YGg/when-rkt-meets-kubernetes-a-troubleshooting-tale?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Luca Marturana, Software Engineer at Sysdig - [Use Kubernetes to deploy telecom applications](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6eSE/use-kubernetes-to-deploy-telecom-applications?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Victor Hu, Senior Engineer at Huawei Technologies - [Continuous Delivery, Kubernetes and You](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6qCs/continuous-delivery-kubernetes-and-you?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Micha Hernandez van Leuffen, CEO and founder of Wercker - [#GIFEE, More Containers, More Problems](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6YJl/gifee-more-containers-more-problems?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Ed Rooth, Head of Tectonic at CoreOS - [Kubernetes Access Control with dex](https://coreosfest2016.sched.org/event/6YH4/kubernetes-access-control-with-dex?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no) by Eric Chiang, Software Engineer at CoreOS If you can’t make it to Berlin, Kubernetes is also a focal point at the **CoreOS Fest [San Francisco](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coreos-fest-san-francisco-satellite-event-tickets-22705108591)**[**satellite event**](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coreos-fest-san-francisco-satellite-event-tickets-22705108591), a one day event dedicated to CoreOS and Kubernetes. In fact, Tim Hockin, senior staff engineer at Google and one of the creators of Kubernetes, will be kicking off the day with a keynote dedicated to Kubernetes updates. **San Francisco** sessions dedicated to Kubernetes include: - Tim Hockin’s keynote address, Senior Staff Engineer at Google - When rkt meets Kubernetes: a troubleshooting tale by Loris Degioanni, CEO of Sysdig - rktnetes: what's new with container runtimes and Kubernetes by Derek Gonyeo, Software Engineer at CoreOS - Magical Security Sprinkles: Secure, Resilient Microservices on CoreOS and Kubernetes by Oliver Gould, CTO of Buoyant **Kubernetes Workshop in SF** : [Getting Started with Kubernetes](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-started-with-kubernetes-tickets-25180552711), hosted at Google San Francisco office (345 Spear St - 7th floor) by Google Developer Program Engineers Carter Morgan and Bill Prin on Tuesday May 10th from 9:00am to 1:00pm, lunch will be served afterwards. Limited seats, please [RSVP for free here](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-started-with-kubernetes-tickets-25180552711). **Get your tickets** : - [CoreOS Fest - Berlin](https://ti.to/coreos/coreos-fest-2016/en), at the [Berlin Congress Center](https://www.google.com/maps/place/bcc+Berlin+Congress+Center+GmbH/@52.5206732,13.4165195,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd2a15220241f2080) ([hotel option](http://www.parkinn-berlin.de/)) - satellite event in [San Francisco](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coreos-fest-san-francisco-satellite-event-tickets-22705108591), at the [111 Minna Gallery](https://www.google.com/maps/place/111+Minna+Gallery/@37.7873222,-122.3994124,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xb55875af8c0ca88b?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ8cPLtL7MAhVQ5GMKHa8bCM4Q_BIIdjAN) Learn more at: [coreos.com/fest/](https://coreos.com/fest/) and on Twitter [@CoreOSFest](https://twitter.com/coreosfest) #CoreOSFest _-- Sarah Novotny, Kubernetes Community Manager_