--- approvers: - karlkfi title: DCOS --- {% assign for_k8s_version="1.6" %}{% include feature-state-deprecated.md %} This guide will walk you through installing [Kubernetes-Mesos](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos) on [Datacenter Operating System (DCOS)](https://mesosphere.com/product/) with the [DCOS CLI](https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-cli) and operating Kubernetes with the [DCOS Kubectl plugin](https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-kubectl). * TOC {:toc} ## About Kubernetes on DCOS DCOS is system software that manages computer cluster hardware and software resources and provides common services for distributed applications. Among other services, it provides [Apache Mesos](http://mesos.apache.org/) as its cluster kernel and [Marathon](https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/) as its init system. With DCOS CLI, Mesos frameworks like [Kubernetes-Mesos](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos) can be installed with a single command. Another feature of the DCOS CLI is that it allows plugins like the [DCOS Kubectl plugin](https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-kubectl). This allows for easy access to a version-compatible Kubectl without having to manually download or install. Further information about the benefits of installing Kubernetes on DCOS can be found in the [Kubernetes-Mesos documentation](https://releases.k8s.io/{{page.githubbranch}}/contrib/mesos/README.md). For more details about the Kubernetes DCOS packaging, see the [Kubernetes-Mesos project](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos). Since Kubernetes-Mesos is still alpha, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the [current known issues](https://releases.k8s.io/{{page.githubbranch}}/contrib/mesos/docs/issues.md) which may limit or modify the behavior of Kubernetes on DCOS. If you have problems completing the steps below, please [file an issue against the kubernetes-mesos project](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos/issues). ## Resources Explore the following resources for more information about Kubernetes, Kubernetes on Mesos/DCOS, and DCOS itself. - [DCOS Documentation](https://docs.mesosphere.com/) - [Managing DCOS Services](https://docs.mesosphere.com/services/kubernetes/) - [Kubernetes Examples](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/{{page.githubbranch}}/examples/) - [Kubernetes on Mesos Documentation](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kube-mesos-framework/blob/master/README.md) - [Kubernetes on Mesos Release Notes](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos/releases) - [Kubernetes on DCOS Package Source](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos) ## Prerequisites - A running [DCOS cluster](https://mesosphere.com/product/) - [DCOS Community Edition](https://docs.mesosphere.com/1.7/archived-dcos-enterprise-edition/installing-enterprise-edition-1-6/cloud/) is currently available on [AWS](https://mesosphere.com/amazon/). - [DCOS Enterprise Edition](https://mesosphere.com/product/) can be deployed on virtual or bare metal machines. Contact sales@mesosphere.com for more info and to set up an engagement. - [DCOS CLI](https://docs.mesosphere.com/install/cli/) installed locally ## Install 1. Configure and validate the [Mesosphere Multiverse](https://github.com/mesosphere/multiverse) as a package source repository ```shell $ dcos config prepend package.sources https://github.com/mesosphere/multiverse/archive/version-1.x.zip $ dcos package update --validate ``` 2. Install etcd By default, the Kubernetes DCOS package starts a single-node etcd. In order to avoid state loss in the event of Kubernetes component container failure, install an HA [etcd-mesos](https://github.com/mesosphere/etcd-mesos) cluster on DCOS. ```shell $ dcos package install etcd ``` 3. Verify that etcd is installed and healthy The etcd cluster takes a short while to deploy. Verify that `/etcd` is healthy before going on to the next step. ```shell $ dcos marathon app list ID MEM CPUS TASKS HEALTH DEPLOYMENT CONTAINER CMD /etcd 128 0.2 1/1 1/1 --- DOCKER None ``` 4. Create Kubernetes installation configuration Configure Kubernetes to use the HA etcd installed on DCOS. ```shell $ cat >/tmp/options.json <