HUGO_VERSION      = $(shell grep ^HUGO_VERSION netlify.toml | tail -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2 | tr -d " \"\n")
NODE_BIN          = node_modules/.bin
NETLIFY_FUNC      = $(NODE_BIN)/netlify-lambda

# The CONTAINER_ENGINE variable is used for specifying the container engine. By default 'docker' is used
# but this can be overridden when calling make, e.g.
# CONTAINER_ENGINE=podman make container-image
IMAGE_VERSION=$(shell scripts/ Dockerfile Makefile | cut -c 1-12)
CONTAINER_RUN     = "$(CONTAINER_ENGINE)" run --rm --interactive --tty --volume "$(CURDIR):/src"


# Docker buildx related settings for multi-arch images
DOCKER_BUILDX ?= docker buildx

.PHONY: all build build-preview help serve

help: ## Show this help.
	@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2);printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

module-check: ## Check if all of the required submodules are correctly initialized.
	@git submodule status --recursive | awk '/^[+-]/ {err = 1; printf "\033[31mWARNING\033[0m Submodule not initialized: \033[34m%s\033[0m\n",$$2} END { if (err != 0) print "You need to run \033[32mmake module-init\033[0m to initialize missing modules first"; exit err }' 1>&2

module-init: ## Initialize required submodules.
	@echo "Initializing submodules..." 1>&2
	@git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1

all: build ## Build site with production settings and put deliverables in ./public

build: module-check ## Build site with non-production settings and put deliverables in ./public
	hugo --cleanDestinationDir --minify --environment development

build-preview: module-check ## Build site with drafts and future posts enabled
	hugo --cleanDestinationDir --buildDrafts --buildFuture --environment preview

deploy-preview: ## Deploy preview site via netlify
	hugo --cleanDestinationDir --enableGitInfo --buildFuture --environment preview -b $(DEPLOY_PRIME_URL)

	$(NETLIFY_FUNC) build functions-src


production-build: module-check ## Build the production site and ensure that noindex headers aren't added
	hugo --cleanDestinationDir --minify --environment production
	HUGO_ENV=production $(MAKE) check-headers-file

non-production-build: module-check ## Build the non-production site, which adds noindex headers to prevent indexing
	hugo --cleanDestinationDir --enableGitInfo --environment nonprod

serve: module-check ## Boot the development server.
	hugo server --buildFuture --environment development

	@echo -e "$(CCRED)**** The use of docker-image is deprecated. Use container-image instead. ****$(CCEND)"
	$(MAKE) container-image

	@echo -e "$(CCRED)**** The use of docker-build is deprecated. Use container-build instead. ****$(CCEND)"
	$(MAKE) container-build

	@echo -e "$(CCRED)**** The use of docker-serve is deprecated. Use container-serve instead. ****$(CCEND)"
	$(MAKE) container-serve

container-image: ## Build a container image for the preview of the website
	$(CONTAINER_ENGINE) build . \
		--network=host \
		--tag $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) \

container-push: container-image ## Push container image for the preview of the website

PLATFORMS ?= linux/arm64,linux/amd64
docker-push: ## Build a multi-architecture image and push that into the registry
	docker run --rm --privileged tonistiigi/binfmt:qemu-v6.2.0-26@sha256:5bf63a53ad6222538112b5ced0f1afb8509132773ea6dd3991a197464962854e --install all
	docker version
	$(DOCKER_BUILDX) version
	$(DOCKER_BUILDX) inspect image-builder > /dev/null 2>&1 || $(DOCKER_BUILDX) create --name image-builder --use
	# copy existing Dockerfile and insert --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM} into Dockerfile.cross, and preserve the original Dockerfile
	sed -e 's/\(^FROM\)/FROM --platform=\$$\{TARGETPLATFORM\}/' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.cross
	$(DOCKER_BUILDX) build \
		--push \
		--platform=$(PLATFORMS) \
		--build-arg HUGO_VERSION=$(HUGO_VERSION) \
		--tag $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) \
		-f Dockerfile.cross .
	$(DOCKER_BUILDX) stop image-builder
	rm Dockerfile.cross

container-build: module-check
	$(CONTAINER_RUN) --read-only --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-mode=01777 $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) sh -c "npm ci && hugo --minify --environment development"

# no build lock to allow for read-only mounts
container-serve: module-check ## Boot the development server using container.
	$(CONTAINER_RUN) --cap-drop=ALL --cap-add=AUDIT_WRITE --read-only --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-mode=01777 -p 1313:1313 $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) hugo server --buildFuture --environment development --bind --destination /tmp/hugo --cleanDestinationDir --noBuildLock

	scripts/ install
	scripts/ run

.PHONY: link-checker-setup
	$(CONTAINER_ENGINE) pull wjdp/htmltest

	@echo -e "$(CCRED)**** The use of docker-internal-linkcheck is deprecated. Use container-internal-linkcheck instead. ****$(CCEND)"
	$(MAKE) container-internal-linkcheck

container-internal-linkcheck: link-checker-image-pull
	$(CONTAINER_RUN) $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) hugo --config config.toml,linkcheck-config.toml --buildFuture --environment test
	$(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run --mount "type=bind,source=$(CURDIR),target=/test" --rm wjdp/htmltest htmltest

clean-api-reference: ## Clean all directories in API reference directory, preserve
	rm -rf content/en/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/*/

api-reference: clean-api-reference ## Build the API reference pages. go needed
	cd api-ref-generator/gen-resourcesdocs && \
		go run cmd/main.go kwebsite --config-dir ../../api-ref-assets/config/ --file ../../api-ref-assets/api/swagger.json --output-dir ../../content/en/docs/reference/kubernetes-api --templates ../../api-ref-assets/templates