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title: Foundational
content_template: templates/user-journey-content
{{% capture overview %}}
If you're a developer looking to run applications on Kubernetes, this page and its linked topics can help you get started with the fundamentals. Though this page primarily describes development workflows, {{< link text="the subsequent page in the series" url="/docs/home/?path=users&persona=app-developer&level=intermediate" >}} covers more advanced, production setups.
{{< note >}}
**A quick note**
This app developer "user journey" is *not* a comprehensive overview of Kubernetes. It focuses more on *what* you develop, test, and deploy to Kubernetes, rather than *how* the underlying infrastructure works.
Though it's possible for a single person to manage both, in many organizations, it’s common to assign the latter to a dedicated {{< glossary_tooltip text="cluster operator" term_id="cluster-operator" >}}.
{{< /note >}}
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture body %}}
## Get started with a cluster
#### Web-based environment
If you're brand new to Kubernetes and simply want to experiment without setting up a full development environment, *web-based environments* are a good place to start:
* {{< link text="Kubernetes Basics" url="/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/#basics-modules" >}} - Introduces you to six common Kubernetes workflows. Each section walks you through browser-based, interactive exercises complete with their own Kubernetes environment.
* {{< link text="Katacoda" url="https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes/playground" >}} - The playground equivalent of the environment used in *Kubernetes Basics* above. Katacoda also provides {{< link text="more advanced tutorials" url="https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes/" >}}, such as "Liveness and Readiness Healthchecks".
* {{< link text="Play with Kubernetes" url="http://labs.play-with-k8s.com/" >}} - A less structured environment than the *Katacoda* playground, for those who are more comfortable with Kubernetes concepts and want to explore further. It supports the ability to spin up multiple nodes.
#### Minikube (recommended)
Web-based environments are easy to access, but are not persistent. If you want to continue exploring Kubernetes in a workspace that you can come back to and change, *Minikube* is a good option.
Minikube can be installed locally, and runs a simple, single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine (VM). This cluster is fully functioning and contains all core Kubernetes components. Many developers have found this sufficient for local application development.
* {{< link text="Install Minikube" url="/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/" >}}.
* {{< link text="Install kubectl" url="/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/" >}}. ({{< glossary_tooltip text="What is kubectl?" term_id="kubectl" >}})
* *(Optional)* {{< link text="Install Docker" url="/docs/setup/independent/install-kubeadm/#installing-docker" >}} if you plan to run your Minikube cluster as part of a local development environment.
Minikube includes a Docker daemon, but if you're developing applications locally, you'll want an independent Docker instance to support your workflow. This allows you to create {{< glossary_tooltip text="containers" term_id="container" >}} and push them to a container registry.
{{< note >}}
Version 1.12 is recommended for full compatibility with Kubernetes, but a few other versions are tested and known to work.
{{< /note >}}
You can get basic information about your cluster with the commands `kubectl cluster-info` and `kubectl get nodes`. However, to get a good idea of what's really going on, you need to deploy an application to your cluster. This is covered in the next section.
#### microk8s
On Linux, *microk8s* is a good alternative to Minikube for a local
install of Kubernetes:
* Runs on the native OS, so there is no overhead from running a virtual machine.
* Always provides the latest stable version of Kubernetes, using built-in auto-upgrade functionality.
* Installs in less than a minute.
* {{< link text="Install microk8s" url="https://microk8s.io/" >}}.
After you install microk8s, you can use its tab-completion
functionality. All microk8s commands start with `microk8s.`. Type
`microk8s.` (with the period) and then use the tab key to see a list
of available commands.
It also includes commands to enable Kubernetes subsystems. For example:
* the Kubernetes Dashboard
* the DNS service
* GPU passthrough (for NVIDIA)
* Ingress
* Istio
* Metrics server
* Registry
* Storage
## Deploy an application
#### Basic workloads
The following examples demonstrate the fundamentals of deploying Kubernetes apps:
* **Stateless apps**: {{< link text="Deploy a simple nginx server" url="/docs/tasks/run-application/run-stateless-application-deployment/" >}}.
* **Stateful apps**: {{< link text="Deploy a MySQL database" url="/docs/tasks/run-application/run-single-instance-stateful-application/" >}}.
Through these deployment tasks, you'll gain familiarity with the following:
* General concepts
* **Configuration files** - Written in YAML or JSON, these files describe the desired state of your application in terms of Kubernetes API objects. A file can include one or more API object descriptions (*manifests*). (See [the example YAML](/docs/tasks/run-application/run-stateless-application-deployment/#creating-and-exploring-an-nginx-deployment) from the stateless app).
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Pods" term_id="pod" >}}** - This is the basic unit for all of the workloads you run on Kubernetes. These workloads, such as *Deployments* and *Jobs*, are composed of one or more Pods. To learn more, check out {{< link text="this explanation of Pods and Nodes" url="/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore-intro/" >}}.
* Common workload objects
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Deployment" term_id="deployment" >}}** - The most common way of running *X* copies (Pods) of your application. Supports rolling updates to your container images.
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Service" term_id="service" >}}** - By itself, a Deployment can't receive traffic. Setting up a Service is one of the simplest ways to configure a Deployment to receive and loadbalance requests. Depending on the `type` of Service used, these requests can come from external client apps or be limited to apps within the same cluster. A Service is tied to a specific Deployment using {{< glossary_tooltip text="label" term_id="label" >}} selection.
The subsequent topics are also useful to know for basic application deployment.
#### Metadata
You can also specify custom information about your Kubernetes API objects by attaching key/value fields. Kubernetes provides two ways of doing this:
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Labels" term_id="label" >}}** - Identifying metadata that you can use to sort and select sets of API objects. Labels have many applications, including the following:
* *To keep the right number of replicas (Pods) running in a Deployment.* The specified label (`app: nginx` in the {{< link text="stateless app example" url="/docs/tasks/run-application/run-stateless-application-deployment/#creating-and-exploring-an-nginx-deployment" >}}) is used to stamp the Deployment's newly created Pods (as the value of the `spec.template.labels` configuration field), and to query which Pods it already manages (as the value of `spec.selector.matchLabels`).
* *To tie a Service to a Deployment* using the `selector` field, which is demonstrated in the {{< link text="stateful app example" url="/docs/tasks/run-application/run-single-instance-stateful-application/#deploy-mysql" >}}.
* *To look for specific subset of Kubernetes objects, when you are using {{< glossary_tooltip text="kubectl" term_id="kubectl" >}}.* For instance, the command `kubectl get deployments --selector=app=nginx` only displays Deployments from the nginx app.
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Annotations" term_id="annotation" >}}** - Nonidentifying metadata that you can attach to API objects, usually if you don't intend to use them for sorting purposes. These often serve as supplementary data about an app's deployment, such as Git SHAs, PR numbers, or URL pointers to observability dashboards.
#### Storage
You'll also want to think about storage. Kubernetes provides different types of storage API objects for different storage needs:
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="Volumes" term_id="volume" >}}** - Let you define storage for your cluster that is tied to the lifecycle of a Pod. It is therefore more persistent than container storage. Learn {{< link text="how to configure volume storage" url="/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-volume-storage/" >}}, or {{< link text="read more about volume storage" url="/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/" >}}.
* **{{< glossary_tooltip text="PersistentVolumes" term_id="persistent-volume" >}}** and **{{< glossary_tooltip text="PersistentVolumeClaims" term_id="persistent-volume-claim" >}}** - Let you define storage at the cluster level. Typically a cluster operator defines the PersistentVolume objects for the cluster, and cluster users (application developers, you) define the PersistentVolumeClaim objects that your application requires. Learn {{< link text="how to set up persistent storage for your cluster" url="/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-persistent-volume-storage/" >}} or {{< link text="read more about persistent volumes" url="/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/" >}}.
#### Configuration
To avoid having to unnecessarily rebuild your container images, you should decouple your application's *configuration data* from the code required to run it. There are a couple ways of doing this, which you should choose according to your use case:
Approach | Type of Data | How it's mounted | Example |
Using a manifest's container definition | Non-confidential | Environment variable | Command-line flag |
Using {{< glossary_tooltip text="ConfigMaps" term_id="configmap" >}} | Non-confidential | Environment variable OR local file | nginx configuration |
Using {{< glossary_tooltip text="Secrets" term_id="secret" >}} | Confidential | Environment variable OR local file | Database credentials |