--- assignees: - IanLewis title: Third Party Resources --- * TOC {:toc} ## What is ThirdPartyResource? **WARNING: ThirdPartyResources are not yet considered stable, and the API and/or storage could change before GA. Development and outstanding issues are tracked at [https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/95](https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/95).** Kubernetes comes with many built-in API objects. However, there are often times when you might need to extend Kubernetes with their own API objects in order to do custom automation. `ThirdPartyResource` objects are a way to extend the Kubernetes API with a new API object type. The new API object type will be given an API endpoint URL and support CRUD operations, and watch API. You can then create custom objects using this API endpoint. You can think of `ThirdPartyResources` as being much like the schema for a database table. Once you have created the table, you can then start storing rows in the table. Once created, `ThirdPartyResources` can act as the data model behind custom controllers or automation programs. ## Structure of a ThirdPartyResource Each `ThirdPartyResource` has the following: * `metadata` - Standard Kubernetes object metadata. * `kind` - The kind of the resources described by this third party resource. * `description` - A free text description of the resource. * `versions` - A list of the versions of the resource. The `kind` for a `ThirdPartyResource` takes the form `.`. You are expected to provide a unique kind and domain name in order to avoid conflicts with other `ThirdPartyResource` objects. Kind names will be converted to CamelCase when creating instances of the `ThirdPartyResource`. Hyphens in the `kind` are assumed to be word breaks. For instance the kind `camel-case` would be converted to `CamelCase` but `camelcase` would be converted to `Camelcase`. Other fields on the `ThirdPartyResource` are treated as custom data fields. These fields can hold arbitrary JSON data and have any structure. You can view the full documentation about `ThirdPartyResources` using the `explain` command in kubectl. ``` $ kubectl explain thirdpartyresource ``` ## Creating a ThirdPartyResource When you create a new `ThirdPartyResource`, the Kubernetes API Server reacts by creating a new, namespaced RESTful resource path. For now, non-namespaced objects are not supported. As with existing built-in objects, deleting a namespace deletes all custom objects in that namespace. `ThirdPartyResources` themselves are non-namespaced and are available to all namespaces. For example, if you save the following `ThirdPartyResource` to `resource.yaml`: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: ThirdPartyResource metadata: name: cron-tab.stable.example.com description: "A specification of a Pod to run on a cron style schedule" versions: - name: v1 ``` And create it: ```shell $ kubectl create -f resource.yaml thirdpartyresource "cron-tab.stable.example.com" created ``` Then a new RESTful API endpoint is created at: `/apis/stable.example.com/v1/namespaces//crontabs/...` This endpoint URL can then be used to create and manage custom objects. ## Creating Custom Objects After the `ThirdPartyResource` object has been created you can create custom objects. Custom objects can contain custom fields. These fields can contain arbitrary JSON. In the following example, a `cronSpec` and `image` custom fields are set to the custom `CronTab` object. If you save the following YAML to `my-crontab.yaml`: ```yaml apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: CronTab metadata: name: my-new-cron-object cronSpec: "* * * * /5" image: my-awesome-cron-image ``` and create it: ```shell $ kubectl create -f my-crontab.yaml crontab "my-new-cron-object" created ``` You can then manage our `CronTab` objects using kubectl. Note that resource names are not case-sensitive when using kubectl: ```shell $ kubectl get crontab NAME KIND my-new-cron-object CronTab.v1.stable.example.com ``` You can also view the raw JSON data. Here you can see that it contains the custom `cronSpec` and `image` fields from the yaml you used to create it: ```yaml $ kubectl get crontab -o json { "apiVersion": "v1", "items": [ { "apiVersion": "stable.example.com/v1", "cronSpec": "* * * * /5", "image": "my-awesome-cron-image", "kind": "CronTab", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2016-09-29T04:59:00Z", "name": "my-new-cron-object", "namespace": "default", "resourceVersion": "12601503", "selfLink": "/apis/stable.example.com/v1/namespaces/default/crontabs/my-new-cron-object", "uid": "6f65e7a3-8601-11e6-a23e-42010af0000c" } } ] "kind": "List", "metadata": {}, "resourceVersion": "", "selfLink": "" } ```