Using Kubernetes to Build Tools to Improve the World's Wikis
The non-profit Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia. To help users maintain and use wikis, it runs Wikimedia Tool Labs, a hosting environment for community developers working on tools and bots to help editors and other volunteers do their work, including reducing vandalism. The community around Wikimedia Tool Labs began forming nearly 10 years ago.

"Wikimedia Tool Labs is vital for making sure wikis all around the world work as well as they possibly can. Because it's grown organically for almost 10 years, it has become an extremely challenging environment and difficult to maintain. It's like a big ball of mud — you really can't see through it. With Kubernetes, we're simplifying the environment and making it easier for developers to build the tools that make wikis run better."
— Yuvi Panda, operations engineer at Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Tool Labs