# i18n strings for the English (main) site. # NOTE: Please keep the entries in alphabetical order when editing [announcement_title] other = "Black lives matter." [announcement_message] other = "We stand in solidarity with the Black community.
Racism is unacceptable.
It conflicts with the [core values of the Kubernetes project](https://git.k8s.io/community/values.md) and our community does not tolerate it." [caution] other = "Caution:" [cleanup_heading] other = "Cleaning up" [community_events_calendar] other = "Events Calendar" [community_forum_name] other = "Forum" [community_github_name] other = "GitHub" [community_slack_name] other = "Slack" [community_stack_overflow_name] other = "Stack Overflow" [community_twitter_name] other = "Twitter" [community_youtube_name] other = "YouTube" [deprecation_title] other = "You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version:" [deprecation_warning] other = " documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the " [deprecation_file_warning] other = "Deprecated" [docs_label_browse] other = "Browse Docs" [docs_label_contributors] other = "Contributors" [docs_label_i_am] other = "I AM..." [docs_label_users] other = "Users" [docs_version_current] other = "(this documentation)" [docs_version_latest_heading] other = "Latest version" [docs_version_other_heading] other = "Older versions" [examples_heading] other = "Examples" [feedback_heading] other = "Feedback" [feedback_no] other = "No" [feedback_question] other = "Was this page helpful?" [feedback_yes] other = "Yes" [input_placeholder_email_address] other = "email address" [latest_version] other = "latest version." [layouts_blog_pager_prev] other = "<< Prev" [layouts_blog_pager_next] other = "Next >>" [layouts_case_studies_list_tell] other = "Tell your story" [layouts_docs_glossary_aka] other = "Also known as" [layouts_docs_glossary_description] other = "This glossary is intended to be a comprehensive, standardized list of Kubernetes terminology. It includes technical terms that are specific to Kubernetes, as well as more general terms that provide useful context." [layouts_docs_glossary_deselect_all] other = "Deselect all" [layouts_docs_glossary_click_details_after] other = "indicators below to get a longer explanation for any particular term." [layouts_docs_glossary_click_details_before] other = "Click on the" [layouts_docs_glossary_filter] other = "Filter terms according to their tags" [layouts_docs_glossary_select_all] other = "Select all" [layouts_docs_partials_feedback_improvement] other = "suggest an improvement" [layouts_docs_partials_feedback_issue] other = "Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want to " [layouts_docs_partials_feedback_or] other = "or" [layouts_docs_partials_feedback_problem] other = "report a problem" [layouts_docs_partials_feedback_thanks] other = "Thanks for the feedback. If you have a specific, answerable question about how to use Kubernetes, ask it on" [layouts_docs_search_fetching] other = "Fetching results..." [main_by] other = "by" [main_cncf_project] other = """We are a CNCF graduated project

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