bigheader: "Guides" abstract: "How to get started, and accomplish tasks, using Kubernetes." toc: - docs/user-guide/ - docs/user-guide/ - title: Workload Deployment and Management section: - docs/user-guide/configmap/ - docs/user-guide/projected-volume/ - docs/user-guide/horizontal-pod-autoscaling/ - title: Using NetworkPolicy section: - docs/getting-started-guides/network-policy/ - docs/getting-started-guides/network-policy/ - docs/getting-started-guides/network-policy/ - docs/getting-started-guides/network-policy/ - title: Batch Jobs section: - docs/user-guide/jobs/expansions/ - docs/user-guide/ - title: Containers and Pods section: - docs/user-guide/ - docs/user-guide/liveness/ - title: Monitoring, Logging, and Debugging Containers section: - title: Using Explorer to Examine the Runtime Environment path: - title: Administering Clusters section: - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/namespaces/ - docs/admin/namespaces/ - docs/admin/ - docs/admin/ - title: Changing Cluster Size path: - title: Setting Up and Configuring DNS path: - docs/admin/ - title: Administering Federation section: - title: Federated Kubernetes Objects section: - docs/federation/api-reference/ - title: Federation Components section: - docs/admin/ - title : federation-controller-manager path: /docs/admin/federation-controller-manager