--- reviewers: - brendandburns - erictune - mikedanese title: Picking the Right Solution weight: 10 content_template: templates/concept card: name: setup weight: 20 anchors: - anchor: "#hosted-solutions" title: Hosted Solutions - anchor: "#turnkey-cloud-solutions" title: Turnkey Cloud Solutions - anchor: "#on-premises-turnkey-cloud-solutions" title: On-Premises Solutions - anchor: "#custom-solutions" title: Custom Solutions - anchor: "#local-machine-solutions" title: Local Machine --- {{% capture overview %}} Kubernetes can run on various platforms: from your laptop, to VMs on a cloud provider, to a rack of bare metal servers. The effort required to set up a cluster varies from running a single command to crafting your own customized cluster. Use this guide to choose a solution that fits your needs. If you just want to "kick the tires" on Kubernetes, use the [local Docker-based solutions](#local-machine-solutions). When you are ready to scale up to more machines and higher availability, a [hosted solution](#hosted-solutions) is the easiest to create and maintain. [Turnkey cloud solutions](#turnkey-cloud-solutions) require only a few commands to create and cover a wide range of cloud providers. [On-Premises turnkey cloud solutions](#on-premises-turnkey-cloud-solutions) have the simplicity of the turnkey cloud solution combined with the security of your own private network. If you already have a way to configure hosting resources, use [kubeadm](/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/) to easily bring up a cluster with a single command per machine. [Custom solutions](#custom-solutions) vary from step-by-step instructions to general advice for setting up a Kubernetes cluster from scratch. {{% /capture %}} {{% capture body %}} ## Local-machine Solutions ### Community Supported Tools * [Minikube](/docs/setup/minikube/) is a method for creating a local, single-node Kubernetes cluster for development and testing. Setup is completely automated and doesn't require a cloud provider account. * [Kubeadm-dind](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubeadm-dind-cluster) is a multi-node (while minikube is single-node) Kubernetes cluster which only requires a docker daemon. It uses docker-in-docker technique to spawn the Kubernetes cluster. * [Kubernetes IN Docker](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes". It is primarily designed for testing Kubernetes 1.11+. You can use it to create multi-node or multi-control-plane Kubernetes clusters. ### Ecosystem Tools * [CDK on LXD](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/install-local) supports a nine-instance deployment on localhost with LXD containers. * [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) is an easy-to-install application for your Mac or Windows environment that enables you to start coding and deploying in containers in minutes on a single-node Kubernetes cluster. * [Minishift](https://docs.okd.io/latest/minishift/) installs the community version of the Kubernetes enterprise platform OpenShift for local development & testing. It offers an all-in-one VM (`minishift start`) for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The container start is based on `oc cluster up` (Linux only). You can also install [the included add-ons](https://github.com/minishift/minishift-addons/tree/master/add-ons). * [MicroK8s](https://microk8s.io/) provides a single command installation of the latest Kubernetes release on a local machine for development and testing. Setup is quick, fast (~30 sec) and supports many plugins including Istio with a single command. * [IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition)](https://github.com/IBM/deploy-ibm-cloud-private) can use VirtualBox on your machine to deploy Kubernetes to one or more VMs for development and test scenarios. Scales to full multi-node cluster. * [IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) on Linux Containers](https://github.com/HSBawa/icp-ce-on-linux-containers) is a Terraform/Packer/BASH based Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scripts to create a seven node (1 Boot, 1 Master, 1 Management, 1 Proxy and 3 Workers) LXD cluster on Linux Host. * [k3s](https://k3s.io) is a lightweight production-grade Kubernetes distribution. With a super-simple installation process and a binary footprint around 40MB, it is ideal for local-machine development. * [Ubuntu on LXD](/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/local/) supports a nine-instance deployment on localhost. ## Hosted Solutions * [AppsCode.com](https://appscode.com/products/cloud-deployment/) provides managed Kubernetes clusters for various public clouds, including AWS and Google Cloud Platform. * [APPUiO](https://appuio.ch) runs an OpenShift public cloud platform, supporting any Kubernetes workload. Additionally APPUiO offers Private Managed OpenShift Clusters, running on any public or private cloud. * [Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes](https://aws.amazon.com/eks/) offers managed Kubernetes service. * [Azure Kubernetes Service](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/container-service/) offers managed Kubernetes clusters. * [Containership Kubernetes Engine (CKE)](https://containership.io/containership-platform) intuitive Kubernetes cluster provisioning and management on GCP, Azure, AWS, Packet, and DigitalOcean. Seamless version upgrades, autoscaling, metrics, workload creation, and more. * [DigitalOcean Kubernetes](https://www.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes/) offers managed Kubernetes service. * [Giant Swarm](https://giantswarm.io/product/) offers managed Kubernetes clusters in their own datacenter, on-premises, or on public clouds. * [Google Kubernetes Engine](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/) offers managed Kubernetes clusters. * [IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-container_index#container_index) offers managed Kubernetes clusters with isolation choice, operational tools, integrated security insight into images and containers, and integration with Watson, IoT, and data. * [Kubermatic](https://www.loodse.com) provides managed Kubernetes clusters for various public clouds, including AWS and Digital Ocean, as well as on-premises with OpenStack integration. * [Kublr](https://kublr.com) offers enterprise-grade secure, scalable, highly reliable Kubernetes clusters on AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-premise. It includes out-of-the-box backup and disaster recovery, multi-cluster centralized logging and monitoring, and built-in alerting. * [KubeSail](https://kubesail.com) is an easy, free way to try Kubernetes. * [Madcore.Ai](https://madcore.ai) is devops-focused CLI tool for deploying Kubernetes infrastructure in AWS. Master, auto-scaling group nodes with spot-instances, ingress-ssl-lego, Heapster, and Grafana. * [Nutanix Karbon](https://www.nutanix.com/products/karbon/) is a multi-cluster, highly available Kubernetes management and operational platform that simplifies the provisioning, operations, and lifecycle management of Kubernetes. * [OpenShift Dedicated](https://www.openshift.com/dedicated/) offers managed Kubernetes clusters powered by OpenShift. * [OpenShift Online](https://www.openshift.com/features/) provides free hosted access for Kubernetes applications. * [Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)](https://docs.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/Content/ContEng/Concepts/contengoverview.htm) is a fully-managed, scalable, and highly available service that you can use to deploy your containerized applications to the cloud. * [Platform9](https://platform9.com/products/managed-kubernetes/) offers managed Kubernetes service that works on-premises or on any public cloud, with 99.9% SLA guarantee. * [Stackpoint.io](https://stackpoint.io) provides Kubernetes infrastructure automation and management for multiple public clouds. * [SysEleven MetaKube](https://www.syseleven.io/products-services/managed-kubernetes/) offers managed Kubernetes as a service powered on our OpenStack public cloud. It includes lifecycle management, administration dashboards, monitoring, autoscaling and much more. * [VEXXHOST](https://vexxhost.com/public-cloud/container-services/kubernetes/) VEXXHOST proudly offers Certified Kubernetes on their public cloud, which also happens to be the largest OpenStack public cloud in Canada. * [VMware Cloud PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-cloud-pks) is an enterprise Kubernetes-as-a-Service offering in the VMware Cloud Services portfolio that provides easy to use, secure by default, cost effective, SaaS-based Kubernetes clusters. ## Turnkey Cloud Solutions These solutions allow you to create Kubernetes clusters on a range of Cloud IaaS providers with only a few commands. These solutions are actively developed and have active community support. * [Agile Stacks](https://www.agilestacks.com/products/kubernetes) * [Alibaba Cloud](/docs/setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/) * [APPUiO](https://appuio.ch) * [AWS](/docs/setup/turnkey/aws/) * [Azure](/docs/setup/turnkey/azure/) * [CenturyLink Cloud](/docs/setup/turnkey/clc/) * [Conjure-up Kubernetes with Ubuntu on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) * [Containership](https://containership.io/containership-platform) * [Docker Enterprise](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-enterprise) * [Gardener](https://gardener.cloud/) * [Giant Swarm](https://giantswarm.io) * [Google Compute Engine (GCE)](/docs/setup/turnkey/gce/) * [IBM Cloud](https://github.com/patrocinio/kubernetes-softlayer) * [k3s](https://k3s.io) * [Kontena Pharos](https://kontena.io/pharos/) * [Kubermatic](https://cloud.kubermatic.io) * [Kublr](https://kublr.com/) * [Madcore.Ai](https://madcore.ai/) * [Nirmata](https://nirmata.com/) * [Nutanix Karbon](https://www.nutanix.com/products/karbon/) * [Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)](https://docs.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/Content/ContEng/Concepts/contengprerequisites.htm) * [Pivotal Container Service](https://pivotal.io/platform/pivotal-container-service) * [Platform9 Managed Kubernetes as a Service](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/) * [Rancher](https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/) * [Stackpoint.io](/docs/setup/turnkey/stackpoint/) * [Supergiant.io](https://supergiant.io/) * [VEXXHOST](https://vexxhost.com/private-cloud/) * [VMware Cloud PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-cloud-pks) * [VMware Enterprise PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-enterprise-pks) ## On-Premises turnkey cloud solutions These solutions allow you to create Kubernetes clusters on your internal, secure, cloud network with only a few commands. * [Agile Stacks](https://www.agilestacks.com/products/kubernetes) * [APPUiO](https://appuio.ch) * [Docker Enterprise](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-enterprise) * [Giant Swarm](https://giantswarm.io) * [GKE On-Prem | Google Cloud](https://cloud.google.com/gke-on-prem/) * [IBM Cloud Private](https://www.ibm.com/cloud/private) * [k3s](https://k3s.io) * [Kontena Pharos](https://kontena.io/pharos/) * [Kubermatic](https://www.loodse.com) * [Kublr](https://kublr.com/) * [Mirantis Cloud Platform](https://www.mirantis.com/software/kubernetes/) * [Nirmata](https://nirmata.com/) * [OpenShift Container Platform](https://www.openshift.com/products/container-platform/) (OCP) by [Red Hat](https://www.redhat.com) * [Pivotal Container Service](https://pivotal.io/platform/pivotal-container-service) * [Platform9 Managed Kubernetes as a Service](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/) * [Rancher](https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/) * [SUSE CaaS Platform](https://www.suse.com/products/caas-platform) * [SUSE Cloud Application Platform](https://www.suse.com/products/cloud-application-platform/) * [VMware Enterprise PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-enterprise-pks) ## Custom Solutions Kubernetes can run on a wide range of Cloud providers and bare-metal environments, and with many base operating systems. If you can find a guide below that matches your needs, use it. ### Universal If you already have a way to configure hosting resources, use [kubeadm](/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/) to bring up a cluster with a single command per machine. ### Cloud These solutions are combinations of cloud providers and operating systems not covered by the above solutions. * [Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR)](https://docs-cfcr.cfapps.io/) * [Gardener](https://gardener.cloud/) * [Kublr](https://kublr.com/) * [Kubernetes on Ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) * [Kubespray](/docs/setup/custom-cloud/kubespray/) * [Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)](https://github.com/rancher/rke) * [VMware Essential PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-essential-PKS) ### On-Premises VMs * [Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR)](https://docs-cfcr.cfapps.io/) * [CloudStack](/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/cloudstack/) (uses Ansible) * [Fedora (Multi Node)](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster/) (uses Fedora and flannel) * [Nutanix AHV](https://www.nutanix.com/products/acropolis/virtualization/) * [OpenShift Container Platform](https://www.openshift.com/products/container-platform/) (OCP) Kubernetes platform by [Red Hat](https://www.redhat.com) * [oVirt](/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/) * [Platform9 Managed Kubernetes as a Service](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/) works on any infrastructure: on-premises, bare metal, or private/hybrid cloud. * [VMware Essential PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-essential-PKS) * [VMware vSphere](https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere) * [VMware vSphere, OpenStack, or Bare Metal](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) (uses Juju, Ubuntu and flannel) ### Bare Metal * [Digital Rebar](/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/krib/) * [Docker Enterprise](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-enterprise) * [Fedora (Single Node)](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/fedora_manual_config/) * [Fedora (Multi Node)](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster/) * [k3s](https://k3s.io) * [Kubernetes on Ubuntu](/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/) * [Kubernetes on Ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) * [OpenShift Container Platform](https://www.openshift.com/products/container-platform/) (OCP) Kubernetes platform by [Red Hat](https://www.redhat.com) * [Platform9 Managed Kubernetes as a Service](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/) works on any infrastructure: on-premises, bare metal, or private/hybrid cloud. * [VMware Essential PKS](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-essential-PKS) ### Integrations These solutions provide integration with third-party schedulers, resource managers, and/or lower level platforms. * [DCOS](/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/) * Community Edition DCOS uses AWS * Enterprise Edition DCOS supports cloud hosting, on-premises VMs, and bare metal ## Table of Solutions Below is a table of all of the solutions listed above. IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt. | OS | Networking | Docs | Support Level -------------------- | ------------ | ------ | ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- Agile Stacks | Terraform | CoreOS | multi-support | [docs](https://www.agilestacks.com/products/kubernetes) | Commercial Alibaba Cloud Container Service For Kubernetes | ROS | CentOS | flannel/Terway | [docs](https://www.aliyun.com/product/containerservice) | Commercial any | any | multi-support | any CNI | [docs](/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/) | Project ([SIG-cluster-lifecycle](https://git.k8s.io/community/sig-cluster-lifecycle)) any | any | any | any | [docs](/docs/setup/release/building-from-source/) | Community ([@erictune](https://github.com/erictune)) any | any | any | any | [docs](http://docs.projectcalico.org/v2.2/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/) | Commercial and Community any | RKE | multi-support | flannel or canal | [docs](https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/quick-start-guide/) | [Commercial](https://rancher.com/what-is-rancher/overview/) and [Community](https://github.com/rancher/rancher) any | [Gardener Cluster-Operator](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/05/17/gardener/) | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://gardener.cloud) | [Project/Community](https://github.com/gardener) and [Commercial]( https://cloudplatform.sap.com/) AppsCode.com | Saltstack | Debian | multi-support | [docs](https://appscode.com/products/cloud-deployment/) | Commercial AWS | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](/docs/setup/turnkey/aws/) | Community AWS | Saltstack | Debian | AWS | [docs](/docs/setup/turnkey/aws/) | Community ([@justinsb](https://github.com/justinsb)) AWS | kops | Debian | AWS | [docs](https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/) | Community ([@justinsb](https://github.com/justinsb)) AWS | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) Azure | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) Azure (IaaS) | | Ubuntu | Azure | [docs](/docs/setup/turnkey/azure/) | [Community (Microsoft)](https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine) Azure Kubernetes Service | | Ubuntu | Azure | [docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/) | Commercial Bare-metal | custom | CentOS | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/centos/centos_manual_config/) | Community ([@coolsvap](https://github.com/coolsvap)) Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | _none_ | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/fedora_manual_config/) | Project Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster/) | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal)) Bare Metal | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) Bare-metal | custom | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | Community ([@resouer](https://github.com/resouer), [@WIZARD-CXY](https://github.com/WIZARD-CXY)) CloudStack | Ansible | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/cloudstack/) | Community ([@sebgoa](https://github.com/sebgoa)) DCOS | Marathon | CoreOS/Alpine | custom | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/dcos/) | Community ([Kubernetes-Mesos Authors](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos/blob/master/AUTHORS.md)) Digital Rebar | kubeadm | any | metal | [docs](/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/krib/) | Community ([@digitalrebar](https://github.com/digitalrebar)) Docker Enterprise | custom | [multi-support](https://success.docker.com/article/compatibility-matrix) | [multi-support](https://docs.docker.com/ee/ucp/kubernetes/install-cni-plugin/) | [docs](https://docs.docker.com/ee/) | Commercial Giant Swarm | | CoreOS | flannel and/or Calico | [docs](https://docs.giantswarm.io/) | Commercial GCE | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/coreos/) | Community ([@pires](https://github.com/pires)) GCE | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) GCE | Saltstack | Debian | GCE | [docs](/docs/setup/turnkey/gce/) | Project Google Kubernetes Engine | | | GCE | [docs](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/) | Commercial IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service | | Ubuntu | IBM Cloud Networking + Calico | [docs](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-container_index#container_index) | Commercial IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service | | Ubuntu | calico | [docs](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-container_index#container_index) | Commercial IBM Cloud Private | Ansible | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSBS6K/product_welcome_cloud_private.html) | [Commercial](https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/topic/0TO500000001o0fGAA/ibm-cloud-private?language=en_US&productId=01t50000004X1PWAA0) and [Community](https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSBS6K_3.1.2/troubleshoot/support_types.html) | Kublr | custom | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](http://docs.kublr.com/) | Commercial Kubermatic | | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](http://docs.kubermatic.io/) | Commercial KVM | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster/) | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal)) libvirt | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster/) | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal)) lxd | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) Madcore.Ai | Jenkins DSL | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](https://madcore.ai) | Community ([@madcore-ai](https://github.com/madcore-ai)) Mirantis Cloud Platform | Salt | Ubuntu | multi-support | [docs](https://docs.mirantis.com/mcp/) | Commercial Oracle Cloud Infrastructure | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) | | | multi-support | [docs](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/ContEng/Concepts/contengoverview.htm) | Commercial oVirt | | | | [docs](/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/) | Community ([@simon3z](https://github.com/simon3z)) Platform9 | | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/) | Commercial Rackspace | custom | CoreOS | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://developer.rackspace.com/docs/rkaas/latest/) | [Commercial](https://www.rackspace.com/managed-kubernetes) Red Hat OpenShift | Ansible & CoreOS | RHEL & CoreOS | [multi-support](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/architecture/networking/network_plugins.html) | [docs](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/welcome/index.html) | Commercial Stackpoint.io | | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://stackpoint.io/) | Commercial Vagrant | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](/docs/getting-started-guides/coreos/) | Community ([@pires](https://github.com/pires), [@AntonioMeireles](https://github.com/AntonioMeireles)) VMware vSphere | any | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-vsphere/tree/master/docs) | [Community](https://vmware.github.io/vsphere-storage-for-kubernetes/documentation/contactus.html) VMware vSphere | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel/calico/canal | [docs](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes/docs/quickstart) | [Commercial](https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes) and [Community](https://jujucharms.com/kubernetes) VMware Cloud PKS | | Photon OS | Canal | [docs](https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Kubernetes-Engine/index.html) | Commercial VMware Enterprise PKS | BOSH | Ubuntu | VMware NSX-T/flannel | [docs](https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Enterprise-PKS/) | Commercial VMware Essential PKS | any | multi-support | multi-support | [docs](https://cloud.vmware.com/vmware-essential-PKS) | Commercial ### Definition of columns * **IaaS Provider** is the product or organization which provides the virtual or physical machines (nodes) that Kubernetes runs on. * **OS** is the base operating system of the nodes. * **Config. Mgmt.** is the configuration management system that helps install and maintain Kubernetes on the nodes. * **Networking** is what implements the [networking model](/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/networking/). Those with networking type _none_ may not support more than a single node, or may support multiple VM nodes in a single physical node. * **Support Levels** * **Project**: Kubernetes committers regularly use this configuration, so it usually works with the latest release of Kubernetes. * **Commercial**: A commercial offering with its own support arrangements. * **Community**: Actively supported by community contributions. May not work with recent releases of Kubernetes. * **Inactive**: Not actively maintained. Not recommended for first-time Kubernetes users, and may be removed. * **Notes** has other relevant information, such as the version of Kubernetes used. [1]: https://gist.github.com/erictune/4cabc010906afbcc5061 [2]: https://gist.github.com/derekwaynecarr/505e56036cdf010bf6b6 [3]: https://gist.github.com/erictune/2f39b22f72565365e59b {{% /capture %}}