--- reviewers: - vishh - derekwaynecarr - dashpole title: Reserve Compute Resources for System Daemons --- {{< toc >}} Kubernetes nodes can be scheduled to `Capacity`. Pods can consume all the available capacity on a node by default. This is an issue because nodes typically run quite a few system daemons that power the OS and Kubernetes itself. Unless resources are set aside for these system daemons, pods and system daemons compete for resources and lead to resource starvation issues on the node. The `kubelet` exposes a feature named `Node Allocatable` that helps to reserve compute resources for system daemons. Kubernetes recommends cluster administrators to configure `Node Allocatable` based on their workload density on each node. ## Node Allocatable ```text Node Capacity --------------------------- | kube-reserved | |-------------------------| | system-reserved | |-------------------------| | eviction-threshold | |-------------------------| | | | allocatable | | (available for pods) | | | | | --------------------------- ``` `Allocatable` on a Kubernetes node is defined as the amount of compute resources that are available for pods. The scheduler does not over-subscribe `Allocatable`. `CPU`, `memory` and `ephemeral-storage` are supported as of now. Node Allocatable is exposed as part of `v1.Node` object in the API and as part of `kubectl describe node` in the CLI. Resources can be reserved for two categories of system daemons in the `kubelet`. ### Enabling QoS and Pod level cgroups To properly enforce node allocatable constraints on the node, you must enable the new cgroup hierarchy via the `--cgroups-per-qos` flag. This flag is enabled by default. When enabled, the `kubelet` will parent all end-user pods under a cgroup hierarchy managed by the `kubelet`. ### Configuring a cgroup driver The `kubelet` supports manipulation of the cgroup hierarchy on the host using a cgroup driver. The driver is configured via the `--cgroup-driver` flag. The supported values are the following: * `cgroupfs` is the default driver that performs direct manipulation of the cgroup filesystem on the host in order to manage cgroup sandboxes. * `systemd` is an alternative driver that manages cgroup sandboxes using transient slices for resources that are supported by that init system. Depending on the configuration of the associated container runtime, operators may have to choose a particular cgroup driver to ensure proper system behavior. For example, if operators use the `systemd` cgroup driver provided by the `docker` runtime, the `kubelet` must be configured to use the `systemd` cgroup driver. ### Kube Reserved - **Kubelet Flag**: `--kube-reserved=[cpu=100m][,][memory=100Mi][,][ephemeral-storage=1Gi]` - **Kubelet Flag**: `--kube-reserved-cgroup=` `kube-reserved` is meant to capture resource reservation for kubernetes system daemons like the `kubelet`, `container runtime`, `node problem detector`, etc. It is not meant to reserve resources for system daemons that are run as pods. `kube-reserved` is typically a function of `pod density` on the nodes. [This performance dashboard](http://node-perf-dash.k8s.io/#/builds) exposes `cpu` and `memory` usage profiles of `kubelet` and `docker engine` at multiple levels of pod density. [This blog post](http://blog.kubernetes.io/2016/11/visualize-kubelet-performance-with-node-dashboard.html) explains how the dashboard can be interpreted to come up with a suitable `kube-reserved` reservation. To optionally enforce `kube-reserved` on system daemons, specify the parent control group for kube daemons as the value for `--kube-reserved-cgroup` kubelet flag. It is recommended that the kubernetes system daemons are placed under a top level control group (`runtime.slice` on systemd machines for example). Each system daemon should ideally run within its own child control group. Refer to [this doc](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/node-allocatable.md#recommended-cgroups-setup) for more details on recommended control group hierarchy. Note that Kubelet **does not** create `--kube-reserved-cgroup` if it doesn't exist. Kubelet will fail if an invalid cgroup is specified. ### System Reserved - **Kubelet Flag**: `--system-reserved=[cpu=100mi][,][memory=100Mi][,][ephemeral-storage=1Gi]` - **Kubelet Flag**: `--system-reserved-cgroup=` `system-reserved` is meant to capture resource reservation for OS system daemons like `sshd`, `udev`, etc. `system-reserved` should reserve `memory` for the `kernel` too since `kernel` memory is not accounted to pods in Kubernetes at this time. Reserving resources for user login sessions is also recommended (`user.slice` in systemd world). To optionally enforce `system-reserved` on system daemons, specify the parent control group for OS system daemons as the value for `--system-reserved-cgroup` kubelet flag. It is recommended that the OS system daemons are placed under a top level control group (`system.slice` on systemd machines for example). Note that Kubelet **does not** create `--system-reserved-cgroup` if it doesn't exist. Kubelet will fail if an invalid cgroup is specified. ### Eviction Thresholds - **Kubelet Flag**: `--eviction-hard=[memory.available<500Mi]` Memory pressure at the node level leads to System OOMs which affects the entire node and all pods running on it. Nodes can go offline temporarily until memory has been reclaimed. To avoid (or reduce the probability of) system OOMs kubelet provides [`Out of Resource`](./out-of-resource.md) management. Evictions are supported for `memory` and `ephemeral-storage` only. By reserving some memory via `--eviction-hard` flag, the `kubelet` attempts to `evict` pods whenever memory availability on the node drops below the reserved value. Hypothetically, if system daemons did not exist on a node, pods cannot use more than `capacity - eviction-hard`. For this reason, resources reserved for evictions are not available for pods. ### Enforcing Node Allocatable - **Kubelet Flag**: `--enforce-node-allocatable=pods[,][system-reserved][,][kube-reserved]` The scheduler treats `Allocatable` as the available `capacity` for pods. `kubelet` enforce `Allocatable` across pods by default. Enforcement is performed by evicting pods whenever the overall usage across all pods exceeds `Allocatable`. More details on eviction policy can be found [here](./out-of-resource.md#eviction-policy). This enforcement is controlled by specifying `pods` value to the kubelet flag `--enforce-node-allocatable`. Optionally, `kubelet` can be made to enforce `kube-reserved` and `system-reserved` by specifying `kube-reserved` & `system-reserved` values in the same flag. Note that to enforce `kube-reserved` or `system-reserved`, `--kube-reserved-cgroup` or `--system-reserved-cgroup` needs to be specified respectively. ## General Guidelines System daemons are expected to be treated similar to `Guaranteed` pods. System daemons can burst within their bounding control groups and this behavior needs to be managed as part of kubernetes deployments. For example, `kubelet` should have its own control group and share `Kube-reserved` resources with the container runtime. However, Kubelet cannot burst and use up all available Node resources if `kube-reserved` is enforced. Be extra careful while enforcing `system-reserved` reservation since it can lead to critical system services being CPU starved or OOM killed on the node. The recommendation is to enforce `system-reserved` only if a user has profiled their nodes exhaustively to come up with precise estimates and is confident in their ability to recover if any process in that group is oom_killed. * To begin with enforce `Allocatable` on `pods`. * Once adequate monitoring and alerting is in place to track kube system daemons, attempt to enforce `kube-reserved` based on usage heuristics. * If absolutely necessary, enforce `system-reserved` over time. The resource requirements of kube system daemons may grow over time as more and more features are added. Over time, kubernetes project will attempt to bring down utilization of node system daemons, but that is not a priority as of now. So expect a drop in `Allocatable` capacity in future releases. ## Example Scenario Here is an example to illustrate Node Allocatable computation: * Node has `32Gi` of `memory`, `16 CPUs` and `100Gi` of `Storage` * `--kube-reserved` is set to `cpu=1,memory=2Gi,ephemeral-storage=1Gi` * `--system-reserved` is set to `cpu=500m,memory=1Gi,ephemeral-storage=1Gi` * `--eviction-hard` is set to `memory.available<500Mi,nodefs.available<10%` Under this scenario, `Allocatable` will be `14.5 CPUs`, `28.5Gi` of memory and `98Gi` of local storage. Scheduler ensures that the total memory `requests` across all pods on this node does not exceed `28.5Gi` and storage doesn't exceed `88Gi`. Kubelet evicts pods whenever the overall memory usage across pods exceeds `28.5Gi`, or if overall disk usage exceeds `88Gi` If all processes on the node consume as much CPU as they can, pods together cannot consume more than `14.5 CPUs`. If `kube-reserved` and/or `system-reserved` is not enforced and system daemons exceed their reservation, `kubelet` evicts pods whenever the overall node memory usage is higher than `31.5Gi` or `storage` is greater than `90Gi` ## Feature Availability As of Kubernetes version 1.2, it has been possible to **optionally** specify `kube-reserved` and `system-reserved` reservations. The scheduler switched to using `Allocatable` instead of `Capacity` when available in the same release. As of Kubernetes version 1.6, `eviction-thresholds` are being considered by computing `Allocatable`. To revert to the old behavior set `--experimental-allocatable-ignore-eviction` kubelet flag to `true`. As of Kubernetes version 1.6, `kubelet` enforces `Allocatable` on pods using control groups. To revert to the old behavior unset `--enforce-node-allocatable` kubelet flag. Note that unless `--kube-reserved`, or `--system-reserved` or `--eviction-hard` flags have non-default values, `Allocatable` enforcement does not affect existing deployments. As of Kubernetes version 1.6, `kubelet` launches pods in their own cgroup sandbox in a dedicated part of the cgroup hierarchy it manages. Operators are required to drain their nodes prior to upgrade of the `kubelet` from prior versions in order to ensure pods and their associated containers are launched in the proper part of the cgroup hierarchy. As of Kubernetes version 1.7, `kubelet` supports specifying `storage` as a resource for `kube-reserved` and `system-reserved`.