# i18n strings for the French (main) site. [deprecation_warning] other = " documentation non maintenue. Vous consultez une version statique. Pour une documentation à jour, veuillez consulter: " [objectives_heading] other = "Objectifs" [cleanup_heading] other = "Cleanup" [prerequisites_heading] other = "Pré-requis" [subscribe_button] other = "Souscrire" [whatsnext_heading] other = "A suivre" [feedback_heading] other = "Feedback" [feedback_question] other = "Cette page est elle utile ?" [feedback_yes] other = "Oui" [feedback_no] other = "Non" [latest_version] other = "dernière version." [version_check_mustbe] other = "Votre serveur Kubernetes doit être version " [version_check_mustbeorlater] other = "Votre serveur Kubernetes doit être au moins à la version " [version_check_tocheck] other = "Pour consulter la version, entrez " [caution] other = "Avertissement:" [note] other = "Note:" [warning] other = "Attention:" [main_read_about] other = "A propos" [main_read_more] other = "Autres ressources" [main_github_invite] other = "Souhaitez vous contribuer au code de Kubernetes ?" [main_github_view_on] other = "Voir sur GitHub" [main_github_create_an_issue] other = "Ouvrez un ticket" [main_community_explore] other = "Explorez la communauté" [main_kubernetes_features] other = "Fonctionnalités Kubernetes" [main_cncf_project] other = """Nous sommes un projet CNCF diplômé
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