--- title: Hello Minikube content_template: templates/tutorial weight: 5 menu: main: title: "Get Started" weight: 10 post: >
Ready to get your hands dirty? Build a simple Kubernetes cluster that runs "Hello World" for Node.js.
card: name: tutorials weight: 10 --- {{% capture overview %}} This tutorial shows you how to run a simple Hello World Node.js app on Kubernetes using [Minikube](/docs/setup/learning-environment/minikube) and Katacoda. Katacoda provides a free, in-browser Kubernetes environment. {{< note >}} You can also follow this tutorial if you've installed [Minikube locally](/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/). {{< /note >}} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture objectives %}} * Deploy a hello world application to Minikube. * Run the app. * View application logs. {{% /capture %}} {{% capture prerequisites %}} This tutorial provides a container image built from the following files: {{< codenew language="js" file="minikube/server.js" >}} {{< codenew language="conf" file="minikube/Dockerfile" >}} For more information on the `docker build` command, read the [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/). {{% /capture %}} {{% capture lessoncontent %}} ## Create a Minikube cluster 1. Click **Launch Terminal** {{< kat-button >}} {{< note >}}If you installed Minikube locally, run `minikube start`.{{< /note >}} 2. Open the Kubernetes dashboard in a browser: ```shell minikube dashboard ``` 3. Katacoda environment only: At the top of the terminal pane, click the plus sign, and then click **Select port to view on Host 1**. 4. Katacoda environment only: Type `30000`, and then click **Display Port**. ## Create a Deployment A Kubernetes [*Pod*](/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod/) is a group of one or more Containers, tied together for the purposes of administration and networking. The Pod in this tutorial has only one Container. A Kubernetes [*Deployment*](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/) checks on the health of your Pod and restarts the Pod's Container if it terminates. Deployments are the recommended way to manage the creation and scaling of Pods. 1. Use the `kubectl create` command to create a Deployment that manages a Pod. The Pod runs a Container based on the provided Docker image. ```shell kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=gcr.io/hello-minikube-zero-install/hello-node ``` 2. View the Deployment: ```shell kubectl get deployments ``` Output: ```shell NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE hello-node 1 1 1 1 1m ``` 3. View the Pod: ```shell kubectl get pods ``` Output: ```shell NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-node-5f76cf6ccf-br9b5 1/1 Running 0 1m ``` 4. View cluster events: ```shell kubectl get events ``` 5. View the `kubectl` configuration: ```shell kubectl config view ``` {{< note >}}For more information about `kubectl`commands, see the [kubectl overview](/docs/user-guide/kubectl-overview/).{{< /note >}} ## Create a Service By default, the Pod is only accessible by its internal IP address within the Kubernetes cluster. To make the `hello-node` Container accessible from outside the Kubernetes virtual network, you have to expose the Pod as a Kubernetes [*Service*](/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/). 1. Expose the Pod to the public internet using the `kubectl expose` command: ```shell kubectl expose deployment hello-node --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080 ``` The `--type=LoadBalancer` flag indicates that you want to expose your Service outside of the cluster. 2. View the Service you just created: ```shell kubectl get services ``` Output: ```shell NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE hello-node LoadBalancer