#!/bin/bash # set K8S_WEBSITE in your env to your docs website root # Note: website/content//docs CONTENT_DIR=${K8S_WEBSITE}/content # 16 langs # de en es fr hi id it ja ko no pl pt ru uk vi zh declare -a DIRS=("concepts" "contribute" "home" "reference" "setup" "tasks" "tutorials") declare -a EMPTY_STMTS=("body" "discussion" "lessoncontent" "overview" "steps") declare -a REPLACE_STMTS=("cleanup" "objectives" "options" "prerequisites" "seealso" "synopsis" "whatsnext") declare -a CONTENT_TYPES=("concept" "task" "tutorial" "tool-reference") END_CAPTURE="{{% \/capture %}}" CONTENT_TEMPLATE="content_template:" # replace or remove capture statements function replace_capture_stmts { echo "i:""$i" if [ -d "$1" ] ; then for i in `ls $1`; do replace_capture_stmts "${1}/${i}" done else if [ -f "$1" ] ; then ls -f $1 | while read -r file; do for stmt in "${EMPTY_STMTS[@]}" ; do CAPTURE_STMT="{{% capture ""$stmt"" %}}" COMMENT_REPLACE="" sed -i -e "s/${CAPTURE_STMT}/${COMMENT_REPLACE}/g" $1 done for stmt in "${REPLACE_STMTS[@]}" ; do CAPTURE_STMT="{{% capture ""$stmt"" %}}" HEADING_STMT="## {{% heading \"""$stmt""\" %}}\n" echo "HEADING STMT TO ADD:""$HEADING_STMT" sed -i -e "s/${CAPTURE_STMT}/${HEADING_STMT}/g" $1 done sed -i -e "s/${END_CAPTURE}//g" $1 # replace content_template: templates/ with # content_template: #sed -i -e "s/^${CONTENT_TEMPLATE}/# ${CONTENT_TEMPLATE}/g" $1 for t in "${CONTENT_TYPES[@]}" ; do sed -i -e "s/content_template:[[:space:]]*templates\/$t/content_type: $t/g" $1 done done else exit 1 fi fi } # change to docs content dir cd $CONTENT_DIR for langdir in `ls $CONTENT_DIR`; do # Testing with a couple of langs to start if [ $langdir = "en" ] ; then LANGDIR="$CONTENT_DIR""/""$langdir""/docs" for d in "${DIRS[@]}"; do ROOTDIR="${LANGDIR}""/""$d" cd ${ROOTDIR} for i in `ls ${ROOTDIR}`; do replace_capture_stmts "${ROOTDIR}""/""$i" done done fi done