# Credit to Julien Guyomard (https://github.com/jguyomard). This Dockerfile # is essentially based on his Dockerfile at # https://github.com/jguyomard/docker-hugo/blob/master/Dockerfile. The only significant # change is that the Hugo version is now an overridable argument rather than a fixed # environment variable. FROM alpine:latest MAINTAINER Luc Perkins RUN apk add --no-cache \ curl \ git \ openssh-client \ rsync \ build-base \ libc6-compat ARG HUGO_VERSION RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/src && \ cd /usr/local/src && \ curl -L https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-64bit.tar.gz | tar -xz && \ mv hugo /usr/local/bin/hugo && \ addgroup -Sg 1000 hugo && \ adduser -Sg hugo -u 1000 -h /src hugo WORKDIR /src EXPOSE 1313