--- title: Opening a pull request slug: new-content content_template: templates/concept weight: 10 card: name: contribute weight: 40 --- {{% capture overview %}} {{< note >}} **Code developers**: If you are documenting a new feature for an upcoming Kubernetes release, see [Document a new feature](/docs/contribute/new-content/new-features/). {{< /note >}} To contribute new content pages or improve existing content pages, open a pull request (PR). Make sure you follow all the requirements in the [Before you begin](/docs/contribute/new-content/overview/#before-you-begin) section. If your change is small, or you're unfamiliar with git, read [Changes using GitHub](#changes-using-github) to learn how to edit a page. If your changes are large, read [Work from a local fork](#fork-the-repo) to learn how to make changes locally on your computer. {{% /capture %}} {{% capture body %}} ## Changes using GitHub If you're less experienced with git workflows, here's an easier method of opening a pull request. 1. On the page where you see the issue, select the pencil icon at the top right. You can also scroll to the bottom of the page and select **Edit this page**. 2. Make your changes in the GitHub markdown editor. 3. Below the editor, fill in the **Propose file change** form. In the first field, give your commit message a title. In the second field, provide a description. {{< note >}} Do not use any [GitHub Keywords](https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-your-work-on-github/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue#linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue-using-a-keyword) in your commit message. You can add those to the pull request description later. {{< /note >}} 4. Select **Propose file change**. 5. Select **Create pull request**. 6. The **Open a pull request** screen appears. Fill in the form: - The **Subject** field of the pull request defaults to the commit summary. You can change it if needed. - The **Body** contains your extended commit message, if you have one, and some template text. Add the details the template text asks for, then delete the extra template text. - Leave the **Allow edits from maintainers** checkbox selected. {{< note >}} PR descriptions are a great way to help reviewers understand your change. For more information, see [Opening a PR](#open-a-pr). {{}} 7. Select **Create pull request**. ### Addressing feedback in GitHub Before merging a pull request, Kubernetes community members review and approve it. The `k8s-ci-robot` suggests reviewers based on the nearest owner mentioned in the pages. If you have someone specific in mind, leave a comment with their GitHub username in it. If a reviewer asks you to make changes: 1. Go to the **Files changed** tab. 2. Select the pencil (edit) icon on any files changed by the pull request. 3. Make the changes requested. 4. Commit the changes. If you are waiting on a reviewer, reach out once every 7 days. You can also post a message in the `#sig-docs` Slack channel. When your review is complete, a reviewer merges your PR and your changes go live a few minutes later. ## Work from a local fork {#fork-the-repo} If you're more experienced with git, or if your changes are larger than a few lines, work from a local fork. Make sure you have [git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) installed on your computer. You can also use a git UI application. ### Fork the kubernetes/website repository 1. Navigate to the [`kubernetes/website`](https://github.com/kubernetes/website/) repository. 2. Select **Fork**. ### Create a local clone and set the upstream 3. In a terminal window, clone your fork: ```bash git clone git@github.com//website ``` 4. Navigate to the new `website` directory. Set the `kubernetes/website` repository as the `upstream` remote: ```bash cd website git remote add upstream https://github.com/kubernetes/website.git ``` 5. Confirm your `origin` and `upstream` repositories: ```bash git remote -v ``` Output is similar to: ```bash origin git@github.com:/website.git (fetch) origin git@github.com:/website.git (push) upstream https://github.com/kubernetes/website (fetch) upstream https://github.com/kubernetes/website (push) ``` 6. Fetch commits from your fork's `origin/master` and `kubernetes/website`'s `upstream/master`: ```bash git fetch origin git fetch upstream ``` This makes sure your local repository is up to date before you start making changes. {{< note >}} This workflow is different than the [Kubernetes Community GitHub Workflow](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/guide/github-workflow.md). You do not need to merge your local copy of `master` with `upstream/master` before pushing updates to your fork. {{< /note >}} ### Create a branch 1. Decide which branch base to your work on: - For improvements to existing content, use `upstream/master`. - For new content about existing features, use `upstream/master`. - For localized content, use the localization's conventions. For more information, see [localizing Kubernetes documentation](/docs/contribute/localization/). - For new features in an upcoming Kubernetes release, use the feature branch. For more information, see [documenting for a release](/docs/contribute/new-content/new-features/). - For long-running efforts that multiple SIG Docs contributors collaborate on, like content reorganization, use a specific feature branch created for that effort. If you need help choosing a branch, ask in the `#sig-docs` Slack channel. 2. Create a new branch based on the branch identified in step 1. This example assumes the base branch is `upstream/master`: ```bash git checkout -b upstream/master ``` 3. Make your changes using a text editor. At any time, use the `git status` command to see what files you've changed. ### Commit your changes When you are ready to submit a pull request, commit your changes. 1. In your local repository, check which files you need to commit: ```bash git status ``` Output is similar to: ```bash On branch Your branch is up to date with 'origin/'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: content/en/docs/contribute/new-content/contributing-content.md no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ``` 2. Add the files listed under **Changes not staged for commit** to the commit: ```bash git add ``` Repeat this for each file. 3. After adding all the files, create a commit: ```bash git commit -m "Your commit message" ``` {{< note >}} Do not use any [GitHub Keywords](https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-your-work-on-github/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue#linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue-using-a-keyword) in your commit message. You can add those to the pull request description later. {{< /note >}} 4. Push your local branch and its new commit to your remote fork: ```bash git push origin ``` ### Preview your changes locally {#preview-locally} It's a good idea to preview your changes locally before pushing them or opening a pull request. A preview lets you catch build errors or markdown formatting problems. You can either build the website's docker image or run Hugo locally. Building the docker image is slower but displays [Hugo shortcodes](/docs/contribute/style/hugo-shortcodes/), which can be useful for debugging. {{< tabs name="tab_with_hugo" >}} {{% tab name="Hugo in a container" %}} 1. Build the image locally: ```bash make docker-image ``` 2. After building the `kubernetes-hugo` image locally, build and serve the site: ```bash make docker-serve ``` 3. In a web browser, navigate to `https://localhost:1313`. Hugo watches the changes and rebuilds the site as needed. 4. To stop the local Hugo instance, go back to the terminal and type `Ctrl+C`, or close the terminal window. {{% /tab %}} {{% tab name="Hugo on the command line" %}} Alternately, install and use the `hugo` command on your computer: 5. Install the [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) version specified in [`website/netlify.toml`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/website/master/netlify.toml). 6. In a terminal, go to your Kubernetes website repository and start the Hugo server: ```bash cd /website hugo server ``` 7. In your browser’s address bar, enter `https://localhost:1313`. 8. To stop the local Hugo instance, go back to the terminal and type `Ctrl+C`, or close the terminal window. {{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}} ### Open a pull request from your fork to kubernetes/website {#open-a-pr} 1. In a web browser, go to the [`kubernetes/website`](https://github.com/kubernetes/website/) repository. 2. Select **New Pull Request**. 3. Select **compare across forks**. 4. From the **head repository** drop-down menu, select your fork. 5. From the **compare** drop-down menu, select your branch. 6. Select **Create Pull Request**. 7. Add a description for your pull request: - **Title** (50 characters or less): Summarize the intent of the change. - **Description**: Describe the change in more detail. - If there is a related GitHub issue, include `Fixes #12345` or `Closes #12345` in the description. GitHub's automation closes the mentioned issue after merging the PR if used. If there are other related PRs, link those as well. - If you want advice on something specific, include any questions you'd like reviewers to think about in your description. 8. Select the **Create pull request** button. Congratulations! Your pull request is available in [Pull requests](https://github.com/kubernetes/website/pulls). After opening a PR, GitHub runs automated tests and tries to deploy a preview using [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/). - If the Netlify build fails, select **Details** for more information. - If the Netlify build succeeds, select **Details** opens a staged version of the Kubernetes website with your changes applied. This is how reviewers check your changes. GitHub also automatically assigns labels to a PR, to help reviewers. You can add them too, if needed. For more information, see [Adding and removing issue labels](/docs/contribute/review/for-approvers/#adding-and-removing-issue-labels). ### Addressing feedback locally 1. After making your changes, amend your previous commit: ```bash git commit -a --amend ``` - `-a`: commits all changes - `--amend`: amends the previous commit, rather than creating a new one 2. Update your commit message if needed. 3. Use `git push origin ` to push your changes and re-run the Netlify tests. {{< note >}} If you use `git commit -m` instead of amending, you must [squash your commits](#squashing-commits) before merging. {{< /note >}} #### Changes from reviewers Sometimes reviewers commit to your pull request. Before making any other changes, fetch those commits. 1. Fetch commits from your remote fork and rebase your working branch: ```bash git fetch origin git rebase origin/ ``` 2. After rebasing, force-push new changes to your fork: ```bash git push --force-with-lease origin ``` #### Merge conflicts and rebasing {{< note >}} For more information, see [Git Branching - Basic Branching and Merging](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging#_basic_merge_conflicts), [Advanced Merging](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Advanced-Merging), or ask in the `#sig-docs` Slack channel for help. {{< /note >}} If another contributor commits changes to the same file in another PR, it can create a merge conflict. You must resolve all merge conflicts in your PR. 1. Update your fork and rebase your local branch: ```bash git fetch origin git rebase origin/ ``` Then force-push the changes to your fork: ```bash git push --force-with-lease origin ``` 2. Fetch changes from `kubernetes/website`'s `upstream/master` and rebase your branch: ```bash git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master ``` 3. Inspect the results of the rebase: ```bash git status ``` This results in a number of files marked as conflicted. 4. Open each conflicted file and look for the conflict markers: `>>>`, `<<<`, and `===`. Resolve the conflict and delete the conflict marker. {{< note >}} For more information, see [How conflicts are presented](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-merge#_how_conflicts_are_presented). {{< /note >}} 5. Add the files to the changeset: ```bash git add ``` 6. Continue the rebase: ```bash git rebase --continue ``` 7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 as needed. After applying all commits, the `git status` command shows that the rebase is complete. 8. Force-push the branch to your fork: ```bash git push --force-with-lease origin ``` The pull request no longer shows any conflicts. ### Squashing commits {{< note >}} For more information, see [Git Tools - Rewriting History](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History), or ask in the `#sig-docs` Slack channel for help. {{< /note >}} If your PR has multiple commits, you must squash them into a single commit before merging your PR. You can check the number of commits on your PR's **Commits** tab or by running the `git log` command locally. {{< note >}} This topic assumes `vim` as the command line text editor. {{< /note >}} 1. Start an interactive rebase: ```bash git rebase -i HEAD~ ``` Squashing commits is a form of rebasing. The `-i` switch tells git you want to rebase interactively. `HEAD~}} For more information, see [Interactive Mode](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase#_interactive_mode). {{< /note >}} 2. Start editing the file. Change the original text: ```bash pick d875112ca Original commit pick 4fa167b80 Address feedback 1 pick 7d54e15ee Address feedback 2 ``` To: ```bash pick d875112ca Original commit squash 4fa167b80 Address feedback 1 squash 7d54e15ee Address feedback 2 ``` This squashes commits `4fa167b80 Address feedback 1` and `7d54e15ee Address feedback 2` into `d875112ca Original commit`, leaving only `d875112ca Original commit` as a part of the timeline. 3. Save and exit your file. 4. Push your squashed commit: ```bash git push --force-with-lease origin ``` ## Contribute to other repos The [Kubernetes project](https://github.com/kubernetes) contains 50+ repositories. Many of these repositories contain documentation: user-facing help text, error messages, API references or code comments. If you see text you'd like to improve, use GitHub to search all repositories in the Kubernetes organization. This can help you figure out where to submit your issue or PR. Each repository has its own processes and procedures. Before you file an issue or submit a PR, read that repository's `README.md`, `CONTRIBUTING.md`, and `code-of-conduct.md`, if they exist. Most repositories use issue and PR templates. Have a look through some open issues and PRs to get a feel for that team's processes. Make sure to fill out the templates with as much detail as possible when you file issues or PRs. {{% /capture %}} {{% capture whatsnext %}} - Read [Reviewing](/docs/contribute/reviewing/revewing-prs) to learn more about the review process. {{% /capture %}}