--- reviewers: - madhusudancs content_template: templates/task title: Set up Cluster Federation with Kubefed --- {{% capture overview %}} {{< note >}} {{< include "federation-current-state.md" >}} {{< /note >}} Kubernetes version 1.5 and above includes a new command line tool called [`kubefed`](/docs/admin/kubefed/) to help you administrate your federated clusters. `kubefed` helps you to deploy a new Kubernetes cluster federation control plane, and to add clusters to or remove clusters from an existing federation control plane. This guide explains how to administer a Kubernetes Cluster Federation using `kubefed`. > Note: `kubefed` is a beta feature in Kubernetes 1.6. {{% /capture %}} {{< toc >}} {{% capture prerequisites %}} {{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}} {{% /capture %}} {{% capture steps %}} ## Prerequisites This guide assumes that you have a running Kubernetes cluster. Please see one of the [getting started](/docs/setup/) guides for installation instructions for your platform. ## Getting `kubefed` Download the client tarball corresponding to the particular release and extract the binaries in the tarball: {{< note >}} **Note:** Until Kubernetes version `1.8.x` the federation project was maintained as part of the [core kubernetes repo](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes). Between Kubernetes releases `1.8` and `1.9`, the federation project moved into a separate [federation repo](https://github.com/kubernetes/federation), where it is now maintained. Consequently, the federation release information is available on the [release page](https://github.com/kubernetes/federation/releases). {{< /note >}} ### For k8s versions 1.8.x and earlier: ```shell curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/${RELEASE-VERSION}/kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -xzvf kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz ``` {{< note >}} **Note:** The `RELEASE-VERSION` variable should either be set to or replaced with the actual version needed. {{< /note >}} Copy the extracted binary to one of the directories in your `$PATH` and set the executable permission on the binary. ```shell sudo cp kubernetes/client/bin/kubefed /usr/local/bin sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubefed ``` ### For k8s versions 1.9.x and above: ```shell curl -LO https://storage.cloud.google.com/kubernetes-federation-release/release/${RELEASE-VERSION}/federation-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -xzvf federation-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz ``` {{< note >}} **Note:** The `RELEASE-VERSION` variable should be replaced with one of the release versions available at [federation release page](https://github.com/kubernetes/federation/releases). {{< /note >}} Copy the extracted binary to one of the directories in your `$PATH` and set the executable permission on the binary. ```shell sudo cp federation/client/bin/kubefed /usr/local/bin sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubefed ``` ### Install kubectl You can install a matching version of kubectl using the instructions on the [kubectl install page](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/). ## Choosing a host cluster. You'll need to choose one of your Kubernetes clusters to be the *host cluster*. The host cluster hosts the components that make up your federation control plane. Ensure that you have a `kubeconfig` entry in your local `kubeconfig` that corresponds to the host cluster. You can verify that you have the required `kubeconfig` entry by running: ```shell kubectl config get-contexts ``` The output should contain an entry corresponding to your host cluster, similar to the following: ``` CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * gke_myproject_asia-east1-b_gce-asia-east1 gke_myproject_asia-east1-b_gce-asia-east1 gke_myproject_asia-east1-b_gce-asia-east1 ``` You'll need to provide the `kubeconfig` context (called name in the entry above) for your host cluster when you deploy your federation control plane. ## Deploying a federation control plane To deploy a federation control plane on your host cluster, run [`kubefed init`](/docs/admin/kubefed_init/) command. When you use `kubefed init`, you must provide the following: * Federation name * `--host-cluster-context`, the `kubeconfig` context for the host cluster * `--dns-provider`, one of `'google-clouddns'`, `aws-route53` or `coredns` * `--dns-zone-name`, a domain name suffix for your federated services If your host cluster is running in a non-cloud environment or an environment that doesn't support common cloud primitives such as load balancers, you might need additional flags. Please see the [on-premises host clusters](#on-premises-host-clusters) section below. The following example command deploys a federation control plane with the name `fellowship`, a host cluster context `rivendell`, and the domain suffix `example.com.`: ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="google-clouddns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." ``` The domain suffix specified in `--dns-zone-name` must be an existing domain that you control, and that is programmable by your DNS provider. It must also end with a trailing dot. Once the federation control plane is initialized, query the namespaces: ```shell kubectl get namespace --context=fellowship ``` If you do not see the `default` namespace listed (this is due to a [bug](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/33292)). Create it yourself with the following command: ```shell kubectl create namespace default --context=fellowship ``` The machines in your host cluster must have the appropriate permissions to program the DNS service that you are using. For example, if your cluster is running on Google Compute Engine, you must enable the Google Cloud DNS API for your project. The machines in Google Kubernetes Engine clusters are created without the Google Cloud DNS API scope by default. If you want to use a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster as a Federation host, you must create it using the `gcloud` command with the appropriate value in the `--scopes` field. You cannot modify a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster directly to add this scope, but you can create a new node pool for your cluster and delete the old one. {{< note >}} **Note:** This will cause pods in the cluster to be rescheduled. {{< /note >}} To add the new node pool, run: ```shell scopes="$(gcloud container node-pools describe --cluster=gke-cluster default-pool --format='value[delimiter=","](config.oauthScopes)')" gcloud container node-pools create new-np \ --cluster=gke-cluster \ --scopes="${scopes},https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite" ``` To delete the old node pool, run: ```shell gcloud container node-pools delete default-pool --cluster gke-cluster ``` `kubefed init` sets up the federation control plane in the host cluster and also adds an entry for the federation API server in your local kubeconfig. {{< note >}} **Note:** In the beta release of Kubernetes 1.6, `kubefed init` does not automatically set the current context to the newly deployed federation. You can set the current context manually by running: ```shell kubectl config use-context fellowship ``` where `fellowship` is the name of your federation. {{< /note >}} ### Basic and token authentication support `kubefed init` by default only generates TLS certificates and keys to authenticate with the federation API server and writes them to your local kubeconfig file. If you wish to enable basic authentication or token authentication for debugging purposes, you can enable them by passing the `--apiserver-enable-basic-auth` flag or the `--apiserver-enable-token-auth` flag. ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="google-clouddns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --apiserver-enable-basic-auth=true \ --apiserver-enable-token-auth=true ``` ### Passing command line arguments to federation components `kubefed init` bootstraps a federation control plane with default arguments to federation API server and federation controller manager. Some of these arguments are derived from `kubefed init`'s flags. However, you can override these command line arguments by passing them via the appropriate override flags. You can override the federation API server arguments by passing them to `--apiserver-arg-overrides` and override the federation controller manager arguments by passing them to `--controllermanager-arg-overrides`. ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="google-clouddns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --apiserver-arg-overrides="--anonymous-auth=false,--v=4" \ --controllermanager-arg-overrides="--controllers=services=false" ``` ### Configuring a DNS provider The Federated service controller programs a DNS provider to expose federated services via DNS names. Certain cloud providers automatically provide the configuration required to program the DNS provider if the host cluster's cloud provider is same as the DNS provider. In all other cases, you have to provide the DNS provider configuration to your federation controller manager which will in-turn be passed to the federated service controller. You can provide this configuration to federation controller manager by storing it in a file and passing the file's local filesystem path to `kubefed init`'s `--dns-provider-config` flag. For example, save the config below in `$HOME/coredns-provider.conf`. ```ini [Global] etcd-endpoints = http://etcd-cluster.ns:2379 zones = example.com. ``` And then pass this file to `kubefed init`: ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="coredns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --dns-provider-config="$HOME/coredns-provider.conf" ``` ### On-premises host clusters #### API server service type `kubefed init` exposes the federation API server as a Kubernetes [service](/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) on the host cluster. By default, this service is exposed as a [load balanced service](/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer). Most on-premises and bare-metal environments, and some cloud environments lack support for load balanced services. `kubefed init` allows exposing the federation API server as a [`NodePort` service](/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#nodeport) on such environments. This can be accomplished by passing the `--api-server-service-type=NodePort` flag. You can also specify the preferred address to advertise the federation API server by passing the `--api-server-advertise-address=` flag. Otherwise, one of the host cluster's node address is chosen as the default. ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="google-clouddns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --api-server-service-type="NodePort" \ --api-server-advertise-address="" ``` #### Provisioning storage for etcd Federation control plane stores its state in [`etcd`](https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/). [`etcd`](https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/) data must be stored in a persistent storage volume to ensure correct operation across federation control plane restarts. On host clusters that support [dynamic provisioning of storage volumes](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#dynamic), `kubefed init` dynamically provisions a [`PersistentVolume`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistent-volumes) and binds it to a [`PersistentVolumeClaim`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) to store [`etcd`](https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/) data. If your host cluster doesn't support dynamic provisioning, you can also statically provision a [`PersistentVolume`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistent-volumes). `kubefed init` creates a [`PersistentVolumeClaim`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) that has the following configuration: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: annotations: volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class: "yes" labels: app: federated-cluster name: fellowship-federation-apiserver-etcd-claim namespace: federation-system spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi ``` To statically provision a [`PersistentVolume`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistent-volumes), you must ensure that the [`PersistentVolume`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistent-volumes) that you create has the matching storage class, access mode and at least as much capacity as the requested [`PersistentVolumeClaim`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims). Alternatively, you can disable persistent storage completely by passing `--etcd-persistent-storage=false` to `kubefed init`. However, we do not recommended this because your federation control plane cannot survive restarts in this mode. ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="google-clouddns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --etcd-persistent-storage=false ``` `kubefed init` still doesn't support attaching an existing [`PersistentVolumeClaim`](/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) to the federation control plane that it bootstraps. We are planning to support this in a future version of `kubefed`. #### CoreDNS support Federated services now support [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io/) as one of the DNS providers. If you are running your clusters and federation in an environment that does not have access to cloud-based DNS providers, then you can run your own [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io/) instance and publish the federated service DNS names to that server. You can configure your federation to use [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io/), by passing appropriate values to `kubefed init`'s `--dns-provider` and `--dns-provider-config` flags. ```shell kubefed init fellowship \ --host-cluster-context=rivendell \ --dns-provider="coredns" \ --dns-zone-name="example.com." \ --dns-provider-config="$HOME/coredns-provider.conf" ``` For more information see [Setting up CoreDNS as DNS provider for Cluster Federation](/docs/tasks/federation/set-up-coredns-provider-federation/). #### AWS Route53 support It is possible to utilize AWS Route53 as a cloud DNS provider when the federation controller-manager is run on-premise. The controller-manager Deployment must be configured with AWS credentials since it cannot implicitly gather them from a VM running on AWS. Currently, `kubefed init` does not read AWS Route53 credentials from the `--dns-provider-config` flag, so a patch must be applied. Specify AWS Route53 as your DNS provider when initializing your on-premise federation controller-manager by passing the flag `--dns-provider="aws-route53"` to `kubefed init`. Create a patch file with your AWS credentials: ```yaml spec: template: spec: containers: - name: controller-manager env: - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID value: "ABCDEFG1234567890" - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY value: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" ``` Patch the Deployment: ```shell kubectl -n federation-system patch deployment controller-manager --patch "$(cat .yml)" ``` Where `` is the name of the file you created above. ## Adding a cluster to a federation After you've deployed a federation control plane, you'll need to make that control plane aware of the clusters it should manage. To join clusters into the federation: 1. Change the context: ```shell kubectl config use-context fellowship ``` 1. If you are using a managed cluster service, allow the service to access the cluster. To do this, create a `clusterrolebinding` for the account associated with your cluster service: ```shell kubectl create clusterrolebinding -cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=@example.org --context= ``` 1. Join the cluster to the federation, using `kubefed join`, and make sure you provide the following: * The name of the cluster that you are joining to the federation * `--host-cluster-context`, the kubeconfig context for the host cluster For example, this command adds the cluster `gondor` to the federation running on host cluster `rivendell`: ```shell kubefed join gondor --host-cluster-context=rivendell ``` A new context has now been added to your kubeconfig named `fellowship` (after the name of your federation). {{< note >}} **Note:** The name that you provide to the `join` command is used as the joining cluster's identity in federation. This name should adhere to the rules described in the [identifiers doc](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/). If the context corresponding to your joining cluster conforms to these rules, you can use the same name in the join command. Otherwise, you must choose a different name for your cluster's identity. {{< /note >}} ### Naming rules and customization The cluster name you supply to `kubefed join` must be a valid [RFC 1035](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt) label and are enumerated in the [Identifiers doc](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/). Furthermore, federation control plane requires credentials of the joined clusters to operate on them. These credentials are obtained from the local kubeconfig. `kubefed join` uses the cluster name specified as the argument to look for the cluster's context in the local kubeconfig. If it fails to find a matching context, it exits with an error. This might cause issues in cases where context names for each cluster in the federation don't follow [RFC 1035](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt) label naming rules. In such cases, you can specify a cluster name that conforms to the [RFC 1035](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt) label naming rules and specify the cluster context using the `--cluster-context` flag. For example, if context of the cluster you are joining is `gondor_needs-no_king`, then you can join the cluster by running: ```shell kubefed join gondor --host-cluster-context=rivendell --cluster-context=gondor_needs-no_king ``` #### Secret name Cluster credentials required by the federation control plane as described above are stored as a secret in the host cluster. The name of the secret is also derived from the cluster name. However, the name of a secret object in Kubernetes should conform to the DNS subdomain name specification described in [RFC 1123](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123). If this isn't the case, you can pass the secret name to `kubefed join` using the `--secret-name` flag. For example, if the cluster name is `noldor` and the secret name is `11kingdom`, you can join the cluster by running: ```shell kubefed join noldor --host-cluster-context=rivendell --secret-name=11kingdom ``` {{< note >}} **Note:** If your cluster name does not conform to the DNS subdomain name specification, all you need to do is supply the secret name using the `--secret-name` flag. `kubefed join` automatically creates the secret for you. {{< /note >}} ### `kube-dns` configuration `kube-dns` configuration must be updated in each joining cluster to enable federated service discovery. If the joining Kubernetes cluster is version 1.5 or newer and your `kubefed` is version 1.6 or newer, then this configuration is automatically managed for you when the clusters are joined or unjoined using `kubefed join` or `unjoin` commands. In all other cases, you must update `kube-dns` configuration manually as described in the [Updating KubeDNS section of the admin guide](/docs/admin/federation/). ## Removing a cluster from a federation To remove a cluster from a federation, run the [`kubefed unjoin`](/docs/admin/kubefed_unjoin/) command with the cluster name and the federation's `--host-cluster-context`: ```shell kubefed unjoin gondor --host-cluster-context=rivendell ``` ## Turning down the federation control plane Proper cleanup of federation control plane is not fully implemented in this beta release of `kubefed`. However, for the time being, deleting the federation system namespace should remove all the resources except the persistent storage volume dynamically provisioned for the federation control plane's etcd. You can delete the federation namespace by running the following command: ```shell kubectl delete ns federation-system --context=rivendell ``` {{< note >}} **Note:** `rivendell` is the host cluster name. Replace that name with the appropriate name in your configuration. {{< /note >}} {{% /capture %}}