--- approvers: - chrismarino title: Romana for NetworkPolicy --- {% capture overview %} This page shows how to use Romana for NetworkPolicy. {% endcapture %} {% capture prerequisites %} Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the [kubeadm getting started guide](/docs/getting-started-guides/kubeadm/). {% endcapture %} {% capture steps %} ## Installing Romana with kubeadm Follow the [containerized installation guide](https://github.com/romana/romana/tree/master/containerize) for kubeadmin. ## Applying network policies To apply network policies use one of the following: * [Romana network policies](https://github.com/romana/romana/wiki/Romana-policies). * [Example of Romana network policy](https://github.com/romana/core/tree/master/policy). * The NetworkPolicy API. {% endcapture %} {% capture whatsnext %} Once your have installed Romana, you can follow the [Declare Network Policy](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy/) to try out Kubernetes NetworkPolicy. {% endcapture %} {% include templates/task.md %}