{% if command %} # {% if site.data.kubectl[command].name != "kubectl" %}kubectl {% endif %}{{ site.data.kubectl[command].name }} {{ site.data.kubectl[command].synopsis }} ## Description {{ site.data.kubectl[command].description }} {% if site.data.kubectl[command].options %} ## Options | Option | Shorthand | Default Value | Usage | |--------------------|---------------|-------|{% for option in site.data.kubectl[command].options %} | `{{option.name | strip}}` | {% if option.shorthand %}`{{ option.shorthand | strip }}`{% endif %} | {% if option.default_value %}`{{option.default_value| strip}}`{% endif %} | {% if option.usage %}{{option.usage| strip | replace:'|',', '}}{% endif %} |{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if site.data.kubectl[command].inherited_options %} ## Inherited Options | Option | Shorthand | Default Value | Usage | |--------------------|---------------|-------|{% for option in site.data.kubectl[command].inherited_options %} | `{{option.name | strip}}` | {% if option.shorthand %}`{{ option.shorthand | strip }}`{% endif %} | {% if option.default_value %}`{{option.default_value| strip}}`{% endif %} | {% if option.usage %}{{option.usage| strip | replace:'|',', '}}{% endif %} |{% endfor %} {% endif %} ## See also {% for seealso in site.data.kubectl[command].see_also %} - [`{{ seealso }}`](/docs/kubectl/{% if seealso != "kubectl" %}kubectl_{{seealso}}{% endif %}) {% endfor %} {% else %} {% include templates/_errorthrower.md missing_block='command' heading='kubectl (command)' purpose='names the kubectl command, so that the appropriate YAML file (from _data/kubectl) can be transformed into a page.' %} {% endif %}