* Add microk8s to foundational.md
Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster.
* Update foundational.md
Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now?
* Rewrote first paragraph
And included a bullet list of features of microk8s
* Copyedit
* Add microk8s to pick-right-solution.md
Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions.
* capitalized Istio
* add Jaguar project description
[Jaguar](https://gitlab.com/sdnlab/jaguar) is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight.
Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod.
* Minor newline tweak
added powershell equivalent for eval $(minikube docker-env), and added some text to help a beginner understand in more concrete terms the difference between the local docker registry, and the one in minikube (might only be an issue for newbs, but I am a newb :) and limited to powershell :().
* improved and updated rollout history information
* minor change, manifest.yaml > manifest
* tweaks to the change-cause section
* annotation command typo
* redundancy fix
* removing the --record flag as it may be misleading
* resolve some semantics around ABAC and RBAC
some minor tweaks for readability.
* Update abac.md
* Update abac.md
* Update abac.md
* Update abac.md
* Update abac.md
We have a redirect, so these links aren't broken, but we shouldn't
rely on the redirect - that ends up with long chains of complicated
redirects and makes validating the markdown harder.
* Capitalized "Pod" in multiple locations
This style guide states to always capitalize Pod, but in the next section it was written in lowercase in a couple places. I've capitalized them.
* Capitalized two additional instances of "Pod" as recommended by @neolit123
[Jaguar](https://gitlab.com/sdnlab/jaguar) is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight.
Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod.
StatefulSet deletion does not have any guarantees of orderly termination of pods as is suggested by the documentation. Prior to 1.11 kubectl did scale down StatefulSets before deleting them, but this went away after the removal of reapers. Ref discussion in #68627.
This change updates the documentation to reflect this.
Wording is confusing to beginners - in the sentence before, it is just being explained that containers in the same pod are indeed run on the same physical host. Hopefully this clarifies that.
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