* 'master' of https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io:
whatisk8s - Chinese version (#3243)
split rows and nest to stack columns (#4129)
Updates to docs/admin/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping (#3617)
Replace "Pod Injection Policy" with "Pod Preset" (#3667)
Change example PersistentVolumeClaim
add PodNodeSelector to admission-controllers (#3691)
Get pods using a label selector instead of hardcoded indexes. Use JsonPath instead of go-template.
correct_init_container_state (#3972)
kubernetes.github.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster: operating etcd clusters
Remove --no-check-certificate flag in bare_metal_offline.md
This adds the annotation for having the podpreset admission controller
to skip (opt-out) manipulating the pod spec.
Also, the annotation format for what presets have acted on a pod has
been modified to add a prefix of "podpreset-". The new naming makes it such
that there is no chance of collision with the newly introduced opt-out
annotation (or future ones yet to be added).
Opt-out annotation PR: