* Corrects procedure to get tab completion on Mac
Tab completion only requires the installation of bash-completion and sourcing the bash_completion script.
Installing bash-completion@2 doesn't work and source <(kubectl completion bash) is no longer necessary in the .bash_profile.
* Removed reference to other methods that don't work
* Update install-kubectl.md
Added a step under the sections that guide the user to install the binary using curl on the OS. This is the same format maintained by the other section on this page.
I thought this organization would give the users a better idea of what method to select based on the OS they use.
Initially, I was a wee bit confused when I saw how to Install kubectl binary with curl on the Mac OS and then another section on how to install Kubectl on the Mac OS.
Now, I moved the content under the $subject to the respective OS section.
P.S: I am still in the process of testing out the steps. :)
* [WIP] Clean up kubectl install page
Fixes issue #13577
* Update install-kubectl.md
Addresses @zacharaysarah and @jaredbhatti's comments.
Minor language Improvements:
- Deleted unnecessary adverbs
- Used fewer words where possible
Next pass will include deeper edits, with careful attention to the kubectl autocompletion section
* Update install-kubectl.md
* Fix Markdown on documentation for install-kubectl
Section modified: "Install with Powershell from PSGallery"
* Update install-kubectl.md
* Feedback from PR review with gramamtically incorect sentence and markdown rendering in install-kubectl.md
Update install-kubectl.md
Update install-kubectl.md
Update install-kubectl.md
Update install-kubectl.md
The explanation to setup auto completion of zsh with Oh-My-Zsh is correct, however the example code is incorrectly mentioned as `source <(kubectl completion zsh)`. This pull request updates it to `plugins=(kubectl)`
Also, if the kubernetes.list does not exist you will not be able to edit it, so adding touch and then add the line will prevent errors with installing via apt-get.
This commit adds a missing closing capture and puts "## Install kubectl" inside the relevant capture.
Note that the missing close was also missing before Hugo-migration, so the section ordering is still not the same as the Jekyll version of the site. But I think it is more corret.
Note that content outside the capture template blocks, is included as defined is this template:
See #8277