* secrets: add a best practices section and API access recommentations
This section attempts to capture some of the best practices around
client API access to secrets. Specitically that controllers should
avoid list and watch operations in favor of getting specific secrets.
* add "are"
* Update link to Adding ImagePullSecrets to a service account
* Link to appropriate docs for Automatic Mounting of Manually Created Secrets
* Replace here w/ title of pages
When -w option is not available for base64, for example, when using alpine Docker image.
`echo -n "<text>" | base64 | tr -d '\n'` should be used, it works better.
- Pods do not start with missing ConfigMaps or Secrets
- Pods do not start with missing keys in ConfigMaps or Secrets
- Pods start with invalid keys when referring to entire ConfigMaps or
Secrets. An event documents the skipped keys from said resource.