The term "`MutatingAdmissionWebhooks`" has no special meaning in the
docs. It is misleading because readers may think of it as the name of a
resource or field, or the name of the corresponding admission
controller. However, the name of the admission controller is in
singular. This PR proposes a change to avoid such misunderstandings.
* Update
Update from ReplicationController and rolling-update to ReplcaSet and Deployment rollout
* Update
Remove reference to deployment
Since we now generate the kubectl doc for each release, it is no longer necessary to use the old redirects. Cleaning up the references throughout the documents.
* Added IPv6 info to kube-proxy arguments
* Added IPv6 related printouts for kubectl commands
* revert
* revert
* revert to ba7c300
* revert to 08af95d
* Update
As part of a docs sprint in Melbourne I made a very initial pass at trying to tidy this up a little, I would like to have done much much more, but it's a start…
* Updates from feedback
* Format markdown
* FInal tidy
* Update
Added kubectl and Minikube to the word list. Please review.
* Update
Added Persistent Volumes and Salt to the word list. Please review.
* Update
removed PersistentVolumes and Salt from the list
So far we have been running tests against the master branch of
kubernetes/kubernetes. This is creating quite some problems because the
master branch is always moving. We are actually checking the YAML files
against a version between 1.10 and 1.11.
This PR is attempting to fix the problem by checking out the
'release-1.10' branch before running the tests. We are supposed to
change the branch to be used when release-1.11 is out. With this PR
(hopefully it works), we will only need to fix the gate every time a new
release is out.
The current title "CoreOS on AWS or GCE" is misleading because the page
actually contains information about many ways to run Kubernetes. When
the page is referenced from the navigation panel, the title becomes very
Closes: #711
* Typo fix in
does not exists->does not exist
does not contains->does not contain
* Update
an an->an
* Update
* Update a note indicating current state of federation V1
* change horizontal line to <br>
* edit note
* capitalize Kubernetes
* <br> unnecessary w/ note callout
* Clarify that node anti-affinity can be achieved using node taints
The current text may have pre-dated the node taints feature, so it says that no such concept exists, when it actually does now.
* add "to"
Replace double-quote with single-quote for terminal commands.
Although the strings in the examples work fine, users who with randomly generated passwords may have character strings that cause strange behaviors with double-quotes. Using single-quotes prevents this.
Example of a command that causes odd behaviors with double-quotes:
echo -n "RandPasswordr3!$#$3aR" | base64
This example has a series of special characters that some terminals try to interpret and replace with other text.