Make the 'trademark usage page' a hyperlink, thus removing the display of the raw URL (and condensing the footer from three lines to two.)
I assume there is some legalese reason why this has to be on Every Page, but other Collaborative Projects don't have it at all.
This replaces the two buttons on the right of the footer.
It does not seem like is useful to anyone. Replacing it with the
installation guide and avoiding K8s abbreviation in these buttons.
Signed-off-by: Ahmet Alp Balkan <>
- Change "Kubernetes", which is not a thing you can assign copyright to, to "The Kubernetes Authors", in line with comments in source files. This may or may not be more appropriate to assign copyright to CNCF.
- Add link to LICENSE with CC BY SA text, which will only be true when #1763 is merged.
- I don't think you'll like the CSS, but without the 'light-text' tag you get a blue/purple link.
The previous link now has scary language in a big font, along with a membership requirement. That page does _mention_ kubernetes-users but it does not link to said group. This fixes both of those problems.