When the namespace name only contains number, such as "10", the pod can't be created in this kind of namespace, the pod will be put in default namespace.
Former: The namespace name may contain a maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters and dashes (-) , can not contain capital letters.
Now: The namespace name may contain a maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters and dashes (-) but can not contain capital letters.
1. Namespace can not contain capital letter.
2. For service, internal endpoints for cluster connections and external endpoints for external users. Here, it lost "external".
I installed gcr.io/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.5.0. When I deploy a containerized app through dashboad ui, the appname can be "dxltest1" . The "dxltest1" can be deployed successfully. so the appname can be end with a number.