* Make navigation and UI strings i18n friendly
This commit
* Extracts most UI strings into i18n bundles so they can be translated
* Makes a proper Hugo menu out of the hardcoded menu that is shown on smaller screens
* Changes the language selector logic to navigate to the current page in the other language if possible (e.g. the translation). If not possible, it takes you to the home page for that language.
For testing, this commit also adds Norwegian as a new language. This is turned off.
* Make the home page into reusable and translatable blocks
This commit adds a set of block type shortcodes that is then used to build the home page.
* These shortcodes gets common image resources from a new headless bundle. These resources can be inherited or overridden by translations.
* The hardcoded case studies section on the home page is replaced with a query and a loop.
* The hardcoded feature list on the home page is replaed qith a query and a loop.
* Change product name
From IBM Cloud Container Service to IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
* Adding IKS to the table of solutions
Not sure about where in the table it should be placed. The note said,
“The above table is ordered by version test/used in nodes, followed by
support level.”
* Adding IKS to Cloud Providers page
* Adding IBM Cloud Container Registry to private registry topic
* Updating language on cloud provider page
* Revising text for the registry entry
* Specifying that it's calico network policies
The original doc contained "type: fast" which means the volume type
"fast" should exist on OpenStack/Cinder side.
However there is not any standard volume type name and most people
face the StorageClass issue when specifying this volume type.
In addition, the issue is hard to be debugged because the error
message which explains the nonexistent volume type is not output
on debugging information. Then external cloud-provider-openstack
doesn't contain the volume type "fast" today as [1].
This removes it for avoiding confusions for users who still use
the deprecated internal provisioner.
[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/examples/persistent-volume-provisioning/cinder/cinder-storage-class.yaml
* Format security note with proper callout
The information about security of ssh keys might benefit from standing out more. Thus included it in a caution shortcode. Formatting is now more aligned with the style guide.
* close caution tag
* Prevent hugo's wrong yaml rendering
* moved a couple of yaml descriptions to examples directory
* remove command prompt
* split each code snippet into command and output
* revert newline character
* add new test in examples_test.go
* change kind to ResourceQuota from List
* revert using examples/quota-objects-priority.yaml
* fix indent number
* unify file extension to yaml
* Added shortcode callouts and removed future tense
* Added colons according to the style guide
* Add a few more copyedits
@cody-clark inspired me. More to do, but progress is being made!
The ordered list of content under "Creating a Deployment" was not ordered as per the example. Since it was confusing to search for the meaning around, I reordered the content.
Replaced "we" with "you" as per the style guide.