* New getting started blog post
I'd like to submit a blog post for the kubernetes.io blog targeted to people just getting started with Kubernetes. I myself am still new to it but want to start writing more to share what I am learning and help others along the way. My point of view is a little different than most people who post on the kubernetes.io blog since I am an independent consultant and I also work mostly with Microsoft products - so some of my resources are from Microsoft which seems rare for some reason in most Kubernetes blog posts I find on the web.
* Added the images and changed md for path
I added the image files and changed the paths in the markdown to /static/images/blog/...
* fix path
* Added date to header
Added a date to get it on netlify preview
* made changes
* Update and rename get-started-with-kubernetes-using-python.md to 2019-07-23-get-started-with-kubernetes-using-python.md