* add pod preset page for language/id
* fix formatting
* fix typos and wording
* fix formatting and add few missed lines
* fix note formatting
* add Garbage Collection page in Bahasa Indonesia and minor fix on Pod Preset page
* remove replication.yaml
* add controllers/replicaset.yaml to example
* fix formatting error
* change dependent to dependen and fix note translation
* delete trailing space in heading
* Translate Disruptions docs to Indonesian
* Several changes regarding reviews:
- Use underscore for italic
- Italicize "cloud"
- Consistency of Disrupsi and Gangguan -> Use Disrupsi instead
- Change "usir" to italicized "evict"
- Change "pengontrol" to "pengendali"
- Change "kuras" to "drain"
- Emphasize first mention of disrupsi with bold instead
- Some typo and standard words fixes
- Fixes a potentially fatal translation of "hosting provider"
- From "penyedia layanan cloud" to "penyedia layanan Kubernetes
* menambahkan page pod overview
* finishing pod overview translate
* fix typo
* Change some words with suggest from reviewer
* fix typo and other for Pod Overview
* fix formatting issue